Right. Because text without any hint of emotion is difficult to decipher. Absolutely. But even if I had put an emote there, it would have probably been...
Please do NOT post responses...
focus on the ideas themselves ONLY. Thank you.
Owkay, willdo
It's because of me, isn't it? I know. And shhh... It's OK.
No derailing plz
Just read trough everything
I really like a lot of the ideas, Big suport for all ideas and this thread.
The friendlist idea would be aweome if something like that could be implemented.
I'm wondering if it would ever be possible to visit 2 clanchats. Im not sure theres much clans out there that needed to expand to a 2nd clan.
Once u kinda forced to do that due to the limit of clanmembers, you limit yourself to only be in 1 clan to chat, because technicly ur in 2 clans then.
Being able to visit a 3rd clan would be an awesome feature.
Proud Co-Owner of the
Not very urgent or important, but a deep personal wish for years now:
A statue of Hazelmere !
In general, more choice in decorating the Citadel.
More statues/bushes of wise, charming, inspiring and epic nps and creatures.
I have been awaiting the new batches that never came since Citadels came out.