
Penguin & Ghost Clues

Quick find code: 75-76-470-58336674

Sep Member 2005


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/ /\ Clue analysis of the week - v182 on Penguin Locations thread - on post 2.6 /\ \
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Week of 4 roamers and lots of confusing clues.

Eagels Peak, Cw and Feldip all start from west and may get stuck in any of the western self traps.
Feldip being spawn closest to Oo'glog bloulder trap (near some ogres) is most likely to be found there, but Cw is spawning close also so and they may bump each other out if they both are on the area.
Eagles is most likely to be found from Seers area taps, anvil or churchyard (somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin), from Catherby docks (near a mountain of wolves) or from Keep Le Faye (on coast west of Ardougne).
Like always, western roamers may corss each others paths and they may cross White Wolf Mountains to east.
Eastern Burthorpe is spawning inside a self trap, on path to Death Plateau (where Imperial Guard train), so it will in most worlds be found in there. It may also have company from other roamers if they cross White Wolf Mountains and head north.
Other eastern self traps for possible roamers are at bridge to Falador castle (in the kingodm of Asgarnia), area east of Draynor Manor (in the kingdom of Misthalin) and at a blue urn on hill south of Digsite (in the kindom of Misthalin).

All 4 possible clues of Gnome Stronghold are also possible for roamers:
"near a big tree surrouned by short people"
"somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin"
"north or Ardougne"
"around Ardougne"
Port Phasmatys activates "where bloodsuckers rule" wich hides a penguin by Temple of Paterdomus and on the very east edge of Digsite by river.

Team Penguin

18-Feb-2012 08:15:13

Sep Member 2005


Posts: 7,611 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ouch, missed last week totally :(
(ö)> .................................................................................................. <(ö)
/ /\ Clue analysis of the week - v184 on Penguin Locations thread - on post 2.6 /\ \
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Week of 4 roamers. Feldip and Gnome Maze from southwest, Rellakka from north and Mudskipper from southeast will occupy many of the self traps.
Feldip most likely will be found in Oo'glog boulder trap (near some ogres). Rellakka heads eventually south and has Seers anvil and churchyard (somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin), Catherby dock (near a mountain of wolves) and Keep Le Faye (on coast, west of Ardougne) to choose form. Gnome Maze may start either north or south and will be competing with the others from all traps.
Mudskipper on east has closest traps in Falador by the bridge to castle (in the kingdom of Asgarnia) and east of Draynor manor (in the kindom of Misthalin). If it ends up in Digsite it may get stuck by the Blue Urn (in the kingdom of Misthalin).
All of these may also find their way to Death Plateau (where Imperial Guard train).

This weeks umbrella clues are activated by Wilderness and Morytanian penguins but also by Mage Training Arena and southern desert penguin.
-- by Wilderness wall and north of Black Knights Fortress will hide under "in the Wilderness" clue
-- at Temple of Paterdomus and on east edge of Digsite by river will hide under " where bloodsuckers rule"

Team Penguin

04-Mar-2012 10:58:02

Sep Member 2005


Posts: 7,611 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
v184 continuing
Weeks special umbrella is "in the kingdom of Misthalin"

MTA penguin may activate it if west of Al Kharid bank, at north fence of Al Kharid, at fence northwest of MTA and also by fence and east of it at northeast of MTA.
MTA may it self hide under "where bloodsuckers rule" if on Polypore island or a bit west of the birdge.
It may also hide under "in the southern desert" if inside Shantay Pass.
Southern desert penguin may hide under "in the northern desert" when northeast of Shantay Pass and on the northern end of desert east of River Elid.

Team Penguin

04-Mar-2012 11:03:30

Sep Member 2005


Posts: 7,611 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(ö)> .................................................................................................. <(ö)
/ /\ Clue analysis of the week - v185 on Penguin Locations thread - on post 2.6 /\ \
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Week of 5 roamers and new areas opnened between Elven lands and South of Ardougne clue area.

This new area is yet without music and penguin there activates "somewhere in RuneScape" clue. Border between "somewhere in RuneScape" and "South of Ardougne" is same as between "North of Ardougne" and "around Ardougne" -- 0'16'' west / 0'15'' west.

Western penguins are Piscatoris, Nw Ardougne, Observatory and Barbarian Outpost. Western penguins have now a new self trap to get in to. It is on the new area west of hill giants at Observatory respawn spot. This trap is on "somewhere in RuneScape" clue area. Also old western traps may be in heavy use with 4 western roamers.
Eastern Ice Mountain has several traps in east, most likely ones being trap by the bridge to Fally Castle and East of Draynor Manor area.

Piscatoris, Nw Ardy and Observatory are all likely to activate "somewhere in RuneScape" on their journeys. Observatory, being so close to the new self trap, may find its way in it on several worlds and change "somewhere in RuneScape" clue from rare to common. This would be intersting to check if only I would find time.

