Add your ideas, support with bumps! The most useful/in-demand submitted to RuneLabs and displayed in Post 2 & 3 until they are integrated into the game.
Clan Permission ReWrite! idea=8420
14 Mar 2015
Zyphix said :
Please do NOT post responses. Check the listings (Post 2 & 3) to see if a suggestion that exists resolves what you intend to suggest! The most in-demand requests for features are listed among their respective section.
In Development
Items which have an update to address them will now be removed from the main post and appended to this post. Click "said" for more.
J-Mod Notices
NO Citadel Expansion
Original message details are unavailable.
Mod Timbo said :
Are there any plans to add new plots/content to the Citadel?
There are no current plans to add more skilling plots to the citadel although as with any plans this may change. There are plans to add something to the Citadel, the Clan Mascots [Avatars], but it will used outside of the Citadel.
Original message details are unavailable.
Lots of people have asked for this but both new tiers and new plots would require a complete rework of the Citadel code - it itself being the largest project we have run in at least 5 years. With our current commitments resource wise this seems highly unlikely in the foreseeable future.
NO Text Entry
Original message details are unavailable.
It's mainly to do with data storage and offensive messages. It's more efficient to store things as integers than strings; a template can be encoded into integers [and] also a team to monitor it and a method of reporting. Clan:
Void Nation
20+ Veteran
Balance is Eternal
JAGeX Verified Clan Site:
30-Nov-2012 22:47:05 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2015 01:06:02 by Zyphix