
Zakus journal

Quick find code: 49-50-99-55886783

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What type of things come out at night? Zaku asked Maluena

Midnights glare became more intence, and she said "then step outside, I'll turn you into a beetle if you'd like."

Lore's smile grew wide. "Yes I'd love to learn why where locked in rooms at night." Lore said as he waved away Midnight ignoring her

Maluena smiled evily.
"Good, then you can stay down here tonight, and I'll lock you in so you don't escape, then you can decide wether or not you want to dissobey me again" she snapped, and walked back to the desk.

Shade sighed and the snake disappeared and he stood slowly now changing the chant his eyes completely shading over to become pure black. He was entering a shadow realm and was talking to beasts and creatures whos souls dwelled within there naturally when they sleep.

Midnight then lost it, her eyes and hair turned blood red.

Lore's smile only grew wider. "Why thank you miss." Lore said and gave a sarcastic bow before turning to leave.

Lea didn't know what to do, she just froze mouth open "I..Uhh...MALUENA!" she called.

Maluena heard Lea's call and ran up stairs. She ran down the hall towards where Lea was.
"What is it!?" she exlaimed.

Zaku decided he would not get in the way and have a quick look at his room to see if it repeled him since he was a demon. he ran upstairs and fond his room and tryed to open the door.

Midnight had never been this angry, she screamed and turned Lore into a bug.

"He's.." Lea couldn't even explain it. "Come." she said grabbing her hand and pulling her into the doorway.

Lore didn't even remain a bug for more than a few seconds before turning back into a human, then he turned ever so slowly towards midnight. "I told you that wouldn't work... I'm a dragon-kin where virtually immune to any magic, especially some so weak as your." Lore hissed and he turned to leave. "I'll think I'll head to the stables..." Lore said maliciously as his hand grew into a claw.

05-Mar-2008 06:13:25 - Last edited on 03-Apr-2008 07:57:58 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Don't touch my horses!" Midnight warned him "I can do much more than that!" Midnights hair and eyes returned to normal.

The door clicked open and zaku looked arond awhile. He thought about eveything that was going on and decided surmantis would think he was crazy but he thought he would try his luck. He removed his hood and his mask and his robe bottom *He still has pants* And went back downstairs.

Lea headed back downstairs, seeing midnight and Lore fighting. "Are you really such a wimp you won't take on someone you're own size?" she asked him.

Lore was already out the door but you could still hear him. "I dunno, I hear horse meat is pretty good..." Lore laughed evilly as he walked to the stable.

Midnights eyes turned red again, and she followed Lore out.

Lea pulled the dagger out of her belt "You wouldn't dare..." she said coldly, he had no idea what he was in for.

Lore was already in the stable, he pulled a carrot out of a nearby bag and gave it to one of the horses and just leaned against a wall and watched it. "Enjoy that carrot, you never know which meal is gonna be your last..."

"Okay, I'm sorry I turned you into a bug," Midnight said to lore, "I realy can't controll my magic some times, I realy am sorry..."

Zaku went downstairs after he heard a bunch of noise. It reminded him of his parrents fighting. He thought at first he would mind his own buisness but then he reminded himself his buisness was listening in on things like that. Or maby it was just fun.. he didnt care.. He sillently followed the noise but keeped a distance.

Lea watched from a distance, making sure they didn't hurt eachother, while keeping an ear out for anyone that might want some dinner. * Shes the inn cook *

"Forgiven..." Lore said flatly and tossed the horse another carrot.

"Don't feed them too much, and there's a wild one here, I just brought him in," Midnight said.

05-Mar-2008 06:13:30 - Last edited on 06-Mar-2008 07:18:26 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
eh I don't care how much they eat, it make'em happy." Lore said taking a bite out a carrot and chewing on it.

Zaku saw another person and soon noticed it was lea. " You watching to? He said near her in a childish tone.

"Watching, observing, spying, one or the other, you?" she asked.

"If you feed them too much they could get a bloat." Midnight replied.


Rofl this was out of character but it was so funny i had to post it here.. Turns out the person that played lea had no idea zaku was 13

((Omg Zaku's thirteen? Great now I feel guilty about the pitchfork comment...maybe she could make up for it by being like an older sister...geeze Lea just told a thirteen year old boy his mother should beat him with a pitchfork for hearing their conversation!))


