
Star Find - Ver. 21 Thread is locked

Quick find code: 75-76-443-65869985



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Welcome to Star Find ¤ Ver. 21.

¤¤¤ Star Find ¤ Post 1.01 ¤¤¤

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§• Star Find Quick Search •§

This thread was written to answer any question you could have about shooting stars and about our friends chat. However, we know that some posts are more relevant to the wave than others. The following posts are most useful during the wave in Star Find.

Landing Sites and Abbreviations Star Find Reporting Policy Quick Chat Guide Wilderness Guide Scouting Guide Star Find Rules and Guidelines

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§• Star Find Friends Chat • Basic Information •§

• Founded by Navy; est. 2 September 2008 •
• Administration†: Herdsman, Louis6321, Bullfrog •

† - maintain equal power within the Star_Find friends chat, clan chat, and all various on - and off-site forum operations. All considered co-OP's on this forum thread.

Please join the friends chat channel ''Star_Find''.

The shooting star hunt is one of three original Distraction and Diversions. Star Find was the first friends chat to hunt shooting stars, the first friends chat to use the listing method to hunt multiple worlds, and is currently the largest stars-only friends chat throughout RuneScape.

Star Find Custodian

14-Jan-2017 22:00:27 - Last edited on 01-Feb-2019 10:01:44 by Francisg777

Feb Member 2015


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¤¤¤ Table of Contents * Post 1.02 ***

Page 1 - Basic Shooting Star Information
Post 1.01 • Introduction
Post 1.02 • Table of Contents [You are here.]
Post 1.03 • Shooting Star Landing Sites * Beginner Region - Asgarnia
Post 1.04 • Shooting Star Landing Sites * Beginner Region - Misthalin
Post 1.05 • Shooting Star Landing Sites • Amateur Region - Kandarin
Post 1.06 • Shooting Star Landing Sites • Amateur Region - C/K
Post 1.07 • Shooting Star Landing Sites • Advanced Regions - M/M and PGT
Post 1.08 • Shooting Star Landing Sites • Pro Region - F/L
Post 1.09 • Shooting Star Landing Sites • Pro Region - Kharidian Desert
Post 1.10 • Shooting Star Landing Sites • Pro Region - Wilderness

Page 2 - Star Find Policy Information
Post 2.01 • Page 2 Preview
Post 2.02 • Star Find Rank Team Members
Post 2.03 • Star Find Rules and Guidelines
Post 2.04 • Rule Clarifications I
Post 2.05 • Rule Clarifications II
Post 2.06 • Rule Clarifications III
Post 2.07 • Star Find Reporting Policy
Post 2.08 • Permitted Servers
Post 2.09 • New Recruits
Post 2.10 • Resetting the Friends Chat

Page 3 - Star Find Guides
Post 3.01 • Page 3 Preview
Post 3.02 • Quick Chat Guide I
Post 3.03 • Quick Chat Guide II
Post 3.04 • Scoping Guide
Post 3.05 • Listing Guide
Post 3.06 • Training a New Lister * Checklist I
Post 3.07 • Training a New Lister * Checklist II
Post 3.08 • Construction Guide I
Post 3.09 • Construction Guide II
Post 3.10 • Construction Guide III

Page 4 - Advanced Shooting Star Information, Star Find News
Post 4.01 • Page 4 Preview
Post 4.02 • Star Sizes Chart
Post 4.03 • Scouting Guide I
Post 4.04 • Scouting Guide II
Post 4.05 • Wilderness Guide
Post 4.06 • Quick Guide
Post 4.07 • F2P Stars
Post 4.08 • Reserved
Post 4.09 • Reserved
Post 4.10 • Reserved

14-Jan-2017 22:01:03 - Last edited on 30-Oct-2017 09:33:58 by Louis6321

Feb Member 2015


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¤¤¤ Shooting Star Landing Sites • Asgarnia ¤ Post 1.03 ¤¤¤

Asgarnia is great for learning the basics of hunting shooting stars and lower levels that don't wish to engage in combat, though one may encounter some aggressive Highwaymen or Dark Wizards but they pose no immediate danger. Access to the Crafting Guild required to hunt the full region. Any acceptable abbreviation for this region is listed here.

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§• Beginner Region - Asgarnia Landing Sites •§

All of these locations are F2P-accessible.

¤ Asgarnia – Falador, Rimmington region.
… Abbreviation: ''asg''

* West Falador – Mining area west of Falador; climb over the low wall.
… Abbreviation: ''wf''

• Mining Guild – Northeast of the mining guild; on the surface.
… Abbreviation: ''mg'' "art" "artesian" "artisian"

• Rimmington – In the center of the town mine.
… Abbreviation: ''rim''; ''rimmy''

• Crafting Guild – Inside the guild, lands in the mine area.
… Abbreviation: ''cg''


14-Jan-2017 22:01:08 - Last edited on 30-Dec-2018 21:19:55 by Louis6321

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¤¤¤ Shooting Star Landing Sites • Misthalin ¤ Post 1.04 ¤¤¤

Misthalin is excellent for players that are learning the basics of hunting stars. No excessive combat should be expected though some aggressive creatures are in the area. Any acceptable abbreviation for this region is listed here.

