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so surely skilling should be made more rewarding now.
In the past it was always said pvm should be more rewarding than skilling.
As pvm was high risk high reward, skilling low risk low reward.
But now pvm is no longer high risk so pvm and skilling should be equally rewarded.
Every playstyle pays same GE tax every playstyle should have same opportunity to make GP
It definitely is not the cases in most games. Different genres of games have different opportunities for players of different playstyles to make gp. In action based games, you don't expect players not to make the most gp by fighting.
RS3 is actually right in the middle for players of most playstyles already.
When you say pvm is no longer high risk, so are skilling in Wildy not longer high risk. Balance is there already.
No, I dont think you have taken Mouse's words in context. Perhaps there is a language barrier - like something getting lost in the translation.
Its clear you WANT there to be balance, but the premise of this thread is that there is not.
Player equity is non-existant. The scales are clearly slanted to one side, and I bet even a JMod would have trouble trying to claim that the situation is not inequitable when it clearly is.
The balance is here in RS3 already. Those who have played any version of Runesape for more than 6 or 7 months can easily see skillers have far more money making methods and making far higher gp/hr in 2023 than RSC since 2002, RS2 and OSRS, let alone most of all the over 9,000 multiplayer online games under the sun with a player to player economy,
19-Jan-2023 19:38:36