Zyphix, as I've said to Bresmine (since you're quoting her and not providing an answer significantly different from hers), some people lose all of their time and XP in a clan for whatever reason - be it, hacked, phished, temp-banned and/or false kicked, etc, and in turn, no longer feel the same about their previous clan and/or clan's in general. In my OP example, this player feels really down about the entire situation and the game as a whole. He's lost his time and XP in the clan, despite rejoining immediately. He's considered quitting.
Is a 7-day grace period really asking that much? Someone who's been in a clan 2 years and has a lapse of judgement, they were falsely kicked, hacked, or whatever, should not result in them losing all of their time and XP in the clan and wanting to quit the game or remain clanless.
Thanks for posting your opinion anyways, but I simply can't relate to your reasons for not supporting. I would love to hear a good argument for the latter, but until then I will continue hoping this gets implemented into the game.
"Why are you posting threads, asking questions and making discussion???"
All I do anymore is fish - 2017