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§• Beginner Region • Misthalin •§

All of these locations are F2P-accessible.

¤ Misthalin – Lumbridge, Varrock region.
… Abbreviation: ''mist''

• The Rune Shop – Between Aubury’s rune store and the Varrock east bank.
… Abbreviation: ''aubury''; ''aub''

• Southeast Varrock – Mining area southeast of Varrock.
… Abbreviation: ''sev''

• Champion’s Guild – Mining area near the Champion’s Guild. This location does not require entrance to the Champion’s Guild.
… Abbreviation: ''champs'' (not cg/wv)

• Lumbridge Swamp – Located near the mine with the tin and copper (not the coal and iron mine); the beginner’s mine.
… Abbrevation: ''lumb''


14-Jan-2017 22:01:13 - Last edited on 05-Nov-2017 04:36:03 by Louis6321

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¤¤¤ Shooting Star Landing Sites • Kandarin ¤ Post 1.05 ¤¤¤

This region is suggested for those who are becoming accustomed to hunting shooting stars. Little combat should be expected in this region, but lower levels should prepare to be attacked by some creatures. Any acceptable abbreviation for this region is listed here.

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§• Amateur Region - Kandarin •§

These locations are Members-Only.

¤ Kandarin – Ardougne, Yanille, Seers Village region.
… Abbreviation: ''kand''

• Legend’s Guild – Mining area southwest of the Legend’s Guild.
… Abbreviation: ''leg''; ''legends''

• Monastery – Small mining area near the monastery south of Ardougne zoo.
… Abbreviation: ''mon''

• Coal Trucks – Located within the Coal Trucks mining area.
… Abbreviation: ''ct''

• South West Khazard – Mining area north of Yanille, just east of the Fight Arena.
… Abbreviation: ''swk''

• Yanille – West of Yanille bank, near the Magic Guild.
… Abbrevation: ''yb''; ''yan'' (not ''mg'')


14-Jan-2017 22:01:17 - Last edited on 05-Nov-2017 04:38:42 by Louis6321

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¤¤¤ Shooting Star Landing Sites • C/K ¤ Post 1.06 ¤¤¤

This region is home to some mid- to high-level aggressive monsters. This region also includes longer routes to increasingly remote areas of Runescape, making it a bit more difficult to trek than Kandarin. Completion of Shilo Village and Dragon Slayer required to access the full region.

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§• Amateur Region - C/K *§

All of these locations are Members-Only except Crandor.

¤ Crandor/Karamja – Western Karamja mainland, Crandor region.
… Abbreviation: ''c/k''

• Horseshoe Mine – Northwestern Karamja peninsula near the town of Brimhaven.
… Abbreviation: ''hs''

• Brimhaven Dungeon – Mining area south of the entrance to Brimhaven Dungeon.
… Abbreviation: ''brim''; ''brimmy''

• Shilo Village – Gem mining area.
… Abbreviation: ''shilo''; ''gem mine''

• North of Shilo Village – Near the nature altar; mining area containing adamantite and mithril, among other ore.
… Abbreviation: ''nats''; ''nat mine''

• Crandor - on the southeast corner of the island; requires partial completion of Dragon Slayer.
… Abbreviation: "cran", "crandor"


14-Jan-2017 22:01:22 - Last edited on 08-Dec-2017 00:25:31 by Louis6321

Feb Member 2015


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¤¤¤ Shooting Star Landing Sites • M/M and PGT ¤ Post 1.07 ¤¤¤

Morytania and Mos'le Harmless is an advanced region. It does not take as long to scout as some regions and stars typically don't crowd much. Although there are some weak monsters in the region, food is not recommended because it can be spoiled by ghasts. In Aid of the Myreque and Cabin Fever are required for full access to the region.

Piscatoris, Gnome Stronghold, and Tirannwn is an advanced region recommended for near-expert hunters. There is no combat in the region if traditional teleports are used. Roving Elves is required for full access; Mourning's End Part I is highly recommended for convenience.

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§• Advanced Region - M/M •§

These locations are Members-Only.

¤ Morytania/Mos Le’Harmless – Morytania region.
… Abbreviation: ''m/m''

• Canifis – Near the Canifis bank.
… Abbreviation: ''can'', ''canifis''

• Burgh de Rott – Near the Burgh de Rott bank.
… Abbreviation: ''burg(h),'' ''bdr''

• Mos Le’Harmless – Northeast of the docks from Port Phasmatys; south of the clothing shop.
… Abbreviation: ''mos''


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§• Advanced Region - PGT •§

These locations are Members-Only.

