
Warbands FC: "WBs United" V9

Quick find code: 75-76-440-66145685

1st Uruk Hai
May Member 2011

1st Uruk Hai

Posts: 3,706 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Girthy said :
What is your current RSN? - Girthy

From a range of 0-10, what would you rate your experience in PvP? - 6

Depending on your combat style preference (please refer to the gear requirements if unsure) what gear should you be bringing to waves with us? - t50 armour t75+ wep for melee, mage and t80 for range

Why do you want to do warbands with us? (XP, PKing, Community) - XP

Have you ever done warbands before with another FC, and if so, which ones? - Yes, Warbanderz and masterbands (over 1+ yrs ago)

Did anyone recommend you to this FC, and/or do you know anyone from this FC? If so, who? - No. IR

FC members are not permitted to leave the wave unless the host calls "Wave over". Is this understood? - Yes

Do you understand that failing to attend at least 2 waves per week, without notifying leaders, will result in FC removal? - Yes

Answering this question gives us the confirmation that you have read the rules and understood that breaking any of them could result in a removal from the FC (therefore giving us consent that if you have broken our rules, you agree to being possibly removed from the FC. What will happen if you break the rules or do not follow the gear requirements?
At first you will receive a warning further cases can lead to a temp / perm ban



Welcome to the FC! Remember:
- Join the FC and TS 10 minutes before the wave;
- Be properly geared;
- Temporarily leave your Clan Chat, Guest Clan Chats and PvM Groups;
- Don't leave before the host calls over.
» 1st Uruk Hai «

Fun Dippers - Your RuneScape Source!

Join Minigames FC for all your Minigame needs!

10-Jun-2020 10:10:49

1st Uruk Hai
May Member 2011

1st Uruk Hai

Posts: 3,706 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Prangin said :
What is your current RSN? Prangin

From a range of 0-10, what would you rate your experience in PvP? 6

Depending on your combat style preference (please refer to the gear requirements if unsure) what gear should you be bringing to waves with us? Sunspear (range)/Royal D'hide

Why do you want to do warbands with us? (XP, PKing, Community) XP

Have you ever done warbands before with another FC, and if so, which ones? It was over a year ago, the name escapes me.

Did anyone recommend you to this FC, and/or do you know anyone from this FC? If so, who? 1puttski Ra

FC members are not permitted to leave the wave unless the host calls "Wave over". Is this understood? Yes

Do you understand that failing to attend at least 2 waves per week, without notifying leaders, will result in FC removal? Yes

Answering this question gives us the confirmation that you have read the rules and understood that breaking any of them could result in a removal from the FC (therefore giving us consent that if you have broken our rules, you agree to being possibly removed from the FC. What will happen if you break the rules or do not follow the gear requirements? I will get a warning then a temporay/permant ban from the FC.


Welcome to the FC! Remember:
- Join the FC and TS 10 minutes before the wave;
- Be properly geared;
- Temporarily leave your Clan Chat, Guest Clan Chats and PvM Groups;
- Don't leave before the host calls over.
» 1st Uruk Hai «

Fun Dippers - Your RuneScape Source!

Join Minigames FC for all your Minigame needs!

10-Jun-2020 10:11:27

1st Uruk Hai
May Member 2011

1st Uruk Hai

Posts: 3,706 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Al2k said :
What is your current RSN?
-Gwd2 Slayer

From a range of 0-10, what would you rate your experience in PvP?

Depending on your combat style preference (please refer to the gear requirements if unsure) what gear should you be bringing to waves with us?
¤ Weapon: 75+ (Staff of Light)
¤ Helm: 50+ (Mystic)
¤ Body: 50+ (Mystic)
¤ Legs: 50+ (Mystic)
¤ Boots: 75+ (Gano)
¤ Gloves: 75+ (Gano)

Why do you want to do warbands with us? (XP, PKing, Community)
-I have to admit that it is very difficult to play WBS w/o a Clan or a FC Community to play with. While I do not PK often, I do enjoy from time to time.

