Here are some other clues, and their approx locs:
Goblin Village may activate a "located around the Ice Mountain region." - I found the ghost about 2 mins after I received the clue while it appeared to be just coming out of the village.
Both the Relleka and Lighthouse spawn points activates "between Fremenik and barbarians".
Both the Lumber Yard and Digsite spawn points activates "located in the north of the kingdom of Misthalin"
Draynor Manor spawn activates "located around a village betwen a great tower and a vampyre's manor"
Mining Camp spawn activates "in the north of the Kharidian desert"
Smokey Well spawn activates "located in south of the Kharidian desert"
North Ardougne spawn activates "located north of Ardougne"
Wizards Tower spawn activates "located in the north of the Kharidian desert". The "... where wizard's study" clue is still active, and the border between that and the north Kharidian desert clue appears to be a few steps north of the wiz toewr spawn point.
East Karamja and Central Karamja spawns activate "located deep in the jungle" clues still. Not sure about msp point.
Al Kharid spawn point activates "located around the Al Kharid region, north of Shantay Pass"
Eagles Peak spawn still activates "where eagles fly"
McGrubor's Wood spawn activates "located in the east of the kingdom of Kandarin."
Gnome Maze spawn activates "south of Ardougne" still
Musa Point spawn activates "located where banana smugglers dwell" still.
Zanaris spawn activates "located in the fairy realm." still.
Witchaven spawn still activates "located near the coast, east of Ardougne" clue. This appears to go right up to legends guild, and on water east of legends guild.
14-Sep-2020 15:57:51