
Zakus journal

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Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kain suddenly fell of his chair clutching his head ~owowowowow!!!!~ he thought ~MIGRAIN!~ he thought rolling on the ground

The Witch gave a dazzling smile in Lore's direction.

Surmantis stood up.
"Alright, let's go..."

Lore froze a second, the he waved to her and gave her a friendly smile.

~Odd... like she heard me or something...~

" Thank you icek said then went outside with surmantis toward the forrest.

Zaku ran behind surmantis. " Where are you going?

Surmantis said over his shoulder, "I'm going to help this fellow out."

" I see.. Well im just gonna tag along if you dont mind..

Icek nodded and they went deeper in the forrest.

After about 15 minutes a wagon with its wheels off and looking cracked and dented here and there appeared in the distance.

Icek pointed. " There it is..

The Witch said to Lore, "How are you this fine morning?"

Surmantis walked towards the cart.
"This looks pretty beat up..."

"I'm... I'm fine." Lore said and bowed politely. "How are you miss?" Lore asked, he could've been mean but he couldn't bring himself to upset a girl... to much.

The Witch sat down at a table.
"Fine, fine...Quiet here today."

"Umm... yes it is." Lore replied. ~Quite odd... usually nobody around here is this friendly...~ Lore thought but he didn't think much of it.

Icek ran over and picked up a crate.

Zaku looked arond. " What were you doing here anyway?

Icek glanced at him.

" I was.. Traveling.. Im far from home.

Surmantis began to gather up broekn wagon parts and put them in the wagon.

The Witch looked at him hypnotically.
"So....Do you like to kill people?"

Lore stared at her... he couldn't pull away. "Sure... I like to kill people." Lore responded.

Lily was waiting to step in if she needed to.

02-Apr-2008 06:17:53 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:29:42 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku grabed a few parts of the wagon to.

Icek grabed a few more crates.

The Witch smiled evilly.
"Do you like to kill your friends?"

"I don't have any friends..." Lore said, it was a small sign of resistance.

Lily didn't like were this was going.

The Witch became even more hypnotic.
"Of course you have friends..Your sister is your friend isn't she?"

Icek smiled.

" Alright now surmantis can you just grab that crate there? the rest i can get later..

"Yes." Lore responded in a trance like voice.

Lily slid off her stool and began to move to her room, she wasn't about to fight Lore.

Surmantis raised an eyebrow at Icek's change of tone, then moved to pick up the box.

The Witch watched Lily go.
"Well, who would you rather kill...Me, or your sister?"

Lore stuttered and began to mumble. "Can't... kill... sister... I... must... can't!"

The Witch put on a hurt tone.
"So, you would rather kill me?"

"No... I couldn't hurt... harmless lady." Lore said. "But... can't hurt... sister." He said in a strained tone.

02-Apr-2008 06:17:57 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:31:01 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Witch spoke harshly.
"You have to do one...CHOOSE!"

As 'surmantis grabed the box it seemed to drag him into it freezeing his hands onto it and it was so heavy that it wouldnt move.

Icek laughed a little and took out a sword. " Now was that so hard guys?

Zaku slamed icek into a tree with the rod and tryed to remove the spell on the crate.

Surmantis looked at the box glued to his hands and reflected that this fellow wasn't so smart.

He smashed the box over Icek's head.

"I... will kill... you!" Lore said drawing his sword, but his arm was shaking, he couldn't resister her much longer.

" Owww.. Man i hate it when the others make me fight..

icek's head was bleeding but then his body became snakes and they slitherd past surmantis and behind zaku and turned back into icek. He quickly grabed zaku and put a dagger to his neck.

" Alright.. Now do as your told.. Or this brat dies.

The Witch released him.
"What are you doing with your sword out? Sit down!"

Surmantis stopped and thought quickly.
"Alright, what do you want?"

Lore dropped his sword and slumped into a chair. "Wha... what happen to me." Lore said confused, he felt exhausted.

Zaku kicked his feet and banged him in the head but icek just put the knife so close to his neck it cut him slightly.

" I want you.. To help us kill zasori.. We want to be the rulers not her!

Surmantis ignored the box.

"I don't think so."

The Witch just smiled and went upstairs.

Lore covered his eyes with his hand, his head hurt like mad, so much until he feel on the floor and sighed. "Oh... urg."

02-Apr-2008 06:18:02 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:32:52 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" Then this kid dies!

Zaku gave surmantis a glance that seemed to say its okay.

Surmantis looked at the ground.
"Okay. Let him go and we'll talk."

Lore staggered back up and walked over to the couch and dropped down on to it.

Lily was hiding in the shadows watching Lore to make sure he didn't start rampaging.

Zaku glared at him again now even stronger he was trying to say this was a water clone he made and he was behind him with a ice bow drawn.

Surmantis looked back up and saw Zaku's eye...Shimmer.

