
ClanLabs Thread is locked

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Sep Member 2010


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Add your ideas, support with bumps! The most useful/in-demand submitted to RuneLabs and displayed in Post 2 & 3 until they are integrated into the game.
Clan Permission ReWrite! idea=8420


14 Mar 2015

Zyphix said :

Please do NOT post responses. Check the listings (Post 2 & 3) to see if a suggestion that exists resolves what you intend to suggest! The most in-demand requests for features are listed among their respective section.

In Development

Items which have an update to address them will now be removed from the main post and appended to this post. Click "said" for more.

J-Mod Notices

NO Citadel Expansion

Original message details are unavailable.
Mod Timbo said :
Are there any plans to add new plots/content to the Citadel?
There are no current plans to add more skilling plots to the citadel although as with any plans this may change. There are plans to add something to the Citadel, the Clan Mascots [Avatars], but it will used outside of the Citadel.
Original message details are unavailable.
Lots of people have asked for this but both new tiers and new plots would require a complete rework of the Citadel code - it itself being the largest project we have run in at least 5 years. With our current commitments resource wise this seems highly unlikely in the foreseeable future.
NO Text Entry

Original message details are unavailable.
It's mainly to do with data storage and offensive messages. It's more efficient to store things as integers than strings; a template can be encoded into integers [and] also a team to monitor it and a method of reporting.
Void Nation
20+ Veteran
Balance is Eternal

JAGeX Verified Clan Site:

30-Nov-2012 22:47:05 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2015 01:06:02 by Zyphix

Sep Member 2010


Posts: 3,919 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

idea=28944 · As Cosmetic Overrides Mod Matthe said :
The Clan Cloak will become a Cosmetic Override
Original message details are unavailable.
The clan cloak override is already on the list. The clan armour would require more graphics resources than we currently have access to, but that's not to say it won't happen in the future.

idea=28946 · Clan Logo Expansion
idea=28947 · Clan hood and Clan Vet Capes
idea=28953 · Clan rank on Vex [7]


· Clan Permission Settings ReWrite
idea=28953 · Alphabetise names in Clan Settings and Chat properly
idea=28953 · Let all ranks sort member list by rank [19]


idea=8420 · Two abilities (Coordinator+): 'mute' + 'Temp Kick' for unruly players [3] Mod Matthe said :
Clan Mute has long been on our list and is something we are actively working on - we'll be rooting through the rest of Clan Permissions Rewrite to find individual features that we can develop independently.

idea=28953 · Move Coin/Lootshare to CC [5]
idea=28953 · Special Guest List [12][18]


idea=28958 · Location Select upon returning to RS overworld [5]
idea=28958 · Allow Owner to 'Lock' and 'Unlock' Citadel Portal [10]


idea=28958 · Avatar Habitat Settings Upgrade
idea=28958 · Require half of max resource cap to utilize Buffs the following week [8]
idea=28958 · 'Anagogic Orts' accumulated via a point system
idea=28958 · Add 'Tether to Vex' follower option [6]
idea=28958 · Allow quick-change of in-use buff using Obelisks


idea=28958 · Allow Owner/Deputy
idea=28958 · Add category headers, stickies, bbcode
Void Nation
20+ Veteran
Balance is Eternal

JAGeX Verified Clan Site:

30-Nov-2012 22:47:13 - Last edited on 15-Mar-2015 00:15:17 by Zyphix



Posts: 3,794 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A list of resources gathered - since Jagex have said we can't check resources unless on the same world - I'd like it to be found in the citadel somewhere, more than likely with the guy you get the rings off. A list of those that have visited and how much resources they have gathered will help clans see where they need to improve on to get people to visit the citadel on a weekly basis. This character has been poor since his creation in June 2005.
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01-Dec-2012 06:24:29

Zammy Elites

Zammy Elites

Posts: 2,827 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
#1 Insight Venture Partners to stop micro managing a Game Company that created this in the first place.

#2 Start listening to your customer base instead of finding ways to make a fast buck at our expense and to your ultimate demise.

#3 Reverse EOC and tweak Combat instead of changing something that wasn't broken to begin with.

#4 JaGex staff members to Unionize and take control of the company "YOU BUILT".

#5... Fix the freekn Lag why don't ya?

15+ Veteran
<~=~=~=~ Zammy Elites ~=~=~=~>
DNA Master cc - OSRS

01-Dec-2012 09:45:02 - Last edited on 01-Dec-2012 10:02:12 by Zammy Elites

Sep Member 2010


Posts: 3,919 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Aaron PHS
Since server/name server space and hosting is a technical issue, I've chosen not to include it above. It has less to do with the ableness of JAGeX on the programming/client side, and more to do with limitations.

Great. This is coming along nicely.
Your ideas have somehow been incorporated.
Keep'm coming. :)
Void Nation
20+ Veteran
Balance is Eternal

JAGeX Verified Clan Site:

01-Dec-2012 18:02:40 - Last edited on 12-Dec-2012 01:31:36 by Zyphix

Lord Jaws

Lord Jaws

Posts: 862 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

- Add more features. Perhaps a new tier, more to do in the citadel and so on. Our clan has built the most, and there's only some statues and such left before we've done everything.


- Let us give permission to people under the admin ranks to summon the avatar. I don't really see why we shouldn't.

Clan Chat:

- More ranks, preferaly lower ranks. That'd be very helpful for us.

01-Dec-2012 22:33:01

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