
Zakus journal

Quick find code: 49-50-99-55886783

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Maluena smiled.
"Sure, sounds good" she replied, "I'll ring the bell in the Ball room when it's time for the dance."

Zaku keeped reading the books he had about two left. They had a few interesting storys and ideas but they didnt give him much info on anything.

"No abrupt answer for what I did earlier? Hm, thats great." Thoriann said with a laugh. "You never did fix my ears." He said, while showing his hand that was covored with blood.

Maluena laughed.
"I did say I was going to heal them, but you ran off, but I will heal them now" she said, walking into the back room.

Xenos had been noisy for the whole conversation between Maluena and Thoriann.

Thoriann shrugged and followed her. He put his free hand over one of the ears. Thoriann grinned. "I dont know how to ballroom dance, maybe you can show me."

Lore yawned as he sat on the couch, he wanted to talk to somebody but he didn't wanna bother with interrupting a conversation or hunting out somebody he didn't really like to talk to them.

Maluena nodded.
"Alright" she said, picking through some of the random items that had been stored in the room. She picked up two small cotton balls and handed them to Thorainn.
"Here, just hold these on your ears and it will soak up the blood" she said.

~D--- not again..~ Xenos thought, his horns began pointing out on the side of his head, and his arms becoming black, his eyes white with no emotion, and the jet black hair. He couldn't control himself. He was OUT of control. He blasted the door down with a sphere of dark energy, using only his index and middle fingers.

Zaku lowerd his book and watched lore waiting for him to make a move so he could see what he could do.

12-Mar-2008 05:04:56 - Last edited on 12-Mar-2008 05:48:05 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lore turned around and saw the door being blasted apart. "My your rude..." Lore said flatly and turned back to the fire.

Thoriann laughed hystericly at the cotten balls. "Nice try, but they stopped bleeding!" He exclaimed, and held his hand away from his ear. Thoriann's ear was covored in dry blood.

Zaku laughed out loud and tryed to seatle down. ~If things get outa hand i can step it but idd prefer not to..

Maluena roled her eyes. She heard a crash and she sprinted out. She saw the demon and she yelped.
"Oh my god!" she exclaimed.

"Calm down woman..." Lore said to Maluena he dragged himself up and drew his double bladed sword and started to head toward the demon.

Thoriann ran beside Maluena, and stopped laughing. "Maluena, if you get in much danger, remember my name."

The mirror behind zaku melted again and the water circled him again. ~ Alrighty lets see what happens..

Maluena turned into a liger.
"No need" she said, but walked to the center, "It's a guest people, no need to fight."

12-Mar-2008 05:05:02 - Last edited on 12-Mar-2008 05:50:13 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thoriann shrugged at Maluena. "I am sure it mightt be needed. I mean, if things get way out of hand."

Maluena turned human again.
"Possibly" she said.

Lore looked at Maluena a second. "He's not a guest he's a demon." Lore stated as if she where blind. "And demons need to be dealt with swiftly unless you want more than him to die." Lore said.

Thoriann walked up to Maluena. He leaned to her ear, so he could whisper. "Dont get any ideas when we ball room dance."

Midnight woke up, ~Did I pass out?~ She wondered, and got up, and walked into the Inn.

Zaku looked anoyed and lowerd his book and walked over to lore. " We just need to calm him down! he said looking offended.

Maluena looked at Thoriann as if he was crazy.
"What? What are you talking about?" she asked.

12-Mar-2008 05:05:06 - Last edited on 12-Mar-2008 05:52:35 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lore turned his head slightly. "Did I strike a nerve?" He said sarcastically. "You want me to tell them your one to?" Lore threaten.

Thoriann laughed a lot at her repsonse. "Dont be getting ideas that I like you, when we dance!" He added with a small blush. "You just look nice."

Xenos's black wings stretched out as he got out side. His fangs and claws were out too, and flew up. He began destroying trees and such while laughing manically.

" Some already know i am and those people doesnt seem to mind it.. Zaku said still looking anoyed.

