
Zakus journal

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Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

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Is it the innkeepers pet? Norzak asked admirering it.

Zaku laughed. " More like pest

Kain just drank his tea in silence and tunred to look at lore "hey anything new?" he asked him

Lore rolled on his side and kept snoring batting at something invisible.

If you looked at the scroll of rules on the wall one of them was written by Lore.

'Beware of Dragon'

Kain got an idea and went outside and found a feather he walked back in and stood next to lore.

Zaku tryed not to laugh as he watched kain. Norzak just watched still interested. He never saw a dragon before.

Kain slowly lowered the feather so it brushed lores face and let it slide around and then jerked it back and jumped backwards

Lore began sniffing the air, something was tickling his nose, he began to bat at the air harder and he snorted loudly.

Kain walked forward and did the same thing and then hid the feather and sat down at the bar.

~ I love this.. Zaku tryed not to laugh and sat back down trying to look normal.

Lore flailed as the the feather tickled him and he rolled off the couch, he growled and hissed momentarily before resuming his sleep.

02-Apr-2008 05:15:44 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 05:28:59 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kain hid behind the couch and let the feather fall on lores face and sprang back to the bar and drank his tea, he left the feather there though

Zaku took out a book pretending to read it.

Lore began flailing wildly until he and the feather rolled under the couch... after a few moments little puffs of fuzz came flying out as the remains of the feather, then all you could see were two red eyes glaring at anybody in view.

Kain just sipped his tea and tried not to laugh he was trying really hard.

Zaku put the book up infront of his face so he wouldnt see him smileing.

Norzak backed off.

Kain sipped his tea and then started to laugh but disguised it as a cough

Lore hissed and shot out a fire ball at Kain then shot out a second one at Zaku. "Who woke me up?" He hissed coldly.

"Not me," kain said and walked up to bed.

The fire ball hit the book and zaku put it out with some water.

" Not me.. Zaku said trying to act bored.

Norzak slitherd upstairs.

Lore growled but stayed under the couch. "This is exactly why I don't trust you." He hissed angrily.

" Onestly i didnt.. Zaku said laughing slightly.

" If it was me i would of dumped ice cold water on you.

Lore sighed then crawled back up onto the couch and curled back up, he thought about glaring at Zaku again but instead he closed his eyes.

Lily sat up from the bar and yawned. "What's going on?"

" Mmmm Not much.. Just hanging out.. You were asleep for awhile..

Lily stretched and got up then walked over and sat on the couch and picked up Lore and sat him in her lap and began to stroke his head. "How are you brother."

"Fine..." Lore replied.

" Do you two know any witch counter spells? Zaku asked curiously.

02-Apr-2008 05:16:01 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 05:32:10 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lily continued to pat Lore on the head softly. "No." Lily replied. "Even if we did we probably wouldn't tell you." Lore added and flicked his tail gently.

Kain walked back downstairs and streched "hey whats going on?" he asked lore and lilly.

Zaku looked anoyed. " Well we better find one because theres a very powerfull witch staying here.. And i think shes gonna start something..

Lily closed her eyes and continued to hold Lore who still stayed in his Mini-dragon form. "As long as she doesn't bother us were both fine with her staying her." Lore told Zaku. Lily looked up a Kain. "I don't know... not much."

"oh," kain said yawning "wonder if anyones outside?" he muttered and went outside.

Zaku sighed and started reading a book again.

A figure with red hair and white skin was outside but he ran off into the forrest again.

Kain saw a figure outside and ran after it ~who* that?~ he wondered ans sprinted as fast as he could trying to catch it.

Lore slid off Lily's lap and turned into a human, at the same time Lily turned into a small pink dragon and crawled into Lore's lap and laid down.

02-Apr-2008 05:16:05 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 05:33:17 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~ That is so cool.. Zaku thought as he turned another page.

The figure keeped runing then hid behind a tree.

Kain sopped ~where'd he go?~ he wondered and started looking around behind trees an bushes he kept looking when some movement caught his eye and he walked forward towards it.

Lily gave a squeaky yawn and fell asleep in Lore's lap. "I wonder were those other dragon-kin went..." Lore asked nobody.

A metel hand slamed kain into a nearby tree and wraped arond his neck. The figure with the red hair steped out grining evily.

