What I mostly want is the ability to rearrange rooms without destroying everything. When I first started training con I set up rooms all willynilly and I really regret it, but I cant fix anything without destroying all the stuff I've built.
02-Dec-2011 20:44:56
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02-Dec-2011 20:53:02
I would love to have a training room in my house (not like the chest defenders, I mean a cage full of exotic animals that would be non-aggressive.) For training. I support more construction updates.
Construction update we should have: Sure, we have Demonic Thrones. We also have those 3 cool top tier pet houses. But why do we have no top tier Feeder to match our Pet Houses? Mahogany and a Desecrated House doesn't mix. And why only a Demonic Throne? Why not a Good themed throne and a nature themed throne...perhaps, Angelic and Natural?
The last updates are exceptional, but the search interfaces in the POH need a minor tweak...
Those items on the first screen will fill an inventory very quickly by holding down the appropriate number and repeatedly clicking on the pantry, but it will not work on the second screen since the numbers start over at one. Holding down the "one" on the second screen and clicking the pantry repeatedly switches back to tea...
If you would give those items appearing on the second screen 6 and up ( or 5 and up by removing a number from "more"
it would make all the difference in the world. Even numbering the "more" line, there are still only 9 numbers involved.
As it stands now, it's easier to go to a potato patch and fill sacks than get them from the pantry...
Keep up the good work... ;0))
I agree fully that a major over haul needs to be done to the constrution skill.
One of the things i would like to see is a helmet stand or cabinet and a jewlery box to put the helms and necklaces that you collect during your travels that do not go with anything else, like the camulet or the cat medal and the dawarven helm or the neitznot helm (when not in use of course). Also expanding the storage units that we already for the circus clothes, pirates clothes etc. Even a nicknack storage place in the parlor would be nice for things that may need to be used again but don't really go with anything else like the pebble and the whistle.
I agree and fully support being able to move rooms around without having to rebuild them and also with allowing us to build a larger number of rooms with levels. I have many things I would like to add but because of my current design I can't because I am limited to the number of rooms I can have.
I also like the idea of farming and being able to chop our own trees. This would be a excellent additions.
The asthetics of the rooms would be a nice change especially the parlor, the quest hall and skill hall. Adding the ability to have nor than one stuffed item would be nice. Now if you want to display mor than one item you must build another hall which is not actually practical. Maybe removing the bookselves in these rooms and replacing them with stuffable stands would be a way to accomodate them.
I also support the fairy ring idea!!! Awesome Idea!!!
I've honestly given up making suggestions. I've wated too much of my time already doing so.....as for an earlier post saying that 2012 was going to be a year Jagex address Construction updates...well, I will believe it when I see it. If I sound disillusioned with any idea of a Construction ugrade, it only because you have to do the following:
Go visit Draynor Manor with a house teletab in your inventory. Look at the potted plants, the cupboards there, the floor and wall coverings..... take in the beautiful ambience.
Then, use house teletab. Compare your 99 Construction, top-level of everything, money-sunk dwelling.