Have you ever done warbands before with another FC, and if so, which ones?
-No I have not, I have only ever done WBS alone

Did anyone recommend you to this FC, and/or do you know anyone from this FC? If so, who?

FC members are not permitted to leave the wave unless the host calls "Wave over". Is this understood?

Do you understand that failing to attend at least 2 waves per week, without notifying leaders, will result in FC removal?
-I've read it in the RS Recruitment Thread, Yes.

Answering this question gives us the confirmation that you have read the rules and understood that breaking any of them could result in a removal from the FC (therefore giving us consent that if you have broken our rules, you agree to being possibly removed from the FC. What will happen if you break the rules or do not follow the gear requirements?
-Yes, I have read and accept the rules.


Welcome to the FC! Remember:
- Join the FC and TS 10 minutes before the wave;
- Be properly geared;
- Temporarily leave your Clan Chat, Guest Clan Chats and PvM Groups;
- Don't leave before the host calls over.
» 1st Uruk Hai «

Fun Dippers - Your RuneScape Source!

Join Minigames FC for all your Minigame needs!

10-Jun-2020 10:12:10

1st Uruk Hai
May Member 2011

1st Uruk Hai

Posts: 3,706 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
SynysterCrow said :
What is your current RSN? SynysterCrow

From a range of 0-10, what would you rate your experience in PvP? 3/10 (PKed lots in OSRS, none in RS3)

Depending on your combat style preference (please refer to the gear requirements if unsure) what gear should you be bringing to waves with us? Royal Crossbow, Royal D'Hide armour.

Why do you want to do warbands with us? (XP, PKing, Community) Farming XP, Community

Have you ever done warbands before with another FC, and if so, which ones? Yes buy 7 years ago so cannot recall any names

Did anyone recommend you to this FC, and/or do you know anyone from this FC? If so, who? Yes State Bird, Fellow clan member. yn

FC members are not permitted to leave the wave unless the host calls "Wave over". Is this understood? Understood

Do you understand that failing to attend at least 2 waves per week, without notifying leaders, will result in FC removal? Understood

Answering this question gives us the confirmation that you have read the rules and understood that breaking any of them could result in a removal from the FC (therefore giving us consent that if you have broken our rules, you agree to being possibly removed from the FC. What will happen if you break the rules or do not follow the gear requirements?
Read and Accepted.


Welcome to the FC! Remember:
- Join the FC and TS 10 minutes before the wave;
- Be properly geared;
- Temporarily leave your Clan Chat, Guest Clan Chats and PvM Groups;
- Don't leave before the host calls over.
» 1st Uruk Hai «

Fun Dippers - Your RuneScape Source!

Join Minigames FC for all your Minigame needs!

10-Jun-2020 10:13:01

1st Uruk Hai
May Member 2011

1st Uruk Hai

Posts: 3,706 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Tsunekko said :
What is your current RSN?

From a range of 0-10, what would you rate your experience in PvP?

Depending on your combat style preference (please refer to the gear requirements if unsure) what gear should you be bringing to waves with us?
¤ Weapon: 75+ Polypore
¤ Helm: 50+ Grifolic
¤ Body: 50+ Grifolic
¤ Legs: 50+ Grifolic
¤ Boots: 75+ Gano
¤ Gloves: 75+ Gano
Why do you want to do warbands with us? (XP, PKing, Community)
XP and community

Have you ever done warbands before with another FC, and if so, which ones?
long time ago just getting back :D

Did anyone recommend you to this FC, and/or do you know anyone from this FC? If so, who?

FC members are not permitted to leave the wave unless the host calls "Wave over". Is this understood?

Do you understand that failing to attend at least 2 waves per week, without notifying leaders, will result in FC removal?

Answering this question gives us the confirmation that you have read the rules and understood that breaking any of them could result in a removal from the FC (therefore giving us consent that if you have broken our rules, you agree to being possibly removed from the FC. What will happen if you break the rules or do not follow the gear requirements?


