Rogue Angel
Any chance this might be looked at again soon? Clans are in such need of an update, esp on this front! In my clan we start everyone off as admin (for ava use), and have had quite a few probs with permissions because of this, permissions that are not currently changeable.
For example, anyone is able to take people off the ban list, and there appears to be nothing i can do about it, and last night a new recruit edited all of our permissions before being kicked.
I feel we shouldn't have any systems inbuilt like this, but chose our own levels for everything, or at least be able to chose at what level we can allow people to summon avatars
Just my thoughts if this does come back into fruition lol
Admins are able to change the vex, kick anyone a lower rank then them, rank people up and down, and edit the ban list. The thing is, we can do NOTHING about it. If the clan permission rewrite was introduced, it would fix ALL of the above problems, but sadly it'll never happen at this point.
I Am Patrick, Founder And Leader Of The Mighty
Defenders Of Gielinor!
Follow me on Twitter @The_Paddyman
People often ask if I'm Irish. I'm descended from them, but... not really, no. I hope I will be one day!