Mod Matthe
We do not intend to allow Ironmen to use Avatars - taking apart the Avatar to allow Ironmen to use Avatars without breaching the design requirements around Ironmen would be extremely complicated and not something we would look to do.
Ceecs - leader of Ceecs Clan
Rank in Star Find, Harmed Ore, Beach FC | Ex-Rank in Fast SC
Ceecs Clan: DUTCH ONLY RS3 clan & Winner of the Iron Skilled Cup 2015!
Mod Matthe
Hares are running around the fields around my house!
Official jmod response indicating that
has a soul!!
, Calm wasn't referring to you at all by the way, so don't fret cus it was my fault
Don't *ever* hesitate to ask questions in the CLF, because this is a safe learning environment, even if sometimes that isn't obvious because the internet and lack of tone.
China even called me and said they wanted their wall back, and demanded to purchase Jagex as reparations.
Btw the quote might imply that the hares are too agile for Matt to pulverise with his banhammer, but suggesting he has a soul is a bit of a stretch..
is the good cop? Or is she the cute but evil type of squirrel, and MattHe is actually the Severus Snape character?
I'm a CLF newb so I haven't seen anyone get in trouble yet, lol. I don't even know if this very post is controversial, for being so meta, but understanding our HLF curators is important in understanding jmod feedback, and how to or how not to respond to feedback that's disagreed with.
tl;dr: How do we stomach "rejection" when we receive disappointing jmod feedback, but still let on that we're not giving up, and that something is still a really good idea?
Thinking outside the box for a moment
Matt would you consider releasing those trapped by Clan Owners who pop into lobby or game for flash periods to retain
- allow in special circumstance a new Clan to be formed that carries with it the Citadel / avatars etc of the old Clan (after all it is the Clan members who worked so hard to achieve this - not the Clan Owner.
- this would not be a way for a break away group gaining a quick start. Only through application, a proven pattern of neglect from the Clan Owner and any other criteria you wish to make.
- This would allow the Clan 'Owner' to have their Clan and the real healthy playing Clan to move on.
That is not something we have any tools to support. The current Inactive Clan Owner removal is done manually through a clan data direct editing and there is no way we would be happy attempting to construct a citadel artificially in the same way.
We would prefer to put in place an inactive clan owner system, accessible to players, but that is not currently a high priority given the relatively low number of cases it applies in.
tl;dr: How do we stomach "rejection" when we receive disappointing jmod feedback, but still let on that we're not giving up, and that something is still a really good idea?
Unless the feedback gives absolutely no scope for the idea at all, it may still be worth trying to gain support for the idea after a JMod posts since they ultimately spend their time developing what they feel has the best cost-benefit and gaining more support does increase the benefit side of most issues.
is the good cop? Or is she the cute but evil type of squirrel, and MattHe is actually the Severus Snape character?
Who knows...?
All the CLF has managed to uncover is that it's generally a bad idea to:
1 - Twiddle Matt's moustache
2 - Touch Maz's acorns
3 - Touch Matt's banhammer
4 - Speak ill of any gentlesquirrel decreasing order of hideous repercussion
Btw it's probably best to continue this in the lounge thread
Calm Enigma
Allow clans to sign up more than 2 representatives to the CLF:
13-Apr-2015 10:23:30
Original message details are unavailable.
We will not be adding more representatives - 2 is plenty for each Clan to put their viewpoint across. If you wish to add more views from your clan then you can rotate membership between some notables for example. The more we would open it up the more difficult polling and administration would become.
Is there anyway to request a change in clan representatives? I have had a look throughout the forums but a little unfamiliar with them (trying to get better).