
Zakus journal

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Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

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Thoriann nodded. He blushed a little, and turned his head. "Tell me if I put my hands around you the wrong way, as I have no idea."

Maluena laughed and walked into the Ball room.
"Don't worry, I'll let you know" she said. A Brownie cam zipping into the room and started playing the harp that was in the corner of the room.

Zaku looked serious since one of the books he got he liked it had all sorts of interesting things in it. But he lowerd it and looked at the new guy walking in. All these tough slayers comeing in..Not safe at all..But he was a demon he new he would have to face them sometime.. Owell.. The book had something about a new spell he could use with his ablitys. " Who are you..? He said to the new person emoteionlessly.

Thoriann just stood in the room, and looked around. He kept blushing. "Well you 'ought to tell me now. Other wise I might do something bad."

Lasarus raises his head, his eyes narrowing slightly as he takes in the man's appearance. "I am not what you fear me to be, and that is all you need to know about me, sir," Lasarus voices with a smirk.

Maluena laughed again.
"Okay, put your right hand on my waist and take my hand with your left hand" she instructed as the Brownie kept playing the harp.

Thoriann blushed a little more, and walked up to her. "I would have picked someone else if I knew it was dancing like this." Thoriann said in a sarcastic tone, as he did what was instructed.

Maluena roled her eyes.
"Okay, follow my lead, and if it helps count, 1,2,3 1,2,3" so on so forth" Maluena said, starting to move to the music. Frank went back to the desk and sighed, watching everyone.

Thoriann moved his hand from her waist, and let go of the hand he grasped with hers. "Hm, I dont think I can learn that way. I had no idea how to step, and thought I would hurt you."

12-Mar-2008 06:01:46 - Last edited on 13-Mar-2008 06:21:37 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" Fair enough.. Zaku lifted his book back up and smirked at the thought of Being called sir when he was oley a 13 but he liked the idea.. The slayer lore might be was alot more rude and treated him like a kid at best.

Maluena laughed.
"Okay, then just copy what I do, only by yourself" she said. She smiled and started to move her feet in the correct way of a Waltz.

"Incidentally..." Lasarus voices slowly, with a hint of curiosity in his tones. "I must wonder what a demonic is doing among the civilised, and what a child is doing in a tavern. In short, just what the hell do you think you are doing!?!"

Thoriann tried to do the same way, but tripped somewhat. Then eventually fell on his face. Thoriann burst into laughter.

Maluena also laughed.
"Not bad for your first try" she said, helping him up, "But lets try again."

" How rude... Zaku said lowering his book but still smirking. " This may explain it to you or it may confuse you more.. Zaku took out the holy book he had earlier showing it to him. Then he took out a vial of water and it broke into water that froze back into the form of a cross like object. " No effect.. He said holding them both.

"Not because you are teaching me, but can I try it with you now?" Thoriann calmly asked. He didnt really think he liked Maluena, but people never know.

Maluena nodded.
"Sure" she said, facing him.

12-Mar-2008 06:01:50 - Last edited on 13-Mar-2008 06:24:43 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"I see," Lasarus voices calmly, bringing the tips of his fingers together and resting his arms on the table in front of him, frowning somewhat. "However...My second question remains unanswered. Taverns and bars are no place for minors such as yourself, demonic or not," Lasarus raises an eyebrow challengingly. "I hope the bartender knows not to serve you alcohol,"

Thoriann put his hand on her waist, and then clutched one of her hands. "Hm, which one of us starts?"

Maluena smiled.
"Well, if you still arn't confertable with the dance I'll lead, but if your fine then usually it's the guy that leads" she said.

marcus was trying to find a safe place to land and rest when, he saw the inn and landed infront of the door. he couldnt reach the handle, so he flew up to it and turned it.

Thoriann leaned in towards her ear. He laughed a little to himself as he began to whisper. "We can tell them we dont know our genders."

Maluena laghed.
"No, I don't think we'll need to" she said.

Frank heard someone opening the door and got out a key.

Thoriann shrugged. "Well, I guess I could try. But if I end up tripping and falling on you, dont blame me!"

12-Mar-2008 06:01:55 - Last edited on 13-Mar-2008 06:27:36 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku looked anoyed. " My parrents are dead and my brother and the demon slayers and some townsfolk want me killed for existing Some dont mind me and one person i met at another inn is my best friend. But.. i can take care of myself and i like to travel so thats why im here.. And lastly.. I never drink beer or anything like that unless i have no choice. Zaku got up from his chair the cross melting and the water following him and he put the two books in his pockets and he walked over by the stairs his tail flicking in anoyence at many things going on.

