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agreed, remove it now before it grows into an insidious beast that devours us all. the drumbeat for increased taxes has already begun. 2% leads to 4% which leads to 6% which inevitably leads to additional taxation because it's easy to take money from those who have earned it.
shelve the idea now
There is really no sign RS3 wants to do anything to the 2% GE tax whatsoever. No sign the overwhelmingly vast majority of RS3 players even care about GE tax now, let alone increasing or decreasing it.
PSA: The RS3 team is accepting questions and suggestions on game content now on Reddit for a Q&A livestream next Wednesday. Nobody has even asked about GE Tax anymore. If you have concerns on "increasing" tax, perhaps you can be the very first to raise the question there:
22-Jan-2023 19:34:41