
ClanLabs Thread is locked

Quick find code: 86-87-169-64122638



Posts: 1,415 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
in that case i have another suggestion, well sort of a rant too :P

Jagex should definitely change or remove the citadel visitor count because it is illogical and it holds many clans back. It makes no sense that you need to have a certain amount of players visit the citadel each week because the upkeep usually only needs a handful of players to max instead of the amount needed to visit for the upkeep. Usually these clans have enough members that do citadel work to get the resources for the next tier but the visit count usually doesn't allow them to advance. Why would it matter how many people visit the citadel when the clan already has gotten all the resources? Exactly it doesn't. The idea of a visitor count was a horrible idea to begin with.

A few suggestions to fix this would be:
-completely remove the visitor count

-Allow citadel resources for the next tier to stack each week until the clan reaches all the resources needed. Then the clan would only need to get the amount of visitors needed for the next tier only once after they have all the resources instead of having to get it each week consecutively without failing otherwise they would lose all the resources (Major flaw).

-Simply lower the visitor count needed to upgrade. (especially in tier 6 because you have to get 50 members to visit when the upkeep is only 25)

03-Jan-2013 00:44:39



Posts: 3,794 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zypher, can I expand on your idea of more clan icons with the following icons I've just made up?

- A-Z (There's already R & S, so finish the rest of it off please?)
- The Numbers 0-9 (Keep the Roman Numeral ones, but add in the ones we all use on a daily basis)
- Alternate Skill Icons for Skills (Fishing Rod for Fishing for example)
- Minigame Icons (FoG, SC, SW etc)
- Being able to input Hexadecimal/RGB Numbering for the colours as an alternative of the current way! (For Precision Colouring)
- A Blank Icon, for those who want to have a blank spot on their capes instead of having to resort to using the colour black and using the Guthix symbol!
- More God Icons (Apmeken, Scabaras etc)
- More Rare Items icons (Santa Hat, Fish Mask etc)
- Smiley Emoticons such as : ), : (, : P, : D etc..
- Holiday themed icons (Halloween, Easter, Christmas etc)
- More animal icons (Cows, Ducks, Rabbits etc)
- City/Region Icons (can be taken from the Lodestone Icons)
- PoP Icon of a BOAT! ( Just a simple boat icon c: )
This character has been poor since his creation in June 2005.
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05-Jan-2013 05:14:40 - Last edited on 05-Jan-2013 06:42:51 by fAIL gRAMMAR



Posts: 3,794 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
· Clan member names need to be alphabetised, in settings and in the Clan Chat. Also, currently, any names beginning in lower-case, are displayed as almost a 2nd list under names that are properly capitalized. This should be rectified. Add this QFC to that line: 86-87-607-63699533

· Add an icon next to a player's name with a currently active/summoned avatar. Add QFC: 86-87-82-64006840 to that line.

Add this suggestion the List under "Clan Chat" or "Citadel" - QFC: 86-87-575-64173496

Add that the Clan Vex is bugged requiring any offhand to fix it from default colouring to assigned colouring by clans. QFC: 86-87-374-64170747

· In this new "Kick Log", include extended Blacklist of ex-clan members.
(Thus removing the in-game blacklist.) Add this QFC to that line: 86-87-140-64073023

Add in "themes" for citadels (such as snow, desert etc) - QFC: 86-87-35-63490139

Add in changing the visitor count needed for upkeep using this QFC: 86-87-395-63560520
This character has been poor since his creation in June 2005.
1 Like = 1 GP / 1 Share = 10 GP

05-Jan-2013 06:07:00



Posts: 11,155 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
All I really care about is limiting kicks to clan owner and allowing admins to temp kick ONLY. If some ass of an admin kicks your clan there is no point having the rest. A log would be nice in the meantime if the permissions are too "difficult" to fix. I mean we have only been asking for this major FIX since clan tools came out.

Everyday Jagex pushes this fix to the back of their development list more clans are being screwed up by this insane permissions thing.

05-Jan-2013 07:42:53

Psyop Egirl
Jun Member 2023

Psyop Egirl

Posts: 4,033 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I agree with daisy, admins are for administrative things like regulating clanmates etc, not regulating clan avatars, and since their abilities over lap clans are forced to give admin ranks to players they want just as wardens and not admins. its a shame imo

05-Jan-2013 10:16:41

Iron Faery
Jul Member 2007

Iron Faery

Posts: 2,474 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Some things should be added for sure
• Clan Citadel
· Firemaking skillspots higher tiers design.

Find out what you can do with it:
- make it customisable and allow us to use lower tier design?
- redesign it?
- make fm xp better that everyone ignores design issue?

I see here are more things that have been asked many times and should be added.

05-Jan-2013 15:58:25

Sep Member 2010


Posts: 3,919 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I've opted to NOT highlight your QFC linking post, as it is technically thread derailment. I've decided to leave it there however, for reference, if anyone would like to check those out. I won't be adding them as 'important' to this thread (for now, or until I've personally examined them, which I don't plan to do immediately), as this thread is intended to be a comprehensive list unto-itself - thus the collection of CORE needs/wants, NOT an advertisement of what nit-picky things players want. This thread is to 'sort' through the rubbish and extract the important things.
Void Nation
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05-Jan-2013 19:14:42



Posts: 1,415 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zypher maybe you could add some of those nit-picky things in the reserved spot as things that people would like to see happen but not necessarily things that need to happen, so we don't end up losing those ideas. After all this is a wish list not a need list :P . Just a suggestion but i can understand if you don't want to :) .

06-Jan-2013 01:16:07

That Bear
Jul Member 2008

That Bear

Posts: 2,240 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
More icons.
Citadel themes/skins
A farming plot. ( I can wish right)
Fealty on member list page
Recruit counter on member list page
Avatar make over... they are ugly, I want a giant bear <.<

I'll think of more later.

06-Jan-2013 01:42:55

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