Kain tried to breathe and got a little bit of air "who... are... you?" he asked trying to breathe but couldn't get enough.

" You can call me james.. Im with the eight.. Your not really the target i wanted.. But no one should hear you scream this deep in the woods..

The hand griped tighter.

"why?" kain asked before slumping unconscious due to lake of air his great axe slipped out and bounced off the book falling also.

There was a loud sound like something going thru the air and suddenly james hand fell off and he screamed in pain.

" Thats for last time.. Norzak growled.

James took out a sword with his remaining hand and slashed at him.

02-Apr-2008 05:16:14 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 05:34:09 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku fell asleep his head in a open book.

Norzak slashed at james and james blocked it with the sword.

After about 15 minutes

Norzak finaly landed a hit in his chest.

James looked anoyed. " You win this one.. That loser is lucky.. He said smiley and vanished.

Norzak picked up kain and brought him back inside the inn.

Norzak glanced at lore and lily.

" Do you know what room is his?

Lore looked up. "Eh... the empty one?" Lore responded and Lily sniggered.

Norzak looked anoyed.

" Your not in your room lilys not in her room zakus not in his room.. For the love of.. Im just puting him in the closest room i see.

02-Apr-2008 05:16:20 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 05:35:28 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Norzak found a open room and put him on the bed. He had no clue about healing or anything and just left him there. ~ He should wake up soon..

The room was lores room.

Lore shrugged. "Meh... I don't hardly sleep in my room." Lore said to himself. Lily giggled. "We can always go see if he's in one of our rooms and burn him to a crisp while he's still asleep." Lily suggested.

Norzak went downstairs and looked out the window.

Zaku was still asleep but after moveing slightly he fell off his chair again and jolted back up looking confused.

Lore closed his eyes. "No... maybe when he's awake we can burn him... that way he'll feel it." Lore smiled evilly and Lily giggled again.

" Burn who? Zaku mutterd still looking drowsy.

Kain took a deep breath of air and jolted awake he wiped his head ~whew only a nightmare~ he thought and started walking downstairs

"Nobody... and stop eavesdropping!" Lily hissed at him, and Lore smirked.

Kain entered the main lobby "what's going on?" he asked curious

" Lore and lily are being as friendly as ever.. Zaku mutterd and grabed another book.

Lore snorted and went back to petting the little pink dragon that was Lily.

"okay," kain said shrugging and went over to sit on a chair.

Norzak noticed kain was back.

" Good you made it. I had no idea what to do.. James hates me most so thats why he was wandering arond.

"Thanks," kain said "I think I can trust you," he said "ruin that and your doomed though."

" If i wanted to betray you idd of just let james kill you. All of those plans about trickery and lieing is sarah* thing..

Norzak fliped the coin again in thought. " Im gonna teach myself how to transform freely.

"That would be interesting," kain said and reached up to grab his great axe "C--p" he muttered when he realized it was gone and he wouldn't be getting it back ~it's probably another trap!~ he thought angrily

02-Apr-2008 05:16:26 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 05:38:37 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lore yawned and Lily transformed and went back over to the bar to order a tea.

Zaku lowerd his book.

" ill get it..

He steped outside.

Norzak followed him.

The Witch next set her sights on Kain.

She was going to have every person here under her thumb.

She walked downstairs, looking prettier than ever, and sat down at a table.

Kain turned around "Hi." he said somehow he forget that this was the witch somehow... maybe a spell? "are you new here?" kain asked

The Witch smiled prettily.
"My name is Irea Dalkyned, and I am new here, yes."

Surmantis walked downstairs, saw the Witch, and she casted a confuse spell on him.

He nearly fell down the stairs, and she cackled to herself in her mind.

Lore was asleep on the floor beside the couch and Lily was asleep on the couch right beside Lore who was snoring lightly.

"Really you're new? My name's kain," he exclaimed "where are you from?" he asked her

" Heheh james you got pounded by that silly dog..

James glared at her but didnt say anything.

Sarah picked up his book and levitated his axe.

" Hmm This is that silly book from before.. Owell Finders keepers..

She put the book in her pocket and threw the axe a few feet away.

" I think im gonna try again... Makeover please?

