
Construction. Updates needed

Quick find code: 74-75-172-63409617

Dec Member 2016


Posts: 4,059 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Camiel said :
Algebraic said :
I don't think it needs a rework. No support.

Why not?

No one ever has a good reason for there not to be a rework. Don't pay attention to him.

Construction has needed attention since Max/Comp cape was introduced.

What killed off house parties was the overwhelming change of mindset to "xpwaste" when max/comp released- killing house parties.

Construction needs a serious rework.

27-Jul-2014 22:07:55

Feb Member 2019


Posts: 238 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
BlakeG33 said :
Camiel said :
Algebraic said :
I don't think it needs a rework. No support.

Why not?

No one ever has a good reason for there not to be a rework. Don't pay attention to him.

Construction has needed attention since Max/Comp cape was introduced.

What killed off house parties was the overwhelming change of mindset to "xpwaste" when max/comp released- killing house parties.

Construction needs a serious rework.

Yep, fun is XP waste. It's a shame a lot of people think that nowadays, and I doubt that a rework is going to change that. But how should it be reworked? Houses can't be made that much more interesting than that they are now. I'm afraid Jagex will just add some RuneSpan/ivy way of training Construction and call it a rework, further killing off the usage of houses. Let's just hope that won't happen.

Updated graphics would be a start and I'd really like more customisation, like deciding where the doors go instead of multiple doors leading to a huge empty field of grass.

28-Jul-2014 11:06:53



Posts: 6,040 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It definitely needs a rework. Player owned houses are so dull. People only care about altars, portals, making tabs and that's just about it. I remember the good old days when people actually had giant house parties where people were constantly fighting in dungeons. Now, Rimmington is deader than a graveyard.

29-Jul-2014 19:30:25

U191 Hybrid

U191 Hybrid

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Perhaps a rebalance of the price of high-quality construction supplies (gold leaf, marble, magic stone) or the EXP gain from making things from them? It seems a bit unreasonable to me to shell out 2.6m for a marble fence that'll give you only 4k experience for building it. A graphical rework should definitely happen. A minor thing would be the ability to theme your chapel after any of the major gods instead of the old trio of Saradomin, Guthix and Zamorak.

29-Jul-2014 19:31:48



Posts: 398 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think it needs a lot more design options too. Allow players to place doors or wall in the door openings and remove walls, fences, place furniture where we want. Build corridors to make the house look a bit more realistic, more floors, maybe even custom-sized rooms

03-Aug-2014 08:33:15



Posts: 346 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
More and better door options, yes. The menagerie needs work - either its capacity should be expanded, or we should be able to add multiple menageries. A farming plot would be lovely, especially if we could truly design it with mix&match plots.

04-Aug-2014 22:15:38

Dec Member 2009


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More decor, more options, more rooms (themes and room limit), graphical rework, the whole nine yards.

I've always wanted my POH to be a Zarosian fortress of sorts. I'd love to have a temple like the shrine room in St. Elspeth's Citharede. Light flowing in through open doors, an impressive shrine dedicated to the Empty Lord, a choir of wraiths in the corner singing latin songs followed by that dreary "Kyrie Eleison..." chant... all of that surrounded by impenetrable walls of dark stone. My fortress would be decked out with an armory, a menagerie filled with fiendish pets (lol hellcatz), portal rooms to all of the Ancient Sites, a barracks for my guards who patrol the outer wall, a mote with a draw bridge, and a large spire in the center with my throne room at the top of it. I'd watch the pitiful mortals below squander and rush about like little ants as the Sixth age dawns.

This is all a possibility with Construction, albeit a VERY far off stretch. Lol, what I'd like to see is Jagex implementing their Ace of Spades building mechanic (lol Minecraft rip off with guns) into this. but again, a far off stretch.

But Construction has a LOT of potential. House parties can be a thing again. Hell, POHs could also (if given the time to code it all) be somehow connected to clan citadels and such.

Heraldic crests need an update. Maybe each individual crest grants an additional permanent buff to your character depending on the crest (any of the gods would give additional prayer xp or whatever, a city crest gives additional xp while wearing a piece of that city's achievement diary armor).

Chapels should have more than just the Big Three (lol Percy Jackson ref) to worship from, especially since one of those three is dead and another is on the same tier of godly power as a cabbage....

And rooms, holy sh*t rooms.... more rooms plox. Armory, barracks (maybe for guards?), an improved quest hall, etc. And ffs, they need to get changed. Tired of looking at square rooms... SUPPORT :@
| Empire of Zaros |
Quester and Loreseeker

enshrouds. A
of both will show the truth.

09-Aug-2014 07:58:47



Posts: 251 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I really want an update. They mentioned (at runefest 2013 I believe) that there was a construction/poh rework planned. I don't remember all the details but one of them was having people on your friends list as neighbors! How cool is that?!

14-Aug-2014 20:48:45

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