Hey folks.
With the patch note info on augmented picks now being able to level from shooting stars, I took the formulas used to calculate mining xp on a pick and applied it to the various star sizes.
As i already had the xp for mining the different size stars in a worksheet, I just added columns for augmented pick leveling xp, so I'll just put it all here.(rounded to 1 decimal)
Louis, if you want to take this info and neaten it up, be my guest. I am going to include the info on dust per layer and mining xp per dust, because the calculation is based on that.
----------------xp/dust----xp/dust---ttl xp/tier
--5----- 175------47---------5.5--------970.6
--6------80------ 71---------8.4--------670.2
--7------40------114--------13.5------- 538.1
--8------24------145--------17.1------- 410.6
--9------ 15------210------- 24.8-------371.7
Total XP on an augmented pickaxe if you solo a size 9 all the way to tubby is 9454.9xp
16-Jan-2017 05:33:44