Thinking of suggesting another new idea for Gop, though it's likely too large for this kind of thing (indeed, although it's more in the style of things they tend to do, it would take as much effort as doing a lot of the more useful updates):
A weekly D&D based within a single Solo round of Gop, with the score you achieve for that round (orbs added up, in total) being taken as a base number, from which a multiplier for rune yield per essence, is taken.
To get this to balance right with time put in, for benefit, it would have to be gauged somewhere between Total-of-orbs/4, and Total-of-orbs/10, for a Weekly D&D.
For example: If you scored 100 orbs in the round (the sum of your score at each altar), then that figure (100), would be divided by the multiplier (say, 10), to give 10 (which is 100/10). This would then mean you get 10% extra runes (rounded down), whenever you craft uring that week.
The time you put into a round, is roughly 20 minutes + travel and starting/finishing time. In order for this to work out as worthwhile, you'd have to spend greater than 4 hrs (including the time spent on the D&D), crafting runes during that week.
Given the time and effort put in, most D&Ds tend to work out a
more rewarding that, but it could be tweaked to be balanced correctly (what's more, it can be an optional extra to award tokens for performance in the D&D, if that helps to balance it - either based on tokens:score, or lump sums for beating certain thresholds).
This would work in F2P, too, as the number of altars is fewer, so the amount they can score in total is lower. In addition to this, the selection of runes they can create, is much more restricted.
This D&D would have the benefits of allowing actual players to out-proffit the large numbers of RC bots, and further encourage use of things like the risk-crafting, via the Abyss.
There could, alternatively, be a requirement to use altar teletabs, in order to activate the boost for the next craft.
08-Sep-2016 11:48:25