Not sure if this has been suggested before, but it just occurred to me so I thought I'd throw it out there. I don't usually give technically intensive suggestions, but I think this one would be worth the trouble.
When kicking members from the clan, instead of having them immediately and completely removed, instead put them in a "limbo" phase for 24 hours. Members of a high enough rank (which owner can adjust) have the ability to reinstate a member who is in limbo, who then returns to clan with fealty, xp gained, rank, etc. intact. A member who is in limbo would have the same permissions as a guest.
Aside from the obvious benefit of drastically reducing the risk of a rogue admin destroying the clan, this also means that an unruly clanmember could be temporarily kicked, and then reinstated again once tempers have cooled, with no harm done! Two birds with one stone!
10-Jan-2013 23:39:23