
Zakus journal

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Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lore's head fell on the bar... he'd been dozing. Lily looked up from her cup. "Hello..." She said and blinked her eyes a few times as if to focus them or something.

Surmantis jerked his head in the direction of the stairs.
"She been down here yet?"

He meant the Witch, of course.


The Witch was busy trying to figure out a spell that actually did damage.

"No... I haven't seen her since Lore chased her up the stairs." Lily replied.

Lore was thinking. ~That witch is gonna come after me now... she's gonna use stronger spells on me now that she knows I can resist her.~

Zaku had fallen asleep in the corner his head laying on a open book he was reading. A peice of paper with details on the witch layed nearby. He had written two papers one for himself and one to give to lore and lily incase he lost the first one. But he had fallen asleep due to the healing after effects that make him drowsy.

Surmantis glared upstairs.
"The only way to kill her is to one, take her by surprise, or two, dispel her magic..."

Lore lifted his head slowly and turned to him. "She's gonna come after me now." He said quietly then looked upstairs. Lily sighed.

Surmantis remembered something.
"Oh yeah...The best way to keep her from getting you is to just not think about her, even when she's talking to you...It makes the effect not as strong."

The Witch walked down the stairs.

02-Apr-2008 06:41:45 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:50:17 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lily quickly became interested in her cup of tea.

Lore turned back to his too... but the thought just kept poking at him, like a song was stuck in his head. ~I can resist her... I am stronger that her!~

The Witch narrowed her eyes at the people deliberately looking away from her.

Surmantis looked put the window, reflecting on the healing powers of green rabbits.

Lily took a sip of her tea. ~don't look at her, don't look at her...~

Lore's vision slowly drifted towards the witch and his gaze met hers momentarily. ~I AM stronger than you.~

The Witch saw Lore's look and took an involuntary step back.
"Uh...Hello," she stammered, unsure of herself for once.

Surmantis raised an eyebrow but continued to think of green rabbits.

Lore smirked, a chance to gain a edge on the witch had just presented itself. "Nothing much... come here, sit down." He said in a kind voice beckoning her to the seat beside him, he ordered a bottle of wine.

The Witch relaxed.
Oh good, just a coincidence...That was the look Surmantis had had when he had nearly killed her that last time...

She sat down next to Lore and smiled at him.

Lore poured her a glass of wine. "Here you go, you must be thirsty, I haven't seen you come out of that room in awhile." Lore said and then poured himself a glass of wine and took a sip. ~Just a little closer...*

02-Apr-2008 06:41:48 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:51:58 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Witch wondered if it was worth casting a confuse spell.
"Hm, I was researching some things.."

Surmantis was now looking piercingly at Lore.
Was he out of his mind?

"That's interesting... but does it leave much time to spend with... others?" Lore said moving closer.

Then over her shoulder but ever so slightly so the witch wouldn't notice. He gave Surmantis a look that told him something. 'you'll know when to jump in'

Surmantis looked back at the table.

The Witch was feeling more confident.
"Well, not really, but I don't sit around studying ALL the time..."

"So... do you have anybody to spend time with?..." Lore asked a little timidly.

Lily knew what was going on but she made no move to even stop Lore.

Surmantis raised an eyebrow.
Couldn't Lore hurry it along a little?

The Witch knew(or thought she knew) she had him under her thumb.

"No, not really, now that you mention it.."

Lore smiled. "I'm always here..." Lore said and scooted closer to her, he could've reached out and kissed her if he wanted to.

The Witch smiled back.
"You're better-looking than that Surmantis guy you know."

Surmantis fingered his dagger and wished Lore would just kill her...

Lore shot another undetectable glance at Surmantis. 'She's got good taste'

Lore put his arm around her shoulder. "Thank you, you quite beautiful yourself."
Unknowing to anybody but Lore, their was a dagger in the sleeve of his other arm.

Surmantis raised an eyebrow.
Of course she did...In her business, that was what you did.

Mark watched from the couch and wished he had his bw with him...

Kain was drinking some tea at the bar and looked around he saw someone new... was it a angel? and listened in on everything happening

02-Apr-2008 06:41:52 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:53:52 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku jerked awake breathing heavly but soon calmed himself down again. ~ Just another dream..

He put the paper on the table in his pocket and glanced arond the room.

Mark began looking around and noticed the man who had let him in before mark walked oover :thanks for letting me in, I never got your name." mark said he had washed recently so he looked more like an angel.

Zaku stared for a second as if remebering something then shook it off.

" Um zaku.. Who are you?

"Marcus, Marcus lyrok, but everyone calls me mark," mark said warmly if he was going to be staying here for a while he needed to know everyone and he was an angel so he thanks almost everyone anyways

" Your a angel right? Can i ask what your doing in this realm? Your realm offen sounds like the perfect place to be.

"Yes, I am an angel," Mark said "I have a job to do here, and I did something I shouldn't have done too..."

Zaku assumed he wasnt after him otherwise he would of just droped him at the door but he thought he would ask anyway.