Welcome to the FC! Remember:
- Join the FC and TS 10 minutes before the wave;
- Be properly geared;
- Temporarily leave your Clan Chat, Guest Clan Chats and PvM Groups;
- Don't leave before the host calls over.
» 1st Uruk Hai «

Fun Dippers - Your RuneScape Source!

Join Minigames FC for all your Minigame needs!

10-Jun-2020 10:13:29

1st Uruk Hai
May Member 2011

1st Uruk Hai

Posts: 3,706 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lightt said :
1. What is your current RSN?

2. From a range of 0-10, what would you rate your experience in PvP?

3. Depending on your combat style preference (please refer to the gear requirements if unsure) what gear should you be bringing to waves with us?
-royal xbow, full royal dragonhide, pheonix neck, team 7 cape, sixth age circ, sup restore, yak, games neck

4. Why do you want to do warbands with us? (XP, PKing, Community)
- XP

5. Have you ever done warbands before with another FC, and if so, which ones?
- i used to do them about 5 years ago before i quit, i'm pretty sure it was with this fc

6. Did anyone recommend you to this FC, and/or do you know anyone from this FC? If so, who?
- no recommendation, just found it myself.

7. FC members are not permitted to leave the wave unless the host calls "Wave over". Is this understood?
- loud and clear

8. Do you understand that failing to attend at least 2 waves per week, without notifying leaders, will result in FC removal?
- understood

9. Answering this question gives us the confirmation that you have read the rules and understood that breaking any of them could result in a removal from the FC (therefore giving us consent that if you have broken our rules, you agree to being possibly removed from the FC. What will happen if you break the rules or do not follow the gear requirements?
- I could be removed from the FC if i break the rules or do not follow gear reqs


Welcome to the FC! Remember:
- Join the FC and TS 10 minutes before the wave;
- Be properly geared;
- Temporarily leave your Clan Chat, Guest Clan Chats and PvM Groups;
- Don't leave before the host calls over.
» 1st Uruk Hai «

Fun Dippers - Your RuneScape Source!

Join Minigames FC for all your Minigame needs!

10-Jun-2020 10:14:12

1st Uruk Hai
May Member 2011

1st Uruk Hai

Posts: 3,706 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
MiltonDM said :
What is your current RSN?

From a range of 0-10, what would you rate your experience in PvP?

Depending on your combat style preference (please refer to the gear requirements if unsure) what gear should you be bringing to waves with us?
lotus darts, ranged armour +65, yak

Why do you want to do warbands with us? (XP, PKing, Community)
Community and xp

Have you ever done warbands before with another FC, and if so, which ones?
I've done warbands before, but it was years ago. I'm back to the game recently

Did anyone recommend you to this FC, and/or do you know anyone from this FC? If so, who?
Yes, Kyanox he's my cousin

FC members are not permitted to leave the wave unless the host calls "Wave over". Is this understood?

Do you understand that failing to attend at least 2 waves per week, without notifying leaders, will result in FC removal?

Answering this question gives us the confirmation that you have read the rules and understood that breaking any of them could result in a removal from the FC (therefore giving us consent that if you have broken our rules, you agree to being possibly removed from the FC. What will happen if you break the rules or do not follow the gear requirements?


Welcome to the FC! Remember:
- Join the FC and TS 10 minutes before the wave;
- Be properly geared;
- Temporarily leave your Clan Chat, Guest Clan Chats and PvM Groups;
- Don't leave before the host calls over.
» 1st Uruk Hai «

Fun Dippers - Your RuneScape Source!

Join Minigames FC for all your Minigame needs!

10-Jun-2020 10:14:44

1st Uruk Hai
May Member 2011

1st Uruk Hai

Posts: 3,706 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lil Rachel K said :
What is your current RSN?
Lil Rachel K

From a range of 0-10, what would you rate your experience in PvP?
idk like 5

Depending on your combat style preference (please refer to the gear requirements if unsure) what gear should you be bringing to waves with us?
Darts and royal xd

Why do you want to do warbands with us? (XP, PKing, Community)
Need 120 herb/farm, I miss pking, and CPK is dead :(

Have you ever done warbands before with another FC, and if so, which ones?
Wbands1, Illuzion, CPK, RPK

Did anyone recommend you to this FC, and/or do you know anyone from this FC? If so, who?
Logan and shawn

FC members are not permitted to leave the wave unless the host calls "Wave over". Is this understood?

