Jagex has limited resources and they are obviously going to prioritse their dev time on content that they think is most worthwhile. Without changing their view on clans, we can probably expect to wait a very long time for an update. I argue that at some point, you have to decide what is more important to you and your clan. Whether that is clan updates or other content is not for me to say, but I was under the impression you were unhappy with their lack of attention to clans. As long as people do nothing to change the situation, why would it change? We keep trying to raise the concerns on CLF, but change doesn't seem like it's coming, that is why I suggest we try to push for other channels of communication. Asking people to eg support a Runelabs idea isn't that time consuming?
Runelabs is just one way to go about it, though. Another way is that we take matters into our own hands and develop third-party solutions, but we would need a bit of leniency on their TOS for some features (e.g. auto moderation comparable to whitelisting). Such leniency is unlikely to happen because of the controversy with traditional bots. That aside, we would never get actual clan content, like a new plot at the citadel.
Here are some features that a very simple lobby bot could have:
• Avatar tracking (who has an avatar, on which world and when it was summoned)
• CC moderation (eg a toggle to auto kick f2p guests if they are not on a whitelist)
• Citadel cap tracking (ie keeping track of who has capped each week)
Basically anything that has clan broadcast messages. The biggest problem with a bot like this is that it would eat a considerable chunk of memory and CPU to run the java client and needs an x window. It is by no means unreasonable to make, though.
26-Oct-2015 16:34:59