Oh, well that solved things.

Surmantis turned away.
"Never mind, just kill him, he's a demon anyway."

" Okay then have it your way.. He sliced zakus neck and the knife went thru it as some water splashed then reformed. " What the..

The zaku clone melted into water then froze his feet to the ground.

" Haha that was funny..

Zaku came closer to him aarow aimed at his head.

Surmantis looked at the box on his hands.
"My turn now. Get this thing off my hand or he'll kill you."

Icek groaned in anoyence then slaped his hands. The box fell down to the ground with a thud.

Lore was panting. "Was... she a witch... I've got to tell everybody she can control minds..." Lore said, he sat up but was dizzy beyond belief.

Surmantis kicked it disgustedly.
"Next time freeze my hands to a tree, not something I can hit you with."

He pulled out a dagger.
"Okay Zaku, what do we do with him?"

" Hmmm... Lets leave him here.. Frozen.. If hes lucky one of his friends might save him.. And if he does anything like this again ill kill him no questions asked.

Surmantis nodded.
"Alright, do that...I remember who that girl is again."

" What girl?

Izek was not happy to say the least..

" Let me go!! izek tryed to move.

Zaku just glanced at him. " Izek.. Shut up or ill kill you okay?

Izek went dead sillent.

02-Apr-2008 06:18:06 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:36:09 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lore swayed a little then fell on the couch, Lily emerged from the shadows and walked over to him. "The witch needs to die." Lily told him. "I'll do it..." He said.

Surmantis nodded towards the direction of the Inn.
"The one in the purple dress."

He had a grim look on his face.
"She's the Witch."

" Aha i remeber now!!! She must of put a spell on me or something..

Zaku took out some paper and wrote it down. " There.. now ill remeber it if i forget..And if she touches me and trys to take this paper confused or not ill slap her..

He smirked and looked in the direction of the inn.

" So what should we do about her?

"Lily stay here, I'll go kill her." Lore got up then turned toward the stairs to go find the witches room.

Lily just sat on the couch and watched him.

Surmantis began to walk towards the Inn.
"We should kill her, but it's terribly hard to do it..."


The Witch heard Lore coming up the stairs and read his mind.

Oh, the poor fool thought he was going to kill her.

" I dont really know how to fight witches.. They seem to know alot more magic then me..

Surmantis shook his head.
"They're actually not powerful...Their strength lies in what they can make you do to yourself, not what they can do to you."

" So how do i counter that? Even lore and lily didnt seem to know..

Surmantis looked stumped.
"That's what I don't know yet..."

Lore busted down the door of the witched room with his sword drawn. "I never did finish that job you asked me to do..." Lore said.

The Witch looked at him innocently.
"What job?"

Zaku poured all his vials onto the floor and the water trailed after him.

02-Apr-2008 06:18:09 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:37:45 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It had all come back to him. "You asked me who I wanted to kill... I chose you." Lore said and dashed at her brandishing his sword.

The Witch cursed in a strange language, but you could still tell it was a curse.

She had forgotten to memory wipe him!

She sidestepped as he came at her, then cast a confusing spell on him.

Lore stumbled but recovered and turned around. "Forgot something didn't you." He laughed and made for another lunge and her with his sword pointed straight for her head.

The Witch casted a stronger spell this time, trying to ward him off.

Lore dodged the spell and rolled across the floor coming up behind her with his sword pointed at her back. "Now... why did you feel the need to try to get me to kill my sister?"

The Witch felt the blade at her back and cast last-ditch memory wipe.
"What? I never did..."

"Don't... try... that..." Lore said through gritted teeth, straining to push back the spell. "It... won't... ugh." Lore dropped his sword and fell to the ground groaning.

Zaku looked in the first floor and she wasnt there.

" She must be upstairs lets go surmantis.

He ran into the doorway and saw lore behind her groaning.

Kain stopped holding his head the rebbeling part was winning but he couldn't let the witch know that...

Surmantis looked at Lore.
"You don't look so good."

The Witch cas a confuse spell on all of them.

Lore couldn't resist it any longer, he'd lost all energy so he just gave in and let the spell hit him.

Zaku still didnt know how to counter its effects and finaly lost the fight to remeber who she was.

The Witch then sat down in her room as 'surmantis walked back downstairs, not even remembering why he was up there.

Lore was lying on the floor in the middle of the witches room breathing shallowly. He couldn't remember anything that happened in the past few minutes.

Zaku glanced at lore confused. " What are you doing up here..?

02-Apr-2008 06:18:13 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:41:11 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lore staggered up and stumbled out the room then fell down the stairs and landed in a twisted position at the bottom.

Zaku rolled his eyes for a second.

" Oh for gods sake..

Zaku put him on the couch again useing a mirror and started chanting in angelic as he tryed to heal him.

