.........Work or lead in clans. I presume if someone doesn't fulfill their duties, they don't keep their rank anyway right? Moreover many genuine ranks are happy to trial or work up to their desired station, besides getting it right off the bat.
In addition, what's your fear? Everyone will demand Ava warden? The Avatar rework is supposedly incoming at some point, and even if it never happens, dozens of clans offer Perm Admin to everyone. Making this myth very shaky.
Myth #3:
New clans won't form cause established clans will steal everyone.
Also not true, sure some will prefer established clans. But this is a good thing! How? Let me elaborate.
Most people actually looking to Found a new clan are truly, wanting, a new clan or a clan of their own. And will 90% of the time politely decline the offers of an established and even large clan.
Some also don't want the hassle of a new clan, they just felt ignored, or were directly ignored, I their old one. They may found a clan, but will eventually grow despondent due to the quiet times, lack of members, huge workload...and leave. Leaving the other founders dangling.
This is why most "established" clans go looking in fact. They are new or just starting out, and people up and bail. It's borderline cruel, but it just is. So they go back to where it began, and are silenced by Moderators. Because they are now an
To say nothing of dead clans attempting to recover or rebuild.
In theory, I think it would reveal more earnest members for any select clan. Those that are serious about founding, and those who feel broken and don't know what they want.
This will also reveal founder trolls. Those that help found purely to cause havoc and leave.