
Zakus journal

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Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thoriann stumbled along towards the lobby. He was tired after that ball room dancing lesson. All the tables where full except for one, so Thoriann placed himself at a table with just a single man sitting there.

Lore mumbled and continued to sleep... "Cake..."

The Witch heard Sarah's unguarded thought and suppressed a cackle out loud.

"Oh really, you kill people?" she asked in a casual tone.

Surmantis looked at the man who had fallen into the chair next to him.

Thoriann turned his head to the man. "Mhm...some people get all of the luck. I feel like amputating my legs. Ballroom dancing lessons with cute girls...its a pain."

Surmantis chuckled softly.
"You want a real workout, go talk to the girl in black out front."

" Sometimes.. But any man that turns me down wont live long..

She coughed and glared at the inn.

" Where the hell did that reaper guy go i told him to kill him! ERGH

She looked upset again.

" Who the heck are you anyway?

Meanwhile zaku was tempted to splash some ice cold water on lore.

"No I dont think I should." Thoriann laughed a little. "After all, that cute girl happens to be the inn owner."

Lore rolled on his side and began snoring.

Lily walked up too the bar and ordered some tea.

Surmantis nodded at the Inn owner.
"No not her..."

He nodded out the window at the girl by the tree.

The Witch cast a slight confusing spell on Sarah.
"Oh, just another traveler, like you."

02-Apr-2008 05:18:57 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 05:50:14 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kain woke up and streched again today since his great axe was lost to him he strapped his long sword on instead and walked downstairs

"Thats not what I ment." Thoriann laughed a little more. "The cute girl that gave me ball room dancing lessons is the inn owner. Shes going with me to the dance tonight."

Surmantis had a dark view of girls these days.
"Good luck, you're going to need it."

Kain just walked down the stairs "hey surmantis," kain said "what's going on?"

"I know I will. My legs might be in so much pain by then, I might have them amputated!" Thoriann joked. No girl ever put him in so much pain before. And this was from dancing!

" Ima traveler..?

She looked off ballance then shook it off.

" What the.. WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?

She reached for her flute in her pocket.

Zaku looked bored as he tryed to not think about messing with lore.

Lore rolled off the couch with a thud and became tangled in his cloak.

Lily was ignoring everything around her.

The Witch decided that she was probabl going for a weapon, cast a stronger confuse spell, and brought a black dagger out of mid-air and stabbed at Sarah.

Surmantis nodded at Kain.
"Not much, except for the two girls outside having it out...Probably over me," he said gloomily.

'uh" kain said "girls, whatcha gonna do?" he asked nobody in particular and walked over to a chair

"Who would want to fight over you? I mean, poltergeists are awesome!" Thoriann laughed even harder. "They should be fighting over me."

02-Apr-2008 05:19:01 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:12:48 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sarah looked off ballance and confused but instinctively slamed back the dagger with her flute and started playing her control spell on the witch.

Surmantis shrugged.
"Don't ask me, don't I look a little too old for either of them?"

The Witch cast a counter-confuse spell, then cast a spell which, if done right, turned the edges of one's brain crispy.

Kain walked over to the window and started to watch the to people fighting ~interesting~ kain thought ~why is one playing a flute?~ he wondered

"I'll just find out." Thoriann slowly stood up. He turned to Surmantis. "When I get out there, say Taibshe Thoriann."

Sarah made a loud toot with her flute that removed the second spell.

" You little B----! Sarah hissed as she slamed her on the head with the flute

Lore yawned and began to wake up, then he started to flail about trying to untangle himself from his cloak.

Kain just watched ~thats one hard flute~ he thought ~onder why she was playing it maybe a control spell?~ he wondered then realized maybe if he stayed at the window the spell could go through glass....

Surmantis nodded unconvincingly.
"You got it..."

The Witch stabbed at Sarah's face with the dagger, her head still spinning from the crack with the flute.

Thoriann took off his harp from his back. He placed it on the ground and took out a few strings. The tips were like knifes. Thoriann pressed them against the window, and then pushed it. He had created a little hole, and then Thoriann stepped out. "Hello there ladys!"

Sarah moved her head more from being dizzy then trying to get out of the way and the dagger cut down her cheek omost exactly like what happend to marry. She held her cheek with one hand. Now she wouldnt be able to play her flute.

" Dont you dare touch me you old hag! She tryed to slam the witch again on the head with her flute.

She ignored the man saying hello.

02-Apr-2008 05:19:05 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:14:03 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kain should move but then he couldn't watch and outside there was more of chance to have a spell on him so he stayed where he was

Surmantis said "Taibshe Thoriann," and wondered vaguely what it meant.

That last statement really hurt this Witch's vanity.
"Are you calling me old?" she snarled.

Thoriann positioned his fingers a few feet above the piece of glass he cut out. The glass started to levitate. Thoriann grinned and thrusted his hands towards the witch. The glass piece went right towards her head. "I am Thoriann Taibshe! The one and only human poltergeist!"