Lore mumbled. "Thought you weren't gonna help me..." Lore groaned then closed his eyes and fell into a uneasy sleep.

Zaku sighed. " Me to..

He grabed some bandages just to be safe but it didnt look like he had any cuts. He then sat down in a nearby chair.

Lily turned her head from the bar. "Your to nice to him..." Lily said with a slight hint of annoyance in her voice.

" Idd do the same thing for you or anyone else in his possition..

He sighed and looked at the floor.

" Anyway.. He makes me mad but im not gonna let him suffer for it.

Lily kinda smirked. "Sounds like the angel in you is showing out..." Lily said turning back to her tea at the bar.

Zaku smiled and reached in his pocket for a book he had been reading earlier but he felt some paper.

~ Wierd..

He took it out and read it. His eyes widend for a second then he put the paper away and grabed a new book.

02-Apr-2008 06:41:21 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:43:43 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A angel called Marcus or as his freinds called him Mark slowly walked to the inn and knocked slowly on the door, his white clothes were filthy and his dark hair was messy.

Lore was still asleep and it looked like lily wasnt gonna get it so zaku opened it assumeing it was another of the eight freaks after surmantis.

"are the owner?" mark asked the man opening the door "I would like to stay here for the moment."

Zakus eyes went wide and he stutterd. " N.. No.. Common in.. He opened the door and steped back a few feet.

"thank you." mark said as he stepped into the room and looked around at the rooms and grabbed a key and went upstairs to get his room set up.

Zaku sighed in relief and leaned on a wall near the window.

Kain watched mark go upstairs "who was that zaku?" he asked.

Mark began putting away his angelic clothes and swapped it for the garb of a traveler he put all his stuff on the bed and started walking down the stairs

" I dont know.. Someone staying here i guess..

Zaku seemed more calm and went back to reading a book in the corner.

Surmantis was asleep with his head on the table.

Mark was looking around the inn when he saw a man asleep, mark walked over to him.

Surmantis jerked awake, his hand going for his dagger as he saw the man walking up to him.

"No need for that," mark said as he saw the man gripping a dagger "you know they invented beds for a reason right?" mark asked joking

Surmantis jerked his head upstairs.
"There's a nice woman up there who has a flair for killing people."

He yawned.
"I think I'll stay down here, and she can stay up there."

"Oh," mark said "thats not good," mark said ~no wonder I needed to come here.~ mark thought to himself

Surmantis shook his head.
"No, it isn't."

He spoke in a quieter tone.
"She's a Witch, and everyone knows it, but she makes them forget when she's around them."

02-Apr-2008 06:41:26 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:46:49 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"That is DEFINETLY not good," mark said "anyone else I need to know?' mark asked and looked around

Surmantis looked at him.
"Why the sudden interest?"

"It's my job," mark said "In case you hadn't noticed I am an angel and I have been called here." mark explained sounding hurt.

Surmantis narrowed his eyes.
"Last time I met an angel he tried to kill me."

"really?" mark asked "and who might this angel have been?" mark questioned and looked around again ~where is he?~ mark wondered thinking about kain

Surmantis shook his head.
"It was a long time ago and I don't remember..."

"Nothing?" mark persisted "not even his face or anything?" he continued questioning.

Kain woke up at a table and looked around he saw a new person but no other new people.

Lore woke up with a shock and jerked up looking around rapidly, he was sitting on the couch... "Wait... wasn't I... witch..." Lore mumbled looking around.

Surmantis glared in the direction of upstairs where he could hear the Witch moving about.

"He looked like you, but he had a fire symbol on his sleeve."

"Really?" marko muttered searching his memory fire symbol.... "Jake." mark muttered venomously.

Kain looked around and saw lore "are you okay?" he asked walking over.

Surmantis looked over at Lore as well.
"You feeling alright?"

02-Apr-2008 06:41:35 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:47:58 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lore blinked a few times. "Uh... yea, just a dream I guess..." Lore said shaking his head.

"really?" kain asked "my m memory is so bad." kain muttered "I can't remember lat night."

Mark looked around and saw kain ~AHA~ he thought and walked over to kain.

Lore tried to forget it and got up off the couch and walked over to the bar and ordered a tea... "Tired... but I just slept." Lore mumbled.

Surmantis raised an eyebrow at the amount of tea Lore and Lily consumed.

"how can they drink that much tea?" mark wondered he had been watching this place for a while but still...

Surmantis shrugged.
"They must like it."

Lore yawned and began to drink the tea silently... Lily was staring at her empty cup.

"better than beer though," mark said and turned to surmantis "was the angels name Jake?" he asked

Lore finished the tea quickly and they both ordered another one, they looked at each other like they were talking but they didn't say anything.

Surmantis shook his head.
"I honestly don't remember."

Then he laid his head down on the table and fell asleep again.

02-Apr-2008 06:41:40 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:49:45 by Hex the wolf

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