James sighed and made a hand motion. Sarah* hair turned black and her clothes became purple with some white triming.

Sarah smiled and went into the inn.

Norzak didnt pay attention to her.

" ill get the stuff back you stay here.. He growled.

Zaku sighed and went back inside.

02-Apr-2008 05:16:43 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 05:41:37 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Witch looked up as Sarah entered the room.
Oh, one of those stupid minions of Zasori.

" What are you looking at? Sarah said with a bratty voice.

~ Hmmm i wonder where surmantis is...

Zaku keeped sillent for now and pretended to read a book.

The Witch narrowed her eyes, but spoke in a beautifully relaxing voice.
"Oh, nothing dear, and how are you this morning?"

Surmantis regained his balance on the stairs and walked down, wondering why he had stopped in the first place.

Sarah smiled. " Lovely.. Now that ive ran into this hansome man.

She walked over to surmantis

" Hey wanna go for a walk outside?

Surmantis raised an eyebrow.
"Aren't I a little old for you ma'am?"

The Witch giggled shrilly.
To herself of course.

Surmanti really was a hilarious fool.

" Oh dont be silly! Sarah said laughing slightly. " I love men that are a little bit older.. They know what they are doing..

Surmantis just looked at her with an expression that was widely considered to be skepticism.

The Witch was laughing like a maniac.

But of course, no one heard it.

" Whats the matter? Sarah put on a inocent face and turned arond and gave the witch a chalageing eye. " Common.. Lets just have a small walk in the woods hm?

The Witch had a completely innocent expression.
"Are you talking to me, or are you still talking to that perfectly nice man?"

Surmantis leaned against the wall casually.

God, women were certainly starting to annoy him..had it been like this all his life?

" You just seemed like you were anoyed with something.. Sarah said to the witch in a young voice.

She then turned to surmantis again. " Whats the matter.. Am i not good enough for you?

02-Apr-2008 05:16:47 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 05:44:09 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Witch sniggered to herself, silently, before answering.
"No no, I was just minding my own business."

Surmantis again raised his eyebrow.
Hm...Okay, well how about this...

"Yes. That's exactly what I think," he answered.

Sarah gasped and swore so quickly it was hard to understand her. She then grabed a nearby drink norzak probly had and splashed it in surmantises face and stomped out the inn.

Zaku lowerd his book with a shocked look.

Surmantis wiped off his face and laughed.

The Witch laughed much harder, although no one could hear it.

After processing what just happend zaku laughed till he fell out his chair again.

There were sounds outside the inn that sounded more like a screching bird from hell then a women as she yelled at someone.

" Fine... A emoteionless voice said.

The man with the scythe steped into the inn his purple eyes glareing at surmantis. He looked like he was gonna swing his scythe but he just looked arond for a second then mutterd.

" Buisness later.. I wanted to do that for 800 years..

He then vanished.

Surmantis chuckled some more and poured himself a drink.

The Witch sailed up to him as well.
"You know, she's right, you're not that bad-looking."

Zaku rolled his eyes. He knew who she was but he didnt do anything.

Surmantis just looked at her.
"Don't start with me."

The Witch laughed madly inside as outwardly she stormed off as well.

She went outside to find Sarah.

Sarah was sulking by a nearby tree. She had never been insulted like that in her entire 800 years of working. She was rarely turned down but not like that. Her face was red and she had one hand in her pocket.

02-Apr-2008 05:17:46 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 05:46:42 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Witch walked over to Sarah.
"Hello dear, and what is your name?"

Surmantis stopped leaning against the wall and sat down at the table.

First Marry, she had tried to kill him, then this weird one, and of course, the woman whom he couldn't remember what made her dangerous...

" Sarah why should you care?

She mumbled something and her red face changed back to normal like nothing happened.

Lore was asleep on the couch.

Lily was somewhere.

The Witch cackled to herself again, although of course, no one heard it.

"He turned me down too...He's a real jerk isn't he?"

Sarah glanced at her for a second.

~ Well of course he turned you down.. If he turned me down and im so pretty why would he want someone like you?

She still had her hand in a pocket.

" Yeah.. I was gonna play with him longer but ill have to play with someone else.. Then kill him.. Slowly..

02-Apr-2008 05:18:53 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 05:47:55 by Hex the wolf

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