
Zakus journal

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Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku watched but keeped sillent. He knew now that lore wasnt doing anything evil but he still might not be aware how dangerous it is. The book he read has some dangerous things in it..

Lily stopped hugging him and drew her blade. "I smell scum..." She hissed softly. Lore turned his head slightly so his eyes locked on to where Zaku was hiding. "Then it better run or learn better stealth." Lore said to them both as Lily steadied her blade and her pink eyes flashed.

Zaku made another motion with his hands and steped out. " Are you aware whats in this forrest?

"Yes, and that is why where leaving." Lore said tugging on Lily's shoulder as she hissed at zaku and put her blade away. "Come sister, it is time we leave." Lore said and they both pushed past Zaku...

Calliope was outside the inn, playing her flute once again. Her eyes were closed, fully concentrated on the melody she was playing. It was a quiet, relaxing one, to help people fall asleep.

19-Mar-2008 05:47:11 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2008 06:30:16 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" Hmmm... i was expecting them to throw a sword at me or something.. Zaku whisperd to himself behind a tree as the zaku they pushed past turned into water and trailed back to him. He steped into a mirror and was in the inn again by the window.

Lore yawned. "You hear music?" Lore asked Lily. "Yea..." she yawned. "... I do." Lily replied as they both sat down outside the inn and leaned against each other and began to doze...

Zaku glanced at lore then stared out the window at the forrest. It actuly seemed qiute peacefull to him or maby the music was just geting to him. He didnt know but he yawned and sat in a chair in the corner again.

Calliope continued to play, tapping her barefoot lightly along to the music. Her fingers moved expertly over the flute's holes, her mouth blowing gently into her instrument to create the beautiful song.

Lore raised his head up slightly. "Are you..." he yawned. "... doing that?" He sleepily asked the girl playing the flute, Lily was already fully asleep and Lore wasn't far behind.

Calliope opened her eyes - stopping the music suddenly. "Doing what?" she innocently asked, allowing the hand which held her silver flute to hang gently by her side.

Lore's eyes opened fully. "That song, it was litterally putting us to sleep, how is that possible?" Lore said streching as Lily awoke yawning and looking around.

Zaku listend but decided he would try to stay out of things for now.

Calliope couldn't help but allow a smile to pass her lips. "I don't know..." she admitted, looking from Lore to Lilly, to back at Lore. "It's something I've always known how to do." she explained, cheerfully.

19-Mar-2008 05:47:15 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2008 06:33:45 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Oh... well... it's a very nice song." Lore said not being able to think of anything else to say. Lily got up. "Going in side to get something... I'm starving." Lily said and went inside.

"I'm Calliope by the way." Calliope introduced herself - extending her free hand for Lore to shake. She was holding her flute in her left-hand, so her free hand was her right one.

Zaku just keeped sillent and wrote down a few things about the girls flute melodys and its effects on some paper.

"Nice to meet you, My names Lore." He said leaning foward and shaking her hand. "Calliope, I like that name... it's eccentric." Lore commented.

Lily was at the bar drinking some tea...

Calliope smiled once again, her name - along with her flute and locket - was the only thing her birth parents had given her. "Thank you. Lore is a very handsome name as well." she replied, taking her right hand back and beginning to twirl the ribbon falling down from her top in a finger.

Lore blushed a little. "Thanks... I don't get complimented often." Lore said, his mood had lightened from the constant hate he usually had because of a demon or something being around to a happy mood.

Zaku put the paper away and took out that old book from before that said dont read.

" So tell me.. What type of demon attacked back then? He said emoteionlessly to lily.

"Really? You don't?" Calliope replied - a genuine surprised look on her face. Just by looking at Lore she found many things people could have complimented on, his hair being one of them. Since it was pretty dark, she wasn't able to see his eyes properly at all.

22-Mar-2008 06:33:51 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2008 06:37:04 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
No... generally I don't spend alot of time around friendly people, it's a down side to the job I choose to do." Lore said blinking his red eyes momentarily. "Would you like to go inside?" he asked.

Lily's pink colored eyes flashed. "Black... black demon if you must know." She said in a flat tone reminecent of Lore's usual tone of voice.

Zaku turned a page and saw a picture of one.

" Oh those.. i remeber them..

He slamed it shut.

" Thank you for your time..

Zaku went back to his table and got out some more paper and wrote down black demons.

22-Mar-2008 06:33:55 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2008 06:38:12 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Calliope smiled again, thinking that that had been a smooth change of topic. "Sure!" she cheerfully replied, turning around. She squinted her eyes slightly, she had always found it hard to see in the dark.

Lore opened the door so light shone out of it revealing his brown and blond hair and his red eyes glinted in the light. "So, what brings you to this inn?" Lore asked casually.

Lily looked at Zaku and hissed.

Zaku payed no attention to her as he put the paper in his pocket and looked out the window again.

Calliope noticed Lore's red eyes, and found herself getting startled. But she simply shook it off, after all - she had seen far worse things. "Well... I guess I wanted a real bed to sleep on again." she admitted. That was the reason she had come, was it not?

"Rough time lately?" He asked then noticed her become a little startled. "Did I scare you?" Lore asked scratching his head confused.

Calliope shook her head, placing a hand on Lore's shoulder. "No, of course you didn't scare me." she said, and it was true. He had startled her slightly, but not scared her.

"And to your previous question, I have been having a couple of problems recently. But nothing to worry about!" she added cheerfully.

"That's good to know, I hate to know if a nice girl like you is having a bad time, and I know a bad time..." Lore said dropping his voice. "... losing your parent... that is what a truly bad time is." He said slowly.

Lily was still eating quietly at the bar.

22-Mar-2008 06:34:00 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2008 16:15:29 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Still, that's better than never knowing who your real parents were - isn't it?" Calliope replied, a warm smile on her face. Her expression, the cheerfull tone she had said it in, you would have never expected that that had been the case for her.

Zaku looked arond a little tired looking and then smirked. He went up to the bar and threw some coins on the table and got one of those crazy drinks that other guy was yelling about earlier and thought he would try it just to see. He grabed a glass and filled it and drank some of it.

Lore looked at her and smiled. "Yes even thought it was short I still got to know them." He said sitting down on the couch and leaning back.

Lily tried her best to ignore Zaku, still managing to let loose a quiet hiss or two.

22-Mar-2008 06:34:05 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2008 16:15:41 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku had a face like a little kid that was forced to eat spinach and put the cup away.

" Bleh....

Calliope sat beside Lore, tucking her feet underneath her legs - her knees bent, so that she was sitting on her shins and feet rather than her bottom. "See? There's a bright side to everything!" she said. That was her philosphy, every cloud has a silver lining.

"Glad I've meet you, I needed a little optimism in my life, Lily's not exactly the brightest ray of sunshine in my life." Lore laughed a little.

Zaku tryed to stand up but fond he was off ballance. He triped on his tail and stumbled back up looking anoyed. He knew he wouldnt be able to get up the stairs but he managed to stumble to a nearby chair.

" Why do humans drink this stuff.. He then mutterd perhaps a swear in demonic.

"Was Lily the girl with you?" Calliope asked, fiddling with her hair slightly as she did so.

"Yes, she's my sister and the last surviving member of my family." Lore said, he pulled a ocarina out of his bag, play a quick not on it and put it away. "Hmm... needs a little fixing up." Lore said to himself.

Lily giggled meanly. "You get drunk much to easily." She commented.

" Oh yeah thats what they call it.. Well.. its my first try and im never touching it again. He looked anoyed and it seemed like the room was shakeing to him.

Calliope simply nodded, wondering what it would be like to have a real family. "Do you two get along?" she asked, her hands fiddling with her skirt as she asked.

22-Mar-2008 06:34:10 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2008 16:45:02 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lore looked at her. "Yes, we get along fine but it can get boring when she's the only girl... only person in your life." Lore sighed but went back to his normal mood.

Lily watched Zaku tumble about drunkenly.

" I wonder how surmantis managed to recover from it so easy.. But then i dont think i got the same drink as him.. Zaku seemed to recover slightly. " So i take it from all your hissing you hate me even more then your brother. He still had a stupid smirk.

Calliope smiled at Lore, placing one of her hands on each of his shoulders. "She's not the only girl in your life anymore." she said, warmly. "Because we're friends now, right?" she added, her voice containing a slightly hint of hope in it.

Lore blushed. "No of course she's not the only girl in my life, of course were friends..." Lore tried his best to stop blushing but it didn't work.

Lily leaned on the bar a little. "So my brothers been subtle with his hate of you this long?" She asked.

" Thats one way of puting it.. He twisted his hair as the effects of the weird drink seemed to ware off but his head hurt.

The smile faded off Calliope's face as she realised how red Lore was. Not thinking that he was simply blushing, she became worried. "Is something wrong? You're all red!" she said, biting her lower lip.

Lore laughed a bit. "No of course not... I've just never had any girl get this close to me besides my sister or mother..." His blushing lessened and smiled. "But I'm not bothered by it." he added.

Lily laughed. "Here comes the best part, hangover."

22-Mar-2008 06:34:16 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2008 16:50:16 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Xenos was in the lobby, sitting at the bar. He had a slight feeling that his long lost sister, Rose, was nearby. He could feel the energy of that stupid orb of hers. It was strong indeed, but he knew that if she found him, she'd probably kill him.

Rose opened the door to the Inn. She formed the orb in her hand, and turned it into a sword, similar to Xenos's nodachi. It was white, with a reverse manji cross guard. She had a sheath on her back, and put the sword there. "May I have a room?" she asked, in a nice sweet voice.

" This stinks who the heck pays money for this..Zaku mutterd. He put his hand on his head and moaned slightly. " I suppoes you find this very entertaining! He looked anoyed. Not really paying attention to the person steping in.

22-Mar-2008 06:34:21 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2008 17:00:44 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Calliope smiled, glad that he wasn't bothered by it. "Okay, good!" she said, looking up at the ceiling and then back down at Lore - her eyes looking straight into his.

Lore looked right back. "Your... your very beautiful..." Lore complimented and was a little embarrased by it. ~Ah! I sound stupid!~ Lore thought.

Lily smiled. "Oh you don't know how much I am enjoying this." She laughed.

Now it was Calliope's turn to blush, her cheeks becoming a crimson red. "Um... thanks..." she said, feeling the heat arisen on her face.

"Well... I... do you..." Lore stuttered nonsense then stopped. He kissed her on the cheek. "S-sorry..." Lore said blushing and feeling embarrassed.

" Your very evil.. Zaku said anoyed and took out the do not read book with all the info on the monsters in the forrest and started reading it.

It was Xenos's time again. He was soon becoming the demon that he swore to Rose that he didn't want to become. The horns and all. The aurora seemed to stand out the most. ~Oh well..~ he thought, walking out. He stretched out his wings, and took off.

Rose had been watching Xenos and him transforming. She soon transformed also, but she had control over her demon. She just chose not to let it out. A halo on her head, and wings of an angel. She followed Xenos, and flew after him.

Calliope's cheeks turned even redder as she felt Lore's lips on them for that brief moment. She looked up at him, and smiled. "Don't be." she said, her voice soft and gentle.

Lore smiled uneasily. "Calliope... I-I know we just met... but I really like you..." Lore was at a loss for words.

Lily hissed again. "I'm not evil, I'm just simply taking pleasure in your idiotic actions."

" Hmph.. well it wont happen again.. Zaku managed to stand up now and put the book away.

22-Mar-2008 06:34:26 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2008 17:01:05 by Hex the wolf

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