Maluena roled her eyes.
"This is why I'm teaching you to dance, so you don't mess up at the actuall dance" she said, smiling.

Thoriann nodded. He started to do the steps that Maluena showed him earlier, and did rather well. But it was a two man effort.

"You get used to it," Lasarus mutters as he watch the boy leave, smirking slightly before reopening the book on his lap and going back to his reading, occasionally glancing at random people in the lobby.

Maluena smiled and danced with him.
"You're doing better" she commented.

marcus pushed on the door but it wouldnt open. so he pushed again and fell through, hitting his head on a chair.

Frank opened the door and looked down.
"Yes?" he asked, he had sort of that butler sounding voice sometimes.

Thoriann smiled, then suddenly jerked on purpose. He wanted to see how Maluena would respond if that happened in the dance.

12-Mar-2008 06:02:00 - Last edited on 13-Mar-2008 06:29:53 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"oowwwww...." Someone called marcus groaned after hitting his head. he looked up at the man and said, " can i stay the night?"

Maluena just helped him get straightned out and kept dancing.
"You okay?" she asked.

Frank nodded.
"Come in" he said, handing the key to Marcus.

Turning the page of his book, Lasarus frowns slightly to himself, plucking a strand of his black hair out of his pale face and scratching the tip of his nose.

" thank you " said mercus getting up and walking upstairs to his room. once he found it, he had to fly again in order to put in the key, and open the door. once inside, he curled up on his pillow and rested.

Thoriann nodded. It looked like it was an accident. "Yea I am just fine. Why would you ask?"

Zaku calmed down after a few minutes and looked deep in thought.

" Sorry just so many crazy things have been going on lately..

Zaku walked back and looked out the window.

" Sometimes i think i should just leave and maby ill die and that will be it. But whats the point? Most demons never think about any of this.. They just fight and then finaly get killed and they return to their realm of fire and pain. And suffer for all time..

"Maby i will just leave if things get out of hand but so many interesting people and things happen at inns.. Zaku sighed.

Maluena laughed.
"Do you think I want anyone to be hurt?" she answerd.

12-Mar-2008 06:02:04 - Last edited on 13-Mar-2008 06:33:58 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku heard some people complaining. One dragon like creature had banged into someone. He sighed and nodded to a decsion he made his long hair coverd his eyes and he went outside. The mirror in the corner stayed there and he went into a small storage barn and started training his new ablity.

Zaku opened up his book and put a ice vial infront of him. He made a few hand motions and shut his eyes and when he opened them a clone that looked just like him was infront of him. " It works... Zaku took out another vial and it became 3 knifes of ice and he threw them at the clone. It hit in the heart the head and one of its eyes. The clone suddenly became water again and splashed on the floor. Zaku repeated it again. " Say something.. The clone didnt say anything. " Fair enough this may still be usefull.. Zaku claped his hands and the clone became water again and became a mirror. He steped into it and appeared in the mirror in the inn again and steped out and sat back on the chair sideways.

I didnt 'headbutt your leg,' i fell from the stairs and my wings caught the air." The dragon creature said, flapping his wings.

"Lucky you," The person replied in an uncaring tone, going back to his reading. "Now if you care to excuse me..."

The dragon creature shot a little ball of fire at the book he was reading the got up, and took of to the top of the stairs.

12-Mar-2008 06:02:09 - Last edited on 16-Mar-2008 05:00:56 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
How rude.. Zaku said looking at Lasarus waiting to see what he would do.

The mancovered the flames with his hand until they flickered and died, brushed ash off the page and went back to his reading.

Zaku wonderd how this person would do if he got in a fight with lore the demon slayer guy. Thats two people he had to watch out for.. The dragon thing looked clumsy but he decided it wouldnt be a good idea to underestmate it. " You say im not the oley one with a bad past.. So did anything bad happen to you? Zaku said with a curious look.

The other dragonlike person went back to his room and whent to sleep.

Kain had a axe straped onto his back and walked into the inn.

Zaku looked up from the book he was reading. " Any luck finding that demon? He said emoteionlessly and turned a page.

