I would like to see an update with contracts. I go to the same 11 places over and over again. Wise old man, Ned, Aggie, Bob, Victoria, Lumby church, Lumby shop, Varrock shop, Varrock inn, Charos, Edge shop... There are so many more places we could be going. Like Falador and Ardougne. Especially Ardougne. People doing quests discover that the whole plague is fake yet all the same people are over there living in squalor as if it all still exists. Why not add some permanent construction over there? Or maybe a quest just related to construction and rebuilding of west Ardy? They could also do some room additions to our pohs, considering new skills have come out. It would be cool to have an invention workbench room in our houses. The quest and trophy rooms also need a major update as SO many new quests and content have been released since those rooms were created. We could also have some kind of room that ties in our archaeology progress. Like have a room just for various archaeology discoveries. Like maybe each collector gives you something special if you complete all their collections and then you have a room in your poh to put it. Costume rooms also need an update. So many new armors and gear have been released since the creation of this room, so the armor case/mage case/etc need to be updated to account for it all, especially considering that more and more releases mean more and more bank space being used.
17-Dec-2021 17:35:31