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Hi folks,
In looking at Wiki, it is saying you need 31 robes of subjugation garb to make the greater ensouled cloth for 80 & 90. Is that correct? Please tell me that is a joke as I don't see how that math works. We couldn't get that kind of supply from drops to supply everyone in the game and if we could, $108 mil on the low end? At 77 now and the idea of not being able to upgrade to 80 any time soon and have to grind away with the level 70 tier is not appealing. Please advise and thanks.
I made level 80 because I had loads of sets from over the years of doing zammy for wine but if you wait till level 90 and more of the board opens up you should be able to make/use powerful inks and use extra multiply glyphs, you need level 103 but can use potions/overloads to boost your level for that part.
You should be able to augment level 70 for now and still upgrade that up so it's not that bad.
Thats my advice.
11-Aug-2023 13:31:03