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the lore form the combined quests were very interesting and overall nice story.
Its only sad to see they made it into this much separating quests 2 quests were enough my opinion.
I do not think the ending is for shadowing a end off the world/ universe situation.
This because Jagex already told us after Twilight of the Gods they wanted to stop making even worse situations.
Things like end of the world/ universe are not gone happen in some years.
Battle of Forinthry wasn't planned to be a quest originally. We are probably getting the lore part at the end of it as a BONUS prior to the grand release of the Misthalin storyline early next year. We should be glad the RS3 team is ahead of their schedule.
We are going to get the Misthalin storyline first, and the thre Age of Chaos storyline will adjoin sometime after. Mod Jack has told us in his design streams.
What "even worse situation"? We know Gielinor and the universe will always be here. All those world or universe ending threats are here and will continue to be here for the forever stories in RS3 just for story telling and entertainment purposes perhaps in comics, novels, TV series or movies in the future too. We can only be in better situations.
26-Nov-2023 18:20:07