¤ Piscatoris/Gnome Stronghold/Tirannwn – Gnome and elf lands region.
… Abbreviation: ''pgt'', "p/g/t"

• Piscatoris – Mining area south of the Piscatoris Fishing Colony.
… Abbreviation: ''pisc''

• Gnome Stronghold – Near the northern stairs of the ground bank.
… Abbreviation: ''gnome''; ''gs''; unofficially: "tgs" (gs is preferred)

• Lletya – Near the archery shop.
… Abbreviation: ''lletya''; ''elf''


14-Jan-2017 22:01:27 - Last edited on 21-Apr-2018 16:59:46 by Louis6321

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¤¤¤ Shooting Star Landing Sites • F/L ¤ Post 1.08 ¤¤¤

The Fremennik and Lunar Island areas are home to some of the strongest combat on the Runescape surface, including Hati. Players should prepare for combat and bring both food and strong melee armor in this region. Players must complete The Fremennik Trials, The Fremennik Isles, and Lunar Diplomacy for full access to the region.

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§• Pro Region - Fremennik •§

These locations are Members-Only.

¤ Fremennik Lands – Fremennik Islands region.
… Abbreviation: ''f/l''

• Rellekka – Mining area within the town.
… Abbreviation: ''rel(l)''

• Keldagrim – Mining area near the Keldagrim entrance. Lands on the Runescape surface. Hati can attack miners at this star.
… Abbreviation: ''keld''; ''kelda''

• Neitiznot – Eastern side of middle, green island on Neitiznot.
… Abbreviation: ''neitz''

• Jatizso – Near the entrance to the underground Jatizso mine.
… Abbreviation: ''jatz''

• Miscellania - in the mine.
… Abbreviation: ''misc''

• Lunar Isle - near the mine entrance.
… Abbreviation: ''lun''; ''lunar"


(Right click > Open Image in New Tab if you're finding the map too small to read)

14-Jan-2017 22:01:32 - Last edited on 05-Nov-2017 04:39:45 by Louis6321

Feb Member 2015


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¤¤¤ Shooting Star Landing Sites • Kharidian Desert ¤ Post 1.09 ¤¤¤

This is one of the three most advanced hunting regions. Some combat may occur in this region, though it can be avoided by using the magic carpets. Four of seven landing sites in this region are in the barren desert, meaning that players can die of thirst without waterskins.

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§• Pro Region • Desert •§

¤ Desert – Al Kharid, Kharidian Desert region. Travel light and bring water.
… Abbreviation: ''des''


• Duel Arena – Just south of the Mage Training Arena; slightly north of Duel Arena complex.
… Abbreviation: ''duel''; ''da''

• Al Kharid Chasm/Scorpions Mine – Lands in the center of the mine.
… Abbreviation: ''scorps''

• Al Kharid Bank – North of the bank; near the palace cart.
… Abbreviation: ''akb''

Members Only:

• Uzer – Mining area northwest of Uzer.
… Abbreviation: ''uzer''

• Quarry – Near the Bandit and Bedabin Camps.
… Abbreviation: ''quarry''; ''granite''

• Nardah – Near the Nardah bank.
… Abbreviation: ''nard''; ''nardah''

• Vultures Mine – Gold mining area far west of Nardah.
… Abbreviation: ''vult''


14-Jan-2017 22:01:37 - Last edited on 05-Nov-2017 04:40:45 by Louis6321

Feb Member 2015


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¤¤¤ Shooting Star Landing Sites * Wilderness * Post 1.10 ***

The Wilderness is the most advanced and most dangerous region in Runescape. Players in Star Find are never allowed to attack one another, but players outside of our chat may kill players. We recommend travelling with nothing but a pickaxe, but players may choose to arm themselves if they wish. Do not carry items you cannot afford to lose; protection prayers are not an automatic defense and can be disabled in the wilderness. Stardust is lost on death but is always easily replaceable. Star Find is not responsible for any lost items. Please beware of possible luring.

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** Pro Region - Wilderness •§

All of these locations are F2P-accessible.

¤ Wilderness
… Abbreviation: ''wildy''

• Zamorak Mage/Steel Mine – Level 7 wilderness; near the entrance to the abyss.
… Abbreviation: ''zm'' (not ''sm'')

• Skeleton Mine – Level 9 wilderness; near Dark Knight’s Fortress.
… Abbreviation: ''sm''

• Wilderness Volcano – Level 22 wilderness; near the old Bounty Hunter bank.
… Abbreviation: "vol" "volcano"
• Hobgoblin’s Mine – Level 35 wilderness; south of the Lava Maze in the mine with hobgoblins.
… Abbreviation: ''hobs''

• Lava Maze – Level 47 wilderness; next to the ore spawn north of the Lava Maze.
… Abbreviation: ''lm'' (previously "rr" - the ore used to be runite rocks prior to the mining and smithing update)

• Pirate’s Mine – Level 53 wilderness; west of the Mage Arena.
… Abbreviation: ''pm''

• Mage Arena – Level 56 wilderness; north of lever to Mage Arena bank.
… Abbreviation: ''mb''

For more information on mining in the wilderness, please see post post 4.05.


14-Jan-2017 22:01:41 - Last edited on 20-Oct-2020 05:02:53 by Louis6321

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