" Yes i am! How dare you touch my lovely face!

She then proceeded to trying to rip off a part of the witches dress.

The Witch ducked the peice of glass, smacked Sarah a good one, and turned owards Thoriann.

"Since when do you get off butting into ther people's fights?"

"Hm...since I think that you should die!" Thoriann pressed his hands on the witches face. He outserted energy, hoping that this would push her away. Ifi t worked, the witch would slam into some trees.

The Witch cast a counter-spell.
"Why do you think I should die, you don't even know me!"

Surmantis listened to the cat fight outside.
"Yeah, that's what I kinda expected..."

Sarah span arond a second curseing then glared at the new person.

" MIND YOUR OWN BUISNESS! She yelled in a screeching voice. and slamed him on the head with her flute.

02-Apr-2008 05:19:08 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:15:13 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kain decided to watch from outside so he walked away from the window and up the stairs and began changing into a hawk before he was completely changed he opened the windows.

Thoriann quickly jumped back. He bent over and picked up two harp strings. Thoriann held them over his head for protection from the flute. "Hey, you dont think I would not have the strongest harp strings in the world, but I do!"

Sarah gave the witch a glance that seemed to say. ~ Kill him?

Sarah ignored her wound and started playing a dark melody.

The Witch cast one of her strongest mind-control spell on Thoriann.

Her voice spoke, but only in his head.
"You don't want to kill me, you want to kill her."

"I dont want to kill you. I want to kill her." Thoriann turned to the girl with a flute. He kept repeating those words, as if in a trance.

Sarah thought she had control and played even darker.

~ Now.. dont disapoint me.. KILL THAT WITCH..

She then seemed to turn into a shadow and sank into the earth.

The Witch relaxed, sure that she had him under her thumb.

Thoriann turned to the witch. "I wont dissapoint you. I must kill the witch." He was not the hardest to get mind control on, as he really has no mind!

Kain slowly flew out of the open window and anded on a tree right above the witch and began watching the fight

The Witch blinked.
"What? No, kill-"

Then she noticed Sarah wasn't there anymore.
"-Nevermind that, don''t kill anyone."

Thoriann looked at the harp. He placed his hands a foot over them, and magicly lifted it. Thoriann thrusted the harp towards the witch. "I wont dissapoint. Must kill the witch."

The Witch cast a confuse spell, then a short memory wipe, then stood there, looking completely normal.
"Oh, hello there."

"Wont dissapoint! Must kill witch!" Thoriann snapped. He thrusted the harp even faster, towards her head.

02-Apr-2008 05:19:13 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:17:20 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kain just peered down at the witch and wondered why she stood there normal did she cast a spell?

The Witch ducked.

Kain decided to do something very un-hawk like he flew down to the witches face and tried to rake it with his talons while flapping his wings to keep her confused

The Witch shrieked as his talons raked her arm, and cast a spell that was perfectly capable of frying a bird's brain, if he had been a bird.

The spell did absolutley nothing due to fact that kain had not a brds brain but a humans well if you want to get technical a shifters but still... Kain flew around and circled around her then went back to his tree

The Witch cursed and cast a spell of memory wipe on Thoriann, and Kain, then she stormed inside and cast it on Surmantis, Zaku, and Lore and Lily, just in case.

Then she sat down and began to pretty herself up.

Kain gave a cry of surprise and fell from the branch and changed back into his regular form and stumbled into the inn "what just happened?" he muttered

02-Apr-2008 06:17:31 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:19:29 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"What's your name?" kain asked "And where are you from?" he asked he was very confused at the moment

The Witch laughed madly.
Inside, of course.

"I'm Alena Saliena," she said, making up a new name.

"Okay then," kain said "Do you know what just happened?" he asked her "It's weird I can't remember anything."

The Witch had an innocent expression.
"Nothing happened. I walked in the door and sat down."

"oh okay," kain said "I think I hit my head," kain moaned and felt at the back of his head and sure enough there waaas a small trick* of blood "great," kain mutered

Sarah was on a table curseing.

" Wow sarah your a mess.. Kakek laughed and started healing her.

" Shut up! She hissed.

Kakek sighed " Ill send in Icek.. He should be able to handle that witch.

" Fine whatever.. Sarah looked anoyed and let kakek heal her.

The Witch smiled.
"Here, let me help you with that."

Surmantis was feeling dizzy.
He still thought he knew her, but every time he got close he forgot again.

"okay," kain said ~she's quite nice~ kain said except for somewhere in some part of his brain he thought she might try to control him with a spell or something

Zaku turned another page to a book and wrote something down.

The Witch walked around behind him and used a small spell to heal it over quickly, while whispering a spell into his ear.

She had been doing alot of cackling lately, like right now.

02-Apr-2008 06:17:36 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:21:08 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A figure with dark hair red eyes and slightly tan skin in black robes steped in.

