Please do a graphical update!! The maples look like dead trees. None of them look good at all. This is RS3, not OSRS so the graphics in the poh's should reflect that. Also, give the ability for an unlimited menagerie with 99 construct/Summoning. It would be great for those of us who love to have a lot of pets in their poh's. That, or at least allow us to have like 50, rather than 30.
Also why can't items such as snowboards and plushies be put in the toybox? The costume room is almost useless because there are so many items that the wardrobes/etc cannot hold. Honestly, if you have a maxxed out costume room, there should be 0 purpose for Diango.
03-Apr-2018 16:06:23
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03-Apr-2018 16:09:09