
Penguin & Ghost Clues

Quick find code: 75-76-470-58336674

Sep Member 2005


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/ /\ Clue analysis of the week - v178 on Penguin Locations thread - on post 2.6 /\ \
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Lots of roamers for a change. 4 western ones are sure to keep western sef traps occupied. Lonely eastern Digsite has several to choose from, unless wester pengs migrate to east.
Two Feldip pengs will likely keep bumping each other out of Oo'glog trap (near some ogres) as long as they both stay on Feldip Hills hunter grounds. Observatory and Witchven may also roam south so its possible to see any of them in there.
Observatory and Witchven are the ones most likely to be found in Seers anvil and churchyard (somewere in the kingdom of Kandarin), in Keep le Faye trap (near coast, west of Ardougne) or on Catherby dock (near a mountain of wolves). But also either of the Feldip penguins may roam north.
Digsite may get it self in blue urn trap (in the kingdom of Misthalin) norht of Exam center, on area east of Draynor Manor (in the kingdom of Misthalin) or in trap by Fally bridge (in the kingdom of Asgarnia). It is also possible for it to end in Deah Plateau (where Imperial Guard train) but that is not very likely.
Any of this weeks penguisn may also cross White Wolf Mountains and from the 3 rocks it may be impossible to know wich is wich without resetting.

This weeks umbrella clues come from Gnome Stronghold and Wildy pengs:
-- Gnome may hide any roamers on Kandarin clue area (somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin), west of the stronghold (near a big tree surrounded by short people) southwest of the stronghold (north of Ardougne) and on Ardy area (around Ardougne)
-- Wildy may hide any roamers by the Wildy wall and also behind Black Knights Fortress

Team Penguin

21-Jan-2012 18:06:10

May Member 2021


Posts: 8,590 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nice work, as always!!!
As a penguin trapper I recommend for everyone use this thread before hunting the pengs (if you hunt in not penguins hunting worlds)
Just I would add something : Digsite peng sometimes could be also found in Goblin Village

I think that this thread is one of the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not listed in any Penguins dedicated community, but still spying on you!

21-Jan-2012 19:51:42 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2012 19:52:21 by Pengie

Sep Member 2005


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Thanks Pengie :)
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/ /\ Clue analysis of the week - v179 on Penguin Locations thread - on post 2.6 /\ \
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Week of 3 roamers and lots of penguins on large closed areas where they may activate several clues.
Eagles Peak (bush) and Piscatoris (crate) both start from northwest and will activate same clues on their way down to Ardougne. From Ardy they may take two directions: south or east.
There is a possiblity for them to get trapped in Oo'glog boulder trap (near some ogres) but it is less likely than finding them from Keep Le Faye (near coast, west of Arougne) from Seers Anvil or churchyard (somewhere in the kindom of Kandarin) or from Catherby docks (near a mountain of wolves).
Ice Mountain (rock) starts from east and has several traps waiting for its visit. Most likely traps are at Falador castle bridge (in the kingdom of Asgarnia) and east of Draynor Manor (in the kingdom of Misthalin). It may also head east to Digsite and find its way to the blue urn trap (in the kindom of Misthalin), or it may head northwest and get trapped at Zammy mages temple north of Goblin Village (in the kindom of Asgarnia / in the wilderness). If it passes the gates to Taverley it may find the way to Death Plateau (where Imperial Guard train).
Like always, any of the roamers may also pass White Wolf Mountain and get trapped in other side where they started from.

This weeks umbrella clues are covering large areas and there is also a new possible umbrella within already existing umbrella.

Continuing in next post ...

Team Penguin

26-Jan-2012 11:15:56

Sep Member 2005


Posts: 7,611 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
... continuing
The possible umbrellas are:
-- McGrubbors peng is always activating "somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin" and hiding every roamer on the whole Kandarin area, including the ne parts of Piscatoris hunter area and any trapped peng in Seers anvil and churchyard.
-- Wizards Tower peng is mostly activating "in the kindom of Misthalin" and hiding any roamer on Misthalin area, but it may also activate "in the kindom of Asgarnia" and "near Port Sarim" wich may hide roamers on those areas.
-- Wilderness peng is mostly activating "in the Wilderness" and hiding any roamer by the ditch or behind Black Knights Fortress.
-- Morytanian penguins are usually activating "where bloodsuckers rule" and hiding any roamer at Temple of Paterdomus or by the river east of Digsite.
-- Al Kharid penguin may activate "in the kindom of Misthalin" and may hide a roamer but also be hidden it self by Wizards Tower peng.

Now the interesting part, ubrellas within closed area penguins.
Northern and southern desert penguins have always been able to hide each others on relatively small areas. Northern deset penguins (Al Khardid this week) activate "in the southern desert" when inside Shantay Pass. Southern desert penguins activate "in the northern desert" when on area ne of Shantay Pass and also on ne parts of desert east of River Elid.
With the birth of Polypore dungeon the area east and ne of Mage Training Arena is now accessible also for penguins and possibly opens up new interumbrellas.
The area from 5 squares west from the bridge to Polypore dungeon island is located east of the clue border between Misthalin and Mortytania, and the northern squares are north of the border between Misthalin and northern desert.
Al Kharid peng is the first northern desert penguin after this update. There is a possiblity it activates also Morytanian clue when near the Polypore dungeon but it must be tested.

