Zypher, can I expand on your idea of more clan icons with the following icons I've just made up?
- A-Z (There's already R & S, so finish the rest of it off please?)
- The Numbers 0-9 (Keep the Roman Numeral ones, but add in the ones we all use on a daily basis)
- Alternate Skill Icons for Skills (Fishing Rod for Fishing for example)
- Minigame Icons (FoG, SC, SW etc)
- Being able to input Hexadecimal/RGB Numbering for the colours as an alternative of the current way! (For Precision Colouring)
- A Blank Icon, for those who want to have a blank spot on their capes instead of having to resort to using the colour black and using the Guthix symbol!
- More God Icons (Apmeken, Scabaras etc)
- More Rare Items icons (Santa Hat, Fish Mask etc)
- Smiley Emoticons such as : ), : (, : P, : D etc..
- Holiday themed icons (Halloween, Easter, Christmas etc)
- More animal icons (Cows, Ducks, Rabbits etc)
- City/Region Icons (can be taken from the Lodestone Icons)
- PoP Icon of a BOAT! ( Just a simple boat icon c: )
This character has been poor since his creation in June 2005.
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05-Jan-2013 05:14:40
- Last edited on
05-Jan-2013 06:42:51