
Construction. Updates needed

Quick find code: 74-75-172-63409617

Capt Mentos

Capt Mentos

Posts: 3,668 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I myself would love to see any contruction updates but the two that are most needed are the fallowing.
1.More room space because right now you have to have a big house or a big dungeon you cant do both.
2.More useful high level content. Right now we max out around level 75 everything over that is mainly for show. On top of that you could make that alter at level 70 with the tea and cystal saw.
I have see a few ideas from jagex to make construction more useful outside of the poh. This is a good idea but I still want to see more content for my house. The ideas jagex has shown me are the fallowing.
1.Custom Agility Courses-Basicly puting agility and construction together leting you set up your own courses, leting you keep it new so its less boring and gaining good xp as well.
2.Green houses-These would be a farming aid leting you store more farming based items like seeds close to farming patchs. This would basicly let you farm on the fly not neededing to bank for much.

29-Dec-2011 18:28:52

Th3 Warri0r

Th3 Warri0r

Posts: 2,291 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Personally I'd like to see more connectivity between not only construction but all skills.
That custom agility course sounds like a great idea. but judging from the size of other agility courses and the size of houses - I wonder how practical that would be.
That being said - skills like Construction, Herblore, Fletching don't bother me as much as say RC, Agility, Hunter, Thieving (although there is some diversity there)- which have a much more repetitive feel and constantly need your attention.
I say this as someone who prefers PvP and Combat - Non-combat skills need the focus right now. For me they're all so incredibly boring - some like mining, fishing require less attention so are more tolerable but clickfest* that hurt my hands like hunter, RC, agility are a total pain. RC and agility giving almost no experience is particularly frustrating.
Effigies are pretty much the only way many of my non-combat skills get significantly higher now... I'm thankful they exist but at the same time I wish I could enjoy the non combat skills more...
I'm not saying allow for the super high experience per hour you can get in the combat skills - just find some way to keep me interest even if it's carrot, stick like combat. And maybe a way to train that's less click intensive. I did the ZMI thing for 2 days and my hand was killing me - thanks to effigies I managed to get from 84-86 with around half being effigies, half being ZMI.

31-Dec-2011 09:57:44

Jan Member 2018


Posts: 183 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'd love to see the new graphics from all around RuneScape in our player owned houses. Mainly the newer wall styles. It'd also be cool to mix and match floor and wall types.
Also, the.. different types of fog/sky/whatever. It'd be neat to set what kind of fog you want in your house (gloomy like Dryanor, terrifying like the Swamps, etc.).
I'd love to see more decoration hot spots.. as well as a color customization system for rugs, chairs, etc. The same level of color customization as the capes... (speaking of that, it'd be nice to be able to use color codes so you can save and reuse the colors you love.)
The ability to rotate and move built rooms would be a nice addition, too. I've seen that suggested quite a bit and would save TONS of money... maybe blueprints wouldn't be needed, then.

05-Jan-2012 01:25:19

Old Reaper

Old Reaper

Posts: 195 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I like Construction and all, although I still think there are some skills that should be updated first. But why not all in sync?
What I'd love to see in Construction is the possibility to not have a limited imagination. For example, I want to place a chair WHEREVER I want, not in a specific location already defined by the room template. Perhaps we could be able to create our OWN room templates? I personally would enjoy and work towards that.
Now lets add other skills to it: With a combination of Smithing and Crafting, the player could be able to introduce new aspects to their home: window formats, roofs, chairs (every house-item) and etc.. with a touch of their own imagination and levels.
I'm still hanging to the idea of us having Player Owned Ports, which I personally would LOVE to have.. Let's see if they give us what we want, for once ;)

07-Jan-2012 22:14:25

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 247 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i would have to agree, it may be an expensive skill but it does have quite a bit of potential to be awesome, tho one thing id enjoy and welcome is a personal bank room in our PoH for yourself and visitors to use probably at a cost of like 200k or so to build, but thats just something i myself think construction needs

15-Jan-2012 15:04:43

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