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Thanks for bringing up the numerous updates to both mining and woodcutting in the past, some of them successes and some failures. After the MASSIVE hypes to some and the letdowns after, I take all these with a grain of salt. I really do hope that Woodcutters grove is worth it but when ever Jagex mentions rebalancing something it usually means NERF.
It will be interesting IF, and it is a big IF; the new hatchet involves Incando pieces. So far, all Incando drops have Dwarven involvement (duh, made by Incando Dwarves). But Dwarves have no interest in woodcutting or woodcraft. There is no Dwarven involvement in Varrock or the Fort. The story behind it would have to be long and involved and MAY require more lore then a simple update.
02-May-2023 13:07:31