Personally I'd like to see more connectivity between not only construction but all skills.
That custom agility course sounds like a great idea. but judging from the size of other agility courses and the size of houses - I wonder how practical that would be.
That being said - skills like Construction, Herblore, Fletching don't bother me as much as say RC, Agility, Hunter, Thieving (although there is some diversity there)- which have a much more repetitive feel and constantly need your attention.
I say this as someone who prefers PvP and Combat - Non-combat skills need the focus right now. For me they're all so incredibly boring - some like mining, fishing require less attention so are more tolerable but clickfest* that hurt my hands like hunter, RC, agility are a total pain. RC and agility giving almost no experience is particularly frustrating.
Effigies are pretty much the only way many of my non-combat skills get significantly higher now... I'm thankful they exist but at the same time I wish I could enjoy the non combat skills more...
I'm not saying allow for the super high experience per hour you can get in the combat skills - just find some way to keep me interest even if it's carrot, stick like combat. And maybe a way to train that's less click intensive. I did the ZMI thing for 2 days and my hand was killing me - thanks to effigies I managed to get from 84-86 with around half being effigies, half being ZMI.
31-Dec-2011 09:57:44