"nope, he's gone." kain said

Lore slid into the inn silently and sat down, his cloak was caked with blood and he was holding his sword which was also red with blood.

" You didnt kill him did you..? Zaku said lowering his book. He was in the corner of the room with a mirror behind him.

"No I didn't kill him, but their are a few lesser demons who won't be plaguing this world any longer." Lore said wiping his blade and putting it away.

" Ahh i see.. Well if you did i would understand.. its just i think he has two sides to him.. Zaku fliped a page to his book.

"Unfortunately it doesn't matter if he has ten sides to him, he still has to die to keep the evil one from coming back..." Lore said taking a cup of tea and drinking from it.

Kain began walking around the inn was mostly quiet observeing things.

12-Mar-2008 06:02:14 - Last edited on 16-Mar-2008 05:31:27 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" Maby he could learn to control it.. I get upset sometimes.. eveyone does it doesnt mean we should die for it.. I can control myself i had some help from my mother but still.. Seems like your waiting for the slightest chance to kill me anyway.. Zaku steped into the mirror and appeared in his room and locked his door with the enchants and vials and went to sleep for awhile.

Lore ignored him as he left and went back to drinking his tea in silence...

15-Mar-2008 05:40:07 - Last edited on 16-Mar-2008 05:33:11 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
* Eight hours later *

Lore sat at the bar drinking tea, you could see a misty arura drifting off him...

Zaku sat on his bed with a slightly anoyed look as he stared at the mirror of ice.

He wasnt really sad but he was just anoyed of many things. Half of him said he should just leave while the choice is still his to make eveyone probly hated him anyway. But he didnt really wanna look like he was leaveing because he cared what people thought. It did make him feal bad but tough.. Its always been that way. The oley reasson he cares now is perhaps surmantis made him feal like a person and not a wild animal that could go insan at any minute. Also it wasnt a very safe idea to stay.. But heck its never been safe.

On the other side he wanted to stay just to show em and maby learn about these monsters and the other people staying in the inn. Lore did make him feal a little bad but all demon slayers did and he wanted to see lore just try to kill him he would freeze him and send him a million miles into the earth.. Or maby he wasnt a demon slayer maby there was more to it.. Zaku did not mind the unknown but now it was geting a little anoying since he didnt know what he should do with lore arond.

Zaku smirked at the thought of freezeing his tea. " Well if im gonna stay i should try to help out.. Maby i can get a job or something to do here.. Zaku said stared into the mirror of ice.

~ Surmantis i wish you were here but i kinda dont.. i wanna prove i can take care of myself and that im not just a kid.. But still... Zaku looked out the window with a bored look. " I wish you were here..

Lore stared at his tea heating it in his hands. "Muderers, the whole lot of them." He said to himself thinking of his mom and dad.

17-Mar-2008 06:02:49 - Last edited on 17-Mar-2008 06:08:11 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku sighed and decided he would go back downstairs and see if there was anything that he could do to help out for the silly dance thing..

~ What is a dance anyway... Zaku thought as he left his room. He decided he would just try to ignore lore and he was so sillent it would be easy.

~ Whats he thinking... Zaku thought as he glanced at lore for a second going down the stairs. The other people seemed like they didnt need him at the time so he stood there wondering if he should explore the inn or grab some new books.. But he had got done reading omost all of them.

"Stupid demons..." Lore muttered gripping his glass. "Parent killers... got to kill them all..." Lore sat down the glass calmly. "I have to save others from that pain..." Lore muttered quietly.

Zaku just tryed to ignore him and went into the great hall.

marcus who was the dragon creature from before woke up when some one walked by his door. he didnt really care, its just his ears are sensitive. so he got up, when down stairs, and looked around as every one started setting up for the dance.

Zaku looked arond awhile admireing a few of the things but he couldnt take his mind off what lore said.

At first he was really insulted then he calmed down after looking at some old pictures on the walls and knew lore had evey right to hate demons if they did kill his parrents. He never really liked his parrents accept that one time his mom came to him in her true form but he knew that if someone killed surmantis he would hate them to.

Zaku went back into a mirror and came out of the mirror in the corner again and acted like he didnt hear anything as he grabed one of the last books witha careless look. He then steped back into the mirror and was in his room again fliping pages.

17-Mar-2008 06:02:54 - Last edited on 17-Mar-2008 06:13:25 by Hex the wolf

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