Killashandra, agree, agree, agree!
The wild has been a mess for years, but the original version I encountered made sense; yes, it could be exploited, but you took calculated risk as a PERSONAL playing decision to go there or not.
The monsters encountered with the free range revenants update may have made it safer for younger players who(se parents) cried when they were lured/killed by PKers, but made it a mess overall IMO, and now of course those who want to play with revenants can do so in a specific area. Fine by me, but the current version of the Wild (while I very much appreciate having a choice to not be killed when penguin hunting, lol) is perhaps my least favorite attempt at "balancing" the Wild: the monsters are huge, horrible, and ubiquitous, so I REALLY seldom go now, lol!
Was that a payment to the combat junkies, who, in being deprived of their ability to pwn other players, got tossed the bone of at least being able to watch lots of them die? One wonders.
On a lark, I began looking up commenters in this thread in the HiScores, and found it interesting, but not necessarily surprising, to see that some of the people most vocal about others "not needing" combat gear, or the game not being designed for old people or people with differing needs, are nowhere near as highly ranked as Lameclod, and I suspect some are not as old as his membership. But that is often the case with online communities--some of the most obnoxious members are either stuck at an adolescent development stage, or are actual adolescents.
I hope Jagex (and whatever new owner) pauses a moment and listens to those who have been their customers for ten, fifteen, twenty years, such as Lameclod. If they are going to continue to sell the game as one in which you choose how to play, there have to be...CHOICES. And not simply to choose not to play, as some of the bossing griefers seemingly advocate.
13-Sep-2023 20:19:07