Another intersting and confusing clue will be "somehwere in the kingdom of Kandarin". It is the major cue for Barbarian Outpost penguin untill it roams to Ardougne, Catherby, Legends Guild or west over river towards Gnome Stronghold. It is also activated on Piscatoris area, at north, east and south of Falconry.

I also got confirmation of one of the small clue areas being still there. "In the frozen wastes" clue was activated today, but unfortunately I had no way to get to the High Wildy in time to try to catch the peng. Nice to know it exists.

Team Penguin

08-Mar-2012 19:05:37

Shady Guy

Shady Guy

Posts: 5,994 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Haven't posted in here in a while, do miss helping out on important stuff like clues, the pattern, multi-traps, etc.
I'm sad to see that 'in the ghost town' disappeared. Clues east of Paterdomus have always been shifting oddly.
I always like reading your weekly updates to penguin migrations, they tend to be really well done, probably after years of practice. Also a great reminder of how penguins were in the times before I even spied a single one.
Finally, *wonders if 'Somewhere in RuneScape' will become a new clue, or one absorbed by others*.
~ Bill ^_^
Used for notes:
> squares by Ten*ig hut west of 13'43e (bees and flax)
could peng in Burthorpe trigger it?
> square row north of Camelot castle (castle of Arthur?) 11'11N
could be border between Castle of Arthur and bees and flax
> northern desert/kingdom of misthalin west clue border
is it manual or does it follow a N/S line? - CHECKED
> squares north of uzer (bloodsuckers rule)
can south desert trigger this clue? No music currently between 29'45E and 31'45"E north of clue border between deserts...
> dungeons of daemonheim/bloodsuckers rule east and south clue border
clues wacky east of the river salve O_o
> duel arena east most ramp, east row 29'45"E
Could Al-Kharid trigger bloodsuckers rule all along?
> mountain of wolves/kingdom of Asgarnia clue border
Has Noobville changed the border at all?
~ Bill ^_^

09-Mar-2012 03:43:05 - Last edited on 05-May-2012 00:21:59 by Shady Guy

Sep Member 2005


Posts: 7,611 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello Bill :D
Nice to know you still exist (and miss penguins), just like it was nice to know the "in the fronzen wastes" still exists, a clue area which was found by you :) We do miss you and your help and penguin dosiers.

I think the new area that has no music and no clue of its own will either be blocked again or it will get music and be merged to "South of Ardougne" clue area. Merging happened also to th Phoenix Lair area in Piscatoris, but it took several months.

Team Penguin

09-Mar-2012 19:04:41

Sep Member 2005


Posts: 7,611 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-- West following CW north wall (can see to Lletya from there)
-- Path from CW to north but west of Observatory buildings
and most importantly
-- West from Obs spawn to the dead trees where is the passage to Lletya in The Prisoner of Glouphrie.

Team Penguin

09-Mar-2012 22:15:37

Mar Member 2023


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Sometimes I use this thread to go penguin hunting on a different world. Today I went hunting on 2 worlds - w23 and w24, and the results were so different I thought it made quite a good case study of using Chuck's clues to hunt.
W23 was very straightforward - I got 5 clues from Chuck for the 5 roamers. They were
Kingdom of Kandarin - 4 times - found Ardy bush in Seers Anvils
Somewhere in Runescape - 4 times - found Observatory at the new trap and reset to confirm its identity
Kingdom of Asgarnia - 6 times - found Ice Mountain at the Falador bridge trap
Near a Mountain of Wolves - 3 times - found Piscatoris crate on Catherby docks
Kingdom of Misthalin - 4 times - found Barb bush east of Draynor manor!
The interesting thing was the number of times Chuck gave each clue averaged out to be roughly the same (4, 4, 6, 3, 4), which was a good indication that there was one peng in each clue area even if I didn't know how many roamers there were.

W24 was a completely different story. I got the following clues from Chuck:
Kingdom of Kandarin - 8 times
Near Ogres - 6 times
Kingdom of Asgarnia - 4 times - Ice Mountain in the Falador bridge trap
Castle of Arthur - 2 times
Coast West of Ardougne - 1 time
Around Ardougne - 1 time
It was obvious that there were 2 or 3 pengs in the Kandarin clue area, and one was north of the other. Sure enough I found Ardy bush in Seers Anvils (same as w23), Observatory crate roaming south of the beehives, and Piscatoris crate south of Legends (which I reset to confirm).
I didn't find the Ogres peng (Barb bush!) until I tried again 3 hours later and it was just south of Yanille (also activating South of Ardougne clue at that stage).

Funny how 2 worlds have such different results. One world had all pengs nicely self trapped in different clue areas (with Barb all the way over at Draynor!) and in the other world 3 of the pengs were still roaming with both crates near each other (and Barb was all the way south at Feldip!)

11-Mar-2012 10:22:20 - Last edited on 11-Mar-2012 10:33:18 by Aveo7

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