"Meh... animal care was never my specialty." Lore said flatly taking another bite of carrot, he swallowed it and started making puffs of smoke come out of his nose.

" Same.. he said smirking he threw a vial and it broke and some water went closer toward the two people in the stable.

Lea reached out putting a hand on his shoulder and pulling him back "I...wouldn't do that if I were you." she said eyeing them. "Hungry?" she asked trying to change the subject.


And again she put this down rofl

((*Bangs head on desk* stupid stuupid STUPID!))


"Well, maybe you can use what you know, instead of ignoring it?" Midnight said.

05-Mar-2008 06:13:36 - Last edited on 06-Mar-2008 07:29:15 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Well, maybe you can use what you know, instead of ignoring it?" Midnight said.

"Not exactly sure what that's suppose to mean but okay." Lore said continuing to puff balls of black smoke from his nose, he grew a scaly tail which picked up a brush and began brushing a horse.

" Not right now maby later.. He said makeing a small motion with his hands. The water went near the stable door behind the wall close to the people. It froze into a mirror and he took out another vial and it became another mirror.

Lea stared at him, he was an odd kid. "What are you?" she asked curously.

"Well, just be carful about what you do, or say, some one MAY not like it." Midnight said to Lore.

People don't like what I say they can shove it and leave." Lore's mood suddenly becoming bad, his tail snapped the brush in half and dropped it on the ground. "Sorry..." Lore muttered.

" A demon.. Zaku said without much emoteion and steped into the mirror by him. His reflection then appeared in the other mirror by the wall and he steped out of it and waved at lea.

"some people won't leave Mr. Confident." Midnight remarked.

Lea laughed slightly nervously.

Lore's tail smashed and empty stall door in half. "You get me in a good mood and then you just go and..." He smacked his fist down on a barrel, he closed his eyes and one twitched a little.

Midnight looked at Lore, "Sorry," she mumbled "I didn't mean to upset you..."

"It's fine." Lore said opening his eyes and looking at her through his cloak hood which kept his face hidden, he began puffing more smoke through his nose again.

05-Mar-2008 06:13:42 - Last edited on 06-Mar-2008 07:34:04 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku brushed his hair out of his eyes and quickly looked arond the wall when they were not looking then ran back into the mirror. It melted and he appeared behind lea again the water comeing back to him and freezeing into two vials. "On second thought its safer here.. He said smirking.

Lea nodded, "No doubt about it." she said.

Midnight sighed "I'm not used to people, when most people see me, they try to kill me..."

"Your a witch big deal, you make stuff float and you wear a pointy hat, your just like me, people see me and they just assume I'm gonna burn the village too the ground and next thing you know I got a bunch of 'valiant' knight chasing me to kingdom come.

" Yeah it stinks doesnt it.. Zaku said in reply to what they said but he said it sillently so they wouldnt hear him.

Midnight laughed, "I also speak with nature, people don't like that very much, oh and the pointy hat channals your magic." she said.

05-Mar-2008 06:19:40 - Last edited on 06-Mar-2008 18:28:32 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"But why pointy, why not just be a plain old hat, and why black, or is that just a stereotype?" Lore said picking up a carrot and igniting it with a breath of fire he began to joke around. "Tis a witch! She can swim and do math! and wears a pointy hat! burn her!" Lore said waving the burning carrot around stupidly.

Zaku noticed some wierd creature keeped on trying to get leas attention but she brushed it off her shoulder again.

Midnight began to laugh uncontrolably, between giggles she said, "just... a... myth!"

"You think thats funny you should see my imitation of a dragon slayer." He extinguished the carrot and brandished it like a sword. "Have at ye foul dragon! For sooth and I shall slay you and rescue the village or princess or whatever bloody thing I've been told to save you from!" Lore said in a dramatic voice and began stabbing the carrot in the air.

Midnight fell on the floor laughing too hard to stand up.

Zaku ran over to midnight and lore. " Are you REALLY a witch? he said childishly. Before when they were fighting he was a little scared of them but he never met a witch before he just read a few books about them.

Midnight looked at him, "Yes i am," She said when she managed to stop laughing.

"I got plenty of them I could go on for days." Lore said swinging the carrot around by it's stem. "I tell ya, the people I've had to 'fight' when I come in to town, they say their gonna send the best knight they have and I end up having to watch the village idiot get up enough courage to get within 20 feet of me."

