
ClanLabs Thread is locked

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Oct Member 2005


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The one and in my mind only priority should be to make our clans safe from admins+ destroying or seriously hurting them.
My 1 and a half year old thread on this had a new example in it again recently.. and that is only the tip of the iceberg that actually posts in it.
Many owners make their own posts or non at all.

If we get to also have other things, I would like the Clancloak to be added to the dragon keepsake box, It would be great if we and our our members could 'wear' it permanently ( after they finally fix it ).

Bumps 'Please fix clanmanagement' are greatly appreciated.. but if it helps..

06-Jan-2013 11:53:40

Charm Quark

Charm Quark

Posts: 4,873 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Not sure if this has been suggested before, but it just occurred to me so I thought I'd throw it out there. I don't usually give technically intensive suggestions, but I think this one would be worth the trouble.

When kicking members from the clan, instead of having them immediately and completely removed, instead put them in a "limbo" phase for 24 hours. Members of a high enough rank (which owner can adjust) have the ability to reinstate a member who is in limbo, who then returns to clan with fealty, xp gained, rank, etc. intact. A member who is in limbo would have the same permissions as a guest.

Aside from the obvious benefit of drastically reducing the risk of a rogue admin destroying the clan, this also means that an unruly clanmember could be temporarily kicked, and then reinstated again once tempers have cooled, with no harm done! Two birds with one stone!

10-Jan-2013 23:39:23

Sep Member 2010


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Those QFC's are not neccessarily THE origin of those ideas contained within, nor are the neccessarily posted and shared by the 'creator' of the idea. I'm sure you agree that anyone and everyone CAN and often does, have similar, and with these, the exact same idea - repetitively on these forums and elsewhere on the interwebs. This is the primary reason I will not 'marquee' or advertise nor otherwise give extra 'attention' to those threads. I don't deny they may have value either, and that's why I allow them to remain, for what they're worth to you for sharing them.

So long as those 'nity-picky' ideas are being suggested within this thread, they won't be lost. I regularly backup my important threads. And I don't anticipate this one deteriorating where it magically disappears anytime soon from the RS forums. Appreciate your enthusiam for archiving and data preservation though.

@Claus o_O
Yes, of course. The 'guideline' for posting in this thread is on Page 1, of course. I've just asked vigorously that people suggest their deepest desires for clan updates, and restrain themselves from responding to other suggestions from other players, so as to keep things moving in the most possible fluent manner.
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11-Jan-2013 03:27:03

Jan Member 2005


Posts: 4,899 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Unsure if it's been mentioned already, but some sort of activity counter that shows us when members were last active (e.g. last logged on, last were in clan chat, etc.) and the ability to have ranks automatically change based on activity.

This would enable clans who aren't in need of space to have an 'inactive' rank. We currently have one in my clan, although manually going through names and asking "has anyone seen X lately?" is tedious and inaccurate, which reflects on the ranks.

Not sure how possible this would be, and if Jagex are worried about being able to check when players last logged in, simply a 'last entered clan chat' would work, but we have no real method of checking this currently.

11-Jan-2013 08:10:26

Charm Quark

Charm Quark

Posts: 4,873 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Yeah, good point...If a permanent log is not possible, then in the case of my suggested system perhaps members in limbo would be tagged somehow with the name of the person who kicked them. For instance, when going to reinstate them, the confirmation message could read "Are you sure you wish to reinstate xxx? This member was kicked by yyy."

11-Jan-2013 14:37:53

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