" So your not with the demon slayers.. Trying to kill the demon lord or anything like that right? If so i have nothing to do with it.

"No I'm not after demons," mark said "when someone dies I have to tell the relatives... In this case the person thinks the person is dead, I'm here to tell him that shes alive." mark explained.

" Interesting.. Im just kinda.. Traveling.. Sometimes i think its like a jouney of desteny or something cool like that. Other times i think its just a mess and maby things would be better off if i just got killed.

Zaku seemed to stare at a wall for a few momments as he thought about his encouter with demon slayers.

" Anyway.. Nice meeting you.

"traveling?" mark asked "from where?" mark asked noticing zaku was thinking about something else.

02-Apr-2008 06:41:55 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:55:34 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" Well.. First i ran away.. Then my brother cast me out in this realm since he said i ruined the family name..

Zaku waved his hand in a circle motion because he thought that was stupid.

" Then i traveled from inn to inn.. And other places.. Learning.. And i belive the first inn i ran into i ment this man called surmantis he belived me and helped me defeat my brother.. He still helps me out to this day.

Mark listened carefully "Wow," he said when zaku was finished "That surmantis guy sounds pretty sweet." mark exclaimed

" Sorry if i tend to go on normaly one question leads to another.. But yeah i would most likely be dead or worss if he didnt step in time and time again...

Zaku started laughing as a thought hit him.

" I wonder if we are the first demon and angel haveing a simple chat like this.. Wierd...

He twisted his hair slightly as he thought about it.

" Man my grandmother must be upset now.. I bet zaki is turning in his unholy grave

"most of the angels I know would have killed you in 3 seconds," mark said "except for some," mark explained "I happen to not give a crud."

" Yeah....

As he thought about it he had a slightly scared look again as he reflected on that castle of demons the demon slayers slaughterd.

" Well lets see... One... Two...

He grabed a cross like object from his pocket.

" Three.. You think this would slow them down or just make them more upset?

02-Apr-2008 06:41:59 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:57:54 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"I have no idea." mark said "they never let anyone see them at it." mark explained "But one of them might be slowled down by it..." mark said his voice trailing off he was thinking of Jake again

Zaku seemed to shudder and put it away. He was glad surmantis was arond but knew he couldnt fight the gods.

" What are you thinking about? zaku said tilting his head slightly.

"oh..." mark said started out of his train of thought "nothing... just an ...old freind." he said not really lying because they USED to be friends but then he changed all that..

Zaku nodded he decided he would try to not be so nosey for once.

" Well if you need any help with anything sometime.. Drop this..

He gave mark a vial of ice.

" Drop it and unless im dead or close to it ill try to help you out with whatever you need. Idd like to kinda get on the angels good side because right now im hated by both. Cept maby my mother.

"thanks," mark said and took the bottle and looked around and didn't see kain at the bar "hey have you seen a guy called kain?" he asked zaku

" I fell asleep awhile ago but i know hes somewhere arond here.. Hes always reading a wierd book.. I dont know his exact location though..

"Thanks," mark said and scanned the room again ~ book? they didn't tell me about a book.~ he thought to himself

Zaku glanced arond the room. It looked like the witch was busy.

He made a taped the table to get marks attention and wrote down on a peice of paper.

That girl over by the bar is a evil witch.. Watch out for her she can erase mermory.. I hope surmantis and lore have it under control..

Mark looked over and took the peice of paper read it silently and tucked it in his pocket "thanks," he whispered

Zaku nodded.

" Well im tired.. Im gonna try to get some sleep but i omost never sleep over two hours.. Nightmares are totaly anoying..

02-Apr-2008 06:42:04 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 06:59:33 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku went downstairs because he senesed something near his room. Something bad. But he wasnt gonna do anything yet.

" Nevermind im not tired..

Kain stopped drinking his tea and looked around he saw zaku and walked over to him "who was that guy?" he asked reffering to mark

" A angel of some type. Zaku said plainly since he wasnt really scared of mark anymore.

"an angel?" kain asked "what was he here for?" kain questioned ~an angel? here?~ he thought to himself

Zaku stared at the floor for a second then he remeberd.

" I think he was looking for you and hes here to tell someone this person is not dead but hes alive.

"looking for me?" kain exclaimed ~why would he be looking for me??~ kain wondered ~Is he here to kill me??~

" Yeah thats what he said anyway.. He kinda freaked me out when i first saw him.

"Makes sense," kain said and looked around to see if the angel was around "what's his name?"

" I think he said his name was...

Zaku twisted his hair for a second.

" Oh yeah his name was mark.

"mark.." kain muttered ~why was he looking for me?~ kain wondered...

Mark woke up and yawned and started heading down the stairs his sandals making loud clacking noises

" Oh hey mark. This is kain.

Zaku glanced at kain.

"hey," kain said almost nervously to mark "Hey kain," mark replied warmly "oh hey zaku," mark added

Zaku decided to stay sillent since maby mark would say why he was after kain.