Someone called Kai heard some noises outside, he decided to check it out, he got up off the chair and went out of the inn and headed to where he thought he heard the noises.

"Humans," Midnight said sarcasticly, "They only acsept themselves in the community."

05-Mar-2008 06:19:46 - Last edited on 06-Mar-2008 18:39:15 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku smirked slightly at the dragon creatures jokes but knew some slayers were not fools and were very dangerous " Okay... Soo can you do any of the things they do in the books? Because ive learned awhile ago books can offen be wrong about some things..

"the books say we ride around on broomsticks? well sometimes, but almost all of it is lies." Midnight said.

" Maby.. But most the books ive read on demons are pretty accuret.. But they are off on witches i guess..

"Who me?" Lore asked. "Yea, of course I can do dragon stuff, I fly and breath fire and steal princesses and lock them in towers." Lore said and grew wings and breathed fire but didn't turn into a dragon fully. "Just ask any princess and they know of the great dragon Lore!" He said sarcastically.

Zaku laughed at the dragon creature. " Ill be sure to ask them if i run into any..

Midnight looked at a horse that as rearing and whinnieing, she told it not to be afraid.

"Any brooms around?" Midnight asked, she could acctuly ride

Lore turned back to a human fully and sat down. "Being funny can tire you out." Lore said and yawned.

05-Mar-2008 06:19:51 - Last edited on 06-Mar-2008 18:49:43 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kai heard the noises getting louder and he realised they were voices in a building, Kai put out his hand and opened the door slowly.

Midnight looked at someone opening the door, "hello." She said to him politly

Zaku thought he sensed human.. He knew the witch was human and the dragon creature could look human but he couldnt change his appearence and he left his robes and mask in his room. He hid behind a old crate nearby.

Lore's head was tossed back as he was laying up against a pile of sacks that didn't support his head. He had his mouth wide open and was making fake snoring sounds.

05-Mar-2008 06:19:57 - Last edited on 06-Mar-2008 18:55:48 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kai looked at the person who said hello. "Hey." He said
closing the door behind him and looking at everyone then looking at the floor. "So what is this place?"

" Hi who are you.. he said still behind the crate. A mirror was by him and another mirror of ice was outside so he could escape if needed.

Kai couldn't see who was talking to him but he replied anyway. "My name is Kai, and im a traveler and a warrior, and who might you be."

" Im Zaku.. I like to travel to. He came out from behind the crate. " You arnt the demon slayer type of warrior are you..?

No im just a warrior that fights when i need to, like when i feel threatened, but most of the time im calm."

Zaku sighed in relief. " Cool.. Well.. Theres a inn over there.. And the rooms are free.. Dont ask why..

"Yes i've been inside the inn there was no-one there, so i came out looking for people and i guess i found you in here." Kai said finding a place to sit down.

" Yeaahh.. While some demons burn in hell and while others try to gain power and destroy things in this realm.. i just like to look arond.. He sounded childish

05-Mar-2008 06:20:04 - Last edited on 06-Mar-2008 19:27:04 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kai didn't understand he just nodded and went along with it he rubbed his eye with his right hand, his arm part of his robe slid down showing the red line going up it.

Midnight looked at the strange person, "Hi." she said to him.

" Anyway.. This inn is awesome so feal free to look arond.

"So what is there to do here?" Kai asked looking around where he was.

" Sorry i cant tell you stuff like that but you can ask the inn keeper later.. Im tired.. Night.. Zaku steped into a mirror and vanished. He appeared in his room where he keeped a vial.

* About 5-8 hours later*

Zaku lefted his room and went to where he heard the most noise. " Hey whats going on..? he said yawning.

Maluena looked at Zaku.
"Since it is the Spring Equinox, I just explained the noises" she replied.

Zaku looked confused but decided he wouldnt say anything since he didnt want to look stupid. " So can these monsters hurt you? or just your mind..? Zaku sat on a nearby chair sideways.

Maluena looked at him.
"They can hurt you, they can kill you, the only safe place at night is your room. But tonight, all is safe, except the forest, because that is the monsteres domaine, but feel free to go anywhere else tonight" she said, smiling.

05-Mar-2008 06:20:10 - Last edited on 10-Mar-2008 05:20:49 by Hex the wolf

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