"Why would I get any ideas?" Maluena asked, running outside. She took out a throwing knife and threw it at Xenos.
"Get down!" she shouted at him.

Kain walked into his room he had a bed a closet and a small chest and a bedside table ~not bad...~ he thought and started putting his stuff away...

12-Mar-2008 05:05:11 - Last edited on 12-Mar-2008 05:57:29 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thoriann ran around in circles. He was hopeless unless Maluena said his name. Thoriann just waited and waited for his powers to be activated.

Lore ran past Maluena leapt into the air and turned into a black dragon. "It's your time to die demon." Lore hissed with cold malice.

Maluena sighed. Thoriann" she said.

Kain finished putting everything away except for a few things he put his bow and sword into the closet and headed downstairs...

The knife hit Xenos's wing and he turned around, charging a sphere to launch at Maluena. He then stopped. He pulled the knife out, and threw it, purposely missing her head by centimeters. He continued his destruction.

Midnight looked around,~a demon in the sky, and he's causeing destruction~ She thought, makeing a small ball of flame to launch at him,she threw it, aiming at the demons wing.

Kain saw a large demonic thing ~aww come on...~ kain thought and unstrapped his great axe and stood in a stance ready for a fight

Lore flew up behind the demon. "Stand down or I will put you down!" Lore roared as he came up behind the demon.

Zaku sighed and stood back knowing he shouldnt get in the way and that the demon would probly get killed anyway and he would just get killed for no reasson like the other stupid demons that acted without thinking

All Xenos did was laugh, and he pulled out the sword that was on his back. It was huge, and he was holding it with one hand. "What did you say?" he asked.

Kain just waited if he attacked he knew exactly what to do.

Maluena looked around.
"God, I wish I knew how to get him to go back to normal" she muttered, picking up her throwing knife.

"I said stand down NOW!" Lore roared and a wave of blue fire came from his mouth and illuminated the entire area revealing the full features of his dragon body right down the the rips in his wings and malicious gleam in his eyes.

12-Mar-2008 05:05:15 - Last edited on 12-Mar-2008 06:04:09 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Xenos disappeared. Dark energy spheres were seeming to come out of nowhere, all aiming at Lore.

Maluena threw her throwing knife at Xenos, even though she didn't want to. ~What else am I supposed to do, let him destroy the Inn~ she thought.

Lore spun around and all of the projectiles aimed at him where incinerated instantly by a wall of fire that engulf Lore, when it disappeared Lore was no where to be found.

Xenos was surprised at this, and began to look around. He hadn't noticed the throwing knives, and most of them hit him.

Maluena bit her lower lip, hopping she hadn't hurt him to badly. She colleted the knives that had fallen short or missed.

Lore appeared on the demon's back in human form and swung his blade around towards the neck of the demon. "You should've listened to me!" Lore laughed.

" For gods sake.. Zaku mutterd and the water from upstairs and the vials and water arond him came to him the water became what looked like a flying wave and he aimed it at xenos. If the water hit it would freeze on contact sealing the demon in ice.

"Are we just going to play hide and go seek all day, or are we going to get serious?" he joked. Disappeared again, which means the water missed. He used his wings to try to blow Lore away.

Maluena threw her knives at Xenos, the knives where the only ranged weapon she had.
"Change back!" she shouted up at Xenos.

Lore disappeared again and all you could hear was him laughing

12-Mar-2008 06:01:21 - Last edited on 12-Mar-2008 06:07:21 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Xenos was starting to gain control again, but not as much. The demon was still in control, and if the demon was killed, he would be killed as well, so partially he was in control, fighting to live, and the demon was fighting just to kill. He recognized Maluena's voice.

" Pfft and lore says demons are cocky.. Zaku mutterd. The water splashed on the ground then reformed and chased after xenos again. Zaku was makeing a few hand signs controling the water.

Maluena stopped throwing the knives.
"Land and turn back to normal, you don't want these people to kill you" she called.

He was beginning to land, also trying to miss the water. Right before he touched the ground, a red and black aura appeared around him. "Never!!" he said, and also began laughing as he flew back up.

Lore appeared behind Zaku with his sword pointed at his back. "What was that?"

Maluena threw a knife at him.
"I don't want to kill you, now change back!" she called, frowning.

Zeria knew what was happening, and he transformed into a dark dragon. He telepathed Xenos something, and he passed out. Zeria changed back, and so did Xenos. But Xenos was cut and scratched.

" I said your cocky.. Zaku said with a defient look.

Some water that was following him earlier froze into a mirror that shuved lore away.

" I dont want to fight you or this demon but know this. Im not afraid of you or death or what anyone thinks of me..

Zaku steped into the mirror and it melted into water and went into the earth and so did the other water that was chaseing xenos. Zaku appeared in a mirror in his room and froze the door shut and enchanted it.

Maluena walked over.
"Is anyone good with healing?" she asked.

"C-cant.. you?" Xenos muttered, his head turned to the side and he was laying on his stomach.

12-Mar-2008 06:01:26 - Last edited on 12-Mar-2008 06:15:06 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lore put his sword away. "Let him die, he's just going to turning into a demon again eventually." Lore said in a flat tone again and walked off.

Xenos passed out, and Zeria teleported Xenos to his room, along with Zeria himself.

Zaku mumbled to himself he was very anoyed but he wasnt afraid. The water he used earlier went under the door and froze back into vials by his feet and he looked out the window. " Maby i should step in.. Maby not.. Maby ill just try to take a nap.. Chooseing sides is so anoying.. i just wish eveyone would chill out.. Zaku fell on his bed covering his head with a pillow trying to block out the noise and he fell into a light sleep but for how long he didnt know.

12-Mar-2008 06:01:31 - Last edited on 12-Mar-2008 06:16:44 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku didnt get much sleep but he never did. He knew staying in a inn with a demon slayer wasnt the most safe thing to do but he wasnt scared. He grabed some more books and started reading them. It might seem a better idea to read them in his room but he wanted to see what was going on.

Maluena went back to the front desk and added a few more flowers to celebrate the Spring Equinox. ~The Equinox celebrations are always fun~ she thought.

Thoriann looked over at Maluena. He walked up to the desk. "Despite the comment I said earlier, want to teach me to ball room dance now?"

12-Mar-2008 06:01:36 - Last edited on 12-Mar-2008 06:32:32 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Blood thirsty son of a-" Lasarus curses under his breath, wiping pure black blood from the Blade of the Draconian on the flaps of his trench coat, then cursing louder yet as the coat catches fire. He covers the flames with his hand until, starved of oxygen, the flames flicker and die. Shaking his black-as-night hair out of his unusually pale face, Lasarus glances at the trees surrounding him, thrusting his sword into its sheaf before turning his gaze to the pale, black robed body at his feet. "Scum," Lasarus voices, spitting on the dead vampire's face. "Will they ever learn?"

Some time later, Lasarus wanders around the edge of the lake, and deciding to take a moment to compose himself, stops at the waters edge. He crouches on one knee, scooping the water into his hands and splashing it onto his face, shaking his sodden fringe out of his dark, handsome eyes. With a contented sigh, he draws himself to full height before turning and continuing on his way. Lasarus hadn't planned his route. He was just wandering.

After a brief while, Lasarus found himself sitting quite contentedly in the corner of the inn lobby, a pint of ale on the table in front of him, a book from the book case at his side open on his lap. He glances up from his reading, fully comprehending the lobby for the first time, glancing at the various patrons before turning his gaze downwards, his wings folding themselves into his back.

Maluena smiled.
"Sure, I'll have Frank take over the desk" she said. She walked into the bar and came back out with Frank.
"Yah, have fun" Frank said, his voice gruff, yet pleasent. Frank walked over to the new commer.
"Sir, here is your key" he said, handing him key 18.

12-Mar-2008 06:01:41 - Last edited on 12-Mar-2008 06:32:48 by Hex the wolf

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