One thing that bothered me with Construction, is that you don't do what the skill says. You do anything but constructing.
Construction is the craft of making artificial objects that are fixed to the ground aka constructs. In most cases, fixed can be synonymous with immovable, although some constructs can be disassembled and reassembled on a different place. Constructs are typically buildings and infrastructure like bridges and walls.
In RuneScape, you do not construct your POH, you pay to do the construction job. No, what you do is basically interior decorating. You do some carpenting, metalwork, weaving and sculpting, but all are movable objects. You make these objects on the spot, rather than in a specialised work environment, without the proper tools. It is so unrealistic.
One can wonder what differentiates current Construction with Crafting, Fletching, Smithing or Woodcutting.
Nothing to see here.
18-Apr-2022 23:39:53