" Ello... He said glanceing at the witch.

The Witch glanced at the man.

Kain felt the back of his head "wow," he muttered "how'd you do that?" he asked

Icek sat in a chair near zaku acting like he was tired.

The Witch smiled disarmingly.
"Oh, just a little trick I pick* up a while back.."

"Cool," kain said "Could you teach me?" he asked politely "It could come in handy..."

Icek yawned and leaned back in his chair.

Zaku keeped writeing things down on paper.

The Witch grinned.
"Of course, come along and we'll do it...Privately...Can't have just ANYONE knowing."

Surmantis was mumbling to himself in a quiet tone.

Lore was scrambling around on the floor finally untangling himself from his cloak he got up and looked a sat back down muttering.

"That's true," kain said thoughtfully and started following the witch

The Witch went up to her room.

Kain followed her "nice," kain said as he looked around the room being totally unaware it was most likely a trap.

Zaku hesistantly went over to lore.

" Hey do you know anything about that lady? He whisperd.

~ The last two women that were new here caused alot of chaos.. Im not leting my guard down on this one..

"Umm... no... I think one's a witch or something... although I thought witches were suppose to be ugly..." Lore said thoughtfully.

Surmantis walked downstairs.
"Is it me or does every girl who come here try to kill someone?"

Zaku wrote it down on the paper.

" Well if she is a witch i have learned from a few books they are really good with spells and some of them could perhaps change their appearance..

" Yeah kinda.. Zaku said to surmantis grining.

02-Apr-2008 06:17:40 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:23:34 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Not Calliope, she hasn't try to kill anybody... and that Sarah girl was nice to me... I wonder were she went..." Lore thought, he had no memory of the battle...

" Errr.... Zaku coughed trying not to laugh.

" When she was done controling you.. You looked like a dead lizard or something.. I had to drag you in here and heal you. And.. While you were asleep she started hiting on surmanntis.

Surmantis mumbled something that sounded like:

"Some people just rub me the wrong way..."

Lore closed his eyes and leaned back on the couch. "I don't believe you." Lore said to Zaku defiantly.

Lily was sitting at the bar mumbling about something.

The Witch closed the door.

Her voice became hypnotic.
"So...Are you willing to do anything for me?"

"of course," kain answered "would you take me as your apprentice?" he asked "If so I will do as you ask."

Zaku sighed he had just about enough of lore. He still had a calm face but his tail shifted left and right and he had his hands in his pockets.

" I dont think i ever lied to you before.. Fine.. Whatever next time i see you laying there on the floor helpless and hurt ill just walk past you..

The Witch had no intention of teaching the fool anything.
"Of course I shall..."

"I don't need your help anyways." Lore retorted and smirked. "Not that it would even be that much help to me."

"Thank you." kain said "what do you wish for me to do?" he asked still under her controlling spell though a part of hm rebelled from this but the hypnotised part was stronger.

" You think im weak? All this time ive let you push me arond because i didnt really wanna fight you. You had your reassons. But its geting a little old.. " Im not afraid of you..

The Witch smiled.
"I would like you to simply pretend that you aren't working for me...We don't want the others to get jealous."

Surmantis closed his eyes for another doze.

02-Apr-2008 06:17:44 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:25:20 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"of course," kain said "I wouldn't betray you," he said even though the rebbeling part of him was slowly gaining strength she needed the book to completely control him.

"I don't care if your afraid of me or not." Lore said flatly, he wasn't really even paying attention to Zaku anymore.

Zaku glared at him then went outside.

Icek woke up with a snort and looked arond the room.

The Witch opened the dor again.
"Now go back down, and remember not to let them know you work fo me."

"I know," kain said and began walking down the stairs blissfully unaware that she was controlling him and using him to gain power

Icek glanced at the witch.

" Mam are you the innkeeper here?

Lore didn't pay any mind to Zaku leave, he just continued to laze about.

The Witch, following Kain down the stairs, shook her head.
"No, just a passing traveler."

She noticed Surmantis watching her and sent a small jerk of pain through his head.

Kain walked over to the bar and ordered a cup of tea his mind was wandering around and having little skirmishes.

Surmantis suddenly had a headache()


Kains brain was having a full out war between the rebelling part and the hypnotised kain was having MASSIVE migrains!

Lore looked at the witch. ~See, there's no way she's a witch... not ugly enough.~ Lore though openly.

Zaku mumbled swears shifting from human to demonic on the porch.

Icek went over to surmantis.

" Can you help me out with something? Ill pay you

Surmantis forgot the pain.
"Hm? What do you need?"

" My wagon fell apart a few miles away in the forrest.. It has many things that are importent to me.. Can you help me bring it all in or maby repair the wagon?

Lore looked at the witch. ~See, there's no way she's a witch, not ugly enough.~ Lore thought.

02-Apr-2008 06:17:48 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:27:22 by Hex the wolf

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