Anyone interested?

Team Penguin

26-Jan-2012 11:46:41 - Last edited on 26-Jan-2012 11:49:31 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


Posts: 7,611 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(ö)> .................................................................................................. <(ö)
/ /\ Clue analysis of the week - v180 on Penguin Locations thread - on post 2.6 /\ \
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Interesting week. We have seen the return of roaming Burthorpe, who was stuck on a ledge by Death Plateau for months but has had its respawn point slightly changed and has a chanse to freely roam again.
3 roamers of wich two are northern, Rellakka and Burthorpe, and CW bush from southwest.
Cw bush may be as well be found from Oo'glog boulder trap (near some ogres) or from Keep Le Faye (on coast, west of Ardougne), Seers anvil and churchyard (somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin) or from Catherby docks (near a mountain of wolves). The borderguards added on White Wolf Mountains do not prevent penguins from crossing over the mountains, so the route to east is also possible but not very likely.
Rellakka is most likely getting stucked in Seers anvil, but it can roam anywhere in west and also get in eastern self traps at Falador Castle bridge (in the kindom of Asgarnia), at Zammy mages northwest of Goblin village (in the kindom of Asgarnia), in the area east of Draynor Manor (in the kingdom of Misthalin) and in Blue Urn trap south of Digiste (in the kingdom of Misthalin).
Burthorpe, seemingly free to roam, has its spawan still inside a special trap, so it will stay on the on Death Plateau (where Imperial Guard train) on most worlds. But if it gets out, it may now enter White Wolf Mountain from northwest and southwest of Taverley, or it may go east through Taverley gates.
Umbrella clues may hide both roamers and closed area roamers this week.
- Elf penguin actiavtes "near some pointy-eared ones" and hides roamers at west mountains, south of Eagles Peak.
- umbrella clues of Al Kharid, souther desert and Canifis are complicated and explaned in the post above.

Team Penguin

03-Feb-2012 16:08:08 - Last edited on 03-Feb-2012 16:10:06 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


Posts: 7,611 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
:D Last weeks post was done on the 3rd anniversary of this thead :D Only just now noticed it.

(ö)> .................................................................................................. <(ö)
/ /\ Clue analysis of the week - v181 on Penguin Locations thread - on post 2.6 /\ \
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Three roamers again this week, Piscatoris from ne corner, WWM from the new partly changed White Wolf Mountain and Ice Mountain from east.
Piscatoris is the one most likely to be found on Seers area traps (anvil and churchyard "somwehere in the kingdom of Kandarin", Keep Le Faye "near coast, west of Ardougne", Catherby docks "near a mountain of wolves" ) but it also knows the route south to Oo'glog boulder trap (near some ogres).
Ice Mountain most likely heads first to east and gets cought in area East of Draynor Manor (in the kingdom of Misthalin) or in Fally Castle bridge trap (in the kindom of Asgarnia). It may also raoam further to Digsite and blue urn trap (in the kingdom of Misthalin) or turn west and to Taverley, but more of Taverley in the chapter below.
White Wolf Mountain is an interesting case. Like always it may go as well west or east, but the changes in the map may effect it in a new way. Firstly its spawn spot has moved south from the glider making it easier to take first direction to south and towars Catherby. Secondly if it does head to north, first entrance to Taverley is now right in the northeast corner of the mountain.
From Taverley both WWM and Ice Mountain, if it goes through Tavelrey gates, may end up to Burthorpe and Death Plateau area (Where Imperial Guard train). And like always, any penguin has a chanse to roam anywhere on open areas.

From umbrella clues most likely is:
"in the Wilderness" when a peng is behind Black Knights Fortress or by Wildy wall.
Wizzy, Morty, southern and northern desert are explained two posts above.

Team Penguin

11-Feb-2012 07:59:04 - Last edited on 11-Feb-2012 08:04:16 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


Posts: 7,611 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There is a clue border between "in the northern desert" and "where bloodsuckers rule" like expected. :D
The border runs between 29'43''e/29'45''e, between 4th and 5th squares west from the bridge to Poypore island.

There should also be an east-west border betwen "where bloodsuckers rule" / " in the kindom of Misthalin" and a south-north border in btween "in the northern desert" / "in the kingdom of Misthalin". The se corner square for Misthalin area is on the 6th square west from the water just north of the bridge.
This border is impossible to test now due to Sawmill penguin always activating Misthalin clue.

Thanks for your help Moon, Woof and Term

Team Penguin

11-Feb-2012 18:55:26 - Last edited on 13-Feb-2012 17:42:25 by elipile

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