Do you understand that failing to attend at least 2 waves per week, without notifying leaders, will result in FC removal?
Sounds good

Answering this question gives us the confirmation that you have read the rules and understood that breaking any of them could result in a removal from the FC (therefore giving us consent that if you have broken our rules, you agree to being possibly removed from the FC. What will happen if you break the rules or do not follow the gear requirements?
you remove me :(


Welcome to the FC! Remember:
- Join the FC and TS 10 minutes before the wave;
- Be properly geared;
- Temporarily leave your Clan Chat, Guest Clan Chats and PvM Groups;
- Don't leave before the host calls over.
» 1st Uruk Hai «

Fun Dippers - Your RuneScape Source!

Join Minigames FC for all your Minigame needs!

10-Jun-2020 10:15:32

1st Uruk Hai
May Member 2011

1st Uruk Hai

Posts: 3,706 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Shamk said :
What is your current RSN?


From a range of 0-10, what would you rate your experience in PvP?


Depending on your combat style preference (please refer to the gear requirements if unsure) what gear should you be bringing to waves with us?

Rags unless I decide to anti

Why do you want to do warbands with us? (XP, PKing, Community)


Have you ever done warbands before with another FC, and if so, which ones?

Illuzion, years ago.

Did anyone recommend you to this FC, and/or do you know anyone from this FC? If so, who?

Carmon <3

FC members are not permitted to leave the wave unless the host calls "Wave over". Is this understood?


Do you understand that failing to attend at least 2 waves per week, without notifying leaders, will result in FC removal?


Answering this question gives us the confirmation that you have read the rules and understood that breaking any of them could result in a removal from the FC (therefore giving us consent that if you have broken our rules, you agree to being possibly removed from the FC. What will happen if you break the rules or do not follow the gear requirements?

Carmon will teleport me to Edgeville.


Welcome to the FC! Remember:
- Join the FC and TS 10 minutes before the wave;
- Be properly geared;
- Temporarily leave your Clan Chat, Guest Clan Chats and PvM Groups;
- Don't leave before the host calls over.
» 1st Uruk Hai «

Fun Dippers - Your RuneScape Source!

Join Minigames FC for all your Minigame needs!

10-Jun-2020 10:16:21

1st Uruk Hai
May Member 2011

1st Uruk Hai

Posts: 3,706 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaldrize said :
What is your current RSN?

From a range of 0-10, what would you rate your experience in PvP?

Depending on your combat style preference (please refer to the gear requirements if unsure) what gear should you be bringing to waves with us?
Ranging Full Royal, Glory, team cape 7

Why do you want to do warbands with us? (XP, PKing, Community)
XP, Community

Have you ever done warbands before with another FC, and if so, which ones?

Did anyone recommend you to this FC, and/or do you know anyone from this FC? If so, who?

FC members are not permitted to leave the wave unless the host calls "Wave over". Is this understood?

Do you understand that failing to attend at least 2 waves per week, without notifying leaders, will result in FC removal?

Answering this question gives us the confirmation that you have read the rules and understood that breaking any of them could result in a removal from the FC (therefore giving us consent that if you have broken our rules, you agree to being possibly removed from the FC. What will happen if you break the rules or do not follow the gear requirements?

Get a warning followed by Ban


Welcome to the FC! Remember:
- Join the FC and TS 10 minutes before the wave;
- Be properly geared;
- Temporarily leave your Clan Chat, Guest Clan Chats and PvM Groups;
- Don't leave before the host calls over.
» 1st Uruk Hai «

Fun Dippers - Your RuneScape Source!

Join Minigames FC for all your Minigame needs!

10-Jun-2020 10:17:06

Quick find code: 75-76-440-66145685 Back to Top