
Clan List Logger

Quick find code: 86-87-226-65189098

Feb Member 2017


Posts: 9,319 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Subzero said :
Bug Report

If a Clanmate changes their name, the script will display that they have left your clan when in fact they're still there under a different name.


The Cold One
Leader of Incursione

I'm afraid that's a limitation of the spreadsheet at the moment.

For now the spreadsheet is sort of like a basic reference tool which makes it easier to administrate changes. Detecting name changes isn't easy but it's on my to-do list. I'm trying to improve it in many ways so it can be the main tool rather than as a reference. The concept I have includes customizable columns and an improved interface along with other improvements .

There's no straightforward way to track name changes, and name changes also make other things a bit more challenging, but with some brainstorming and testing I should have a reliable system that works smoothly with name changes.

Thanks for being patient, I hope displaying it as leavers and joiners doesn't cause too much confusion. In future there will likely be a name change column.

the Blue
// @BlastytheBlue // Blasty#5167
| Co-owner of Mine Nation

26-Oct-2013 10:57:09

Feb Member 2017


Posts: 9,319 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
That sounds strange, if someone changes their name it should show that they leave as their previous name name and join as their new name in the same update.

Could you please check whether the player has appeared in both columns under the two names so I know if there might be a different bug? :)

the Blue
// @BlastytheBlue // Blasty#5167
| Co-owner of Mine Nation

26-Oct-2013 12:33:29

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