Leaving a bump and adding something small for the combat room:
: Storage Space and Combat Ring
: Storage Spaces and Combat Rings are now fitting in their level requirements to one another. Storage spaces are now built in increments.
Boxing Ring & Glove rack - Level 32
Fencing Ring & Weapons Rack - Level 41
Combat Ring - Level 51
Balance beam & Extra weapons rack - Level 61 - Existing extra weapons racks are kept as is.
Ranging pedestals - Level 71
Additional Tier
: Metamorphic arena - Level 81 - Mahogany plank x6, Bolt of Cloth x6, Steel bar x6 - Can be freely converted into any kind of combat ring or potted into the ground to have room passable at any given time. The ring always is inactive upon entering the POH, but can also be activated by guests.
(F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: