Thoriann nodded. He blushed a little, and turned his head. "Tell me if I put my hands around you the wrong way, as I have no idea."
Maluena laughed and walked into the Ball room.
"Don't worry, I'll let you know" she said. A Brownie cam zipping into the room and started playing the harp that was in the corner of the room.
Zaku looked serious since one of the books he got he liked it had all sorts of interesting things in it. But he lowerd it and looked at the new guy walking in. All these tough slayers comeing in..Not safe at all..But he was a demon he new he would have to face them sometime.. Owell.. The book had something about a new spell he could use with his ablitys. " Who are you..? He said to the new person emoteionlessly.
Thoriann just stood in the room, and looked around. He kept blushing. "Well you 'ought to tell me now. Other wise I might do something bad."
Lasarus raises his head, his eyes narrowing slightly as he takes in the man's appearance. "I am not what you fear me to be, and that is all you need to know about me, sir," Lasarus voices with a smirk.
Maluena laughed again.
"Okay, put your right hand on my waist and take my hand with your left hand" she instructed as the Brownie kept playing the harp.
Thoriann blushed a little more, and walked up to her. "I would have picked someone else if I knew it was dancing like this." Thoriann said in a sarcastic tone, as he did what was instructed.
Maluena roled her eyes.
"Okay, follow my lead, and if it helps count, 1,2,3 1,2,3" so on so forth" Maluena said, starting to move to the music. Frank went back to the desk and sighed, watching everyone.
Thoriann moved his hand from her waist, and let go of the hand he grasped with hers. "Hm, I dont think I can learn that way. I had no idea how to step, and thought I would hurt you."
12-Mar-2008 06:01:46
- Last edited on
13-Mar-2008 06:21:37
Hex the wolf