A man with white hair that wasnt as long as zakus but still decent steped in. He had purple eyes wore black robes and had a scythe on his back.

" Who froze icek in the middle of the forrrest? He mutterd.

"who's that?" mark asked zaku quietly wanting to tell kain in private.

" One of the eight minions of my grandmother sent chaseing after surmantis.. He cut him in half.. I dont know how but he lived. I tryed to heal him but i dont think it was what saved him. He whisperd and glanced at the figure.

02-Apr-2008 06:42:08 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 20:02:49 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The figure glanced at surmantis talking to the witch and he seemed to back away slightly senseing this witch might be a threat. He insted glared at zaku.

" You did didnt you? He hissed slightly.

Mark watched fairly interested and looked around the room ~C--P!~ he thought he had left his bow in his room!

Zaku looked anoyed as he droped 5 vials onto the floor that shatterd and melted into water that circled him.

" Yeah i did it was self defense though.. I wish you guys would just give up.

The figure glared at him. We already fixed zasoris arm thats why we left last time when we could of killed you two.. But because of you norzak is no longer in our control and marry is dead.

Zaku smirked. " Actuly surmantis killed marry.. Self defense..

The figure laughed. I dont care about her anyway but i still think im gonna kill you.

Mark began to walk up the stairs to get his weapon and his quiver too and left kain badly wanting his greataxe but he had his sword.

Zaku sighed. " Can we take this outside?

The figure shruged then went out the door and so did zaku.

Mark quickly grabbed his quiver and bow and ran down the stairs as quick as his feet could carry him...

Kain unsheathed his longsword and began walking towards the door that zaku and the man went through.

02-Apr-2008 06:42:12 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 20:06:26 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The man took off the scythe from his back.

" Now.. When your on your knees beging for mercy.. ill give you one more chance to beg your grandmother for forgiveness..

Zaku just smirked the water swirled arond him.

The figure laughed. By the way.. My name is hediz thought you would like to know before you are so messed up you dont know whats up and down..

Hediz took out a skull from his pocket and held it in his hands. A *ymbo appeared below zaku. He threw the skull on the floor and it cracked slightly.

The zaku infront of hediz screamed in pain then melted into water.

Hediz laughed. Haha your still hideing behind your mirrors! Coward

Zaku looked anoyed. " It works and thats all that matters.. Not all of us are imortal like you.

10 mirrors of ice circled arond hediz all with zaku in them they all held 3 knives in each hand.

Mark began running toward the window at the top floor and jumped into the air his deadly sharp wings popping up out of no where he started flying over the battle scene.

Kain began changing into his hawk form it was his favorite form so far also he could see everything with it, kain began to fly outside.

All the zakus in the mirrors threw the knifes at the exact same time.

Hediz took out his scythe and deflected them all.

The real zaku came out of a mirror he levitated above hediz and slamed a knife into his head.

Hediz laughed and took out the knife it fell with small clank on the ground no blood on it.

Zaku gasped and ran for another mirror to repeat the process but hediz grabed his arm and threw him so hard he went thru one of the mirrors and it cracked and fell apart. He tumbled to the ground and stood up as fast as he could.

" Im not done! I got a new idea.. He growled.

02-Apr-2008 20:07:28

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mark began flying above the man with the scythe Mark pulled an arrow out of his quiver the one that renderes whomever it hit's unconscious...

Kain began flying toward the man with the scythe kain flew into his face and flapped his wings to keep the guy confused and raked his face with his talons

The zakus in the remaining mirrors took out more knives and threw them at hidiz. The real zaku mumbled something and a mist seemed to surrond arond eveything.

Hid'iz swung his scythe at the bird mercylessly. And the knifes hit him in the chest. But they didnt seem to effect him.

Kain quickly flew away from the man with the scythe but got one wing cut off kain began trying to crawl away and began to change back to his human form at the same time trying to use the mist to hide the fact that he could change.

Mark began flying closer to a tree and landed in it as to get a better shot but due to the mist lost sight of his target.

Lore moved incredibly close to the witch now, as if he were about to kiss her, but rather than that a dagger slid from his shirt's sleeve and it shot out at her in a lighting quick motion. "Sorry sweetie but your a bit to dangerous to stay alive around us."

Zaku stumbled back up he had a few cuts on his back from the mirror and plenty of bruises but he was to anoyed to care.

" Now you cant see me.. But we can see you we can sense your negetive energy.

The mirrors span arond ina circle slightly and all the zakus threw 6 knifes each.

Hidiz laughed evily. " I can sense your energys to.. I sense fear..

Zaku looked anoyed. " Your wrong!

A sword froze into zakus hand and he charged at the figure and the zakus in the mirrors stoped throwing knifes.

Hidiz let the knifes hit him they cut into him then fell out and melted. He swung his scythe at zaku with pure power.

Zaku ducked and stabed at his chest but hid'iz side steped and knocked him over with the other end of his scythe.

02-Apr-2008 20:08:47 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 20:09:00 by Hex the wolf

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