
Zakus journal

Quick find code: 49-50-99-55886783

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surmantis narrowed his eyes.
"What are you doing there?"

Some water became a knife and he choped a small slab of bark from a tree and put it in his pocket.

" Im helping zasori with something.. You better get outa her woods or she will kill you

Surmantis muttered, "Zasori..."

Then he came at Zaku and said, "Your grandmother."

" Yeah and me and her are gonna remove the enchantment on that inn!

The lady appeared on the porch. Zaku! whats takeing you so long! She hissed.

Surmantis pulled out a dagger and threw it at Zasori's head.

Zasori side steped and the dagger hit the door.

WHO IS THAT! She hissed and picked up the guquin.

Zaku stared with a confused look.

Surmantis pulled out his rapier and did a sort of cross between leaping and flying at Zasori.

Zasori played a ghostly tune and a dark force field shuved surmantis back.

Zaku! she hissed. KILL HIM

Zaku looked even more confused.

" Why?

Now zasori looked confused. Your not ment to ask questions Just do it!!

" Fine...

Zaku droped the bark and threw his knife at surmantis.

Surmantis ducked.
God that stunk.

After all they'd been through together...Now Surmantis had to kill Zaku.

Surmantis came at Zasori and stabbed viciously.

Zasori blocked one attacked with the guquin but it broke in half. her hands then became snakes and they lunged at surmantis.

Zaku had two more knifes and ran toward the house.

23-Mar-2008 04:46:04 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:01:03 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lily was sitting on the couch by herself, she blew her nose with a tissue and sat their staring at the fireplace blankly. "I never liked him anyways... it was a crush it all... nothing more." Lily said and blew her nose again.

Surmantis slashed at the snakes with a ferocity that would turn your average gentleman sick.

One of the snakes got cut in half and the other one hissed and turned back into a hand. Zasori screamed in pain as her other arm came back but her hand was off.

ZAKU COME HERE NOW! she hissed.

Zaku was there now but as he took one more step he heard something crunch. He looked down and saw half the mime mask on the floor and picked it up curiously and screamed in pain.

All of his mermorys came back and he remeberd zasori forceing the water at him. He then remeberd he blessed the unholy water with his divane ablitys that turned normal water into holy water.

~ Did it counter it somehow..? whats going on..?

Zaku then looked up and saw surmantis fighting zasori.

Zaku looked in shock then looked down. Where the other half of his mask had been was the holy rod he had left in his room.

Without thinking zaku picked it up and slamed zasori into a wall with it.

Zasori stoped screaming and swore in demonic then yelled in common. WHAT THE HELL YOU LITTLE BRAT!!!

She turned into now oley 12 crows they flew outside the house a few feet away then took her form again.

Surmantis, his blade dripping blood, faced her, with an expression that could not be mistaken.

It was murderous.

23-Mar-2008 04:46:08 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:01:36 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surmantis prepared to lunge again.

A portal opened up in front of him and pulled him in with a strange forcefield.

Surmantis had time for only one statement.

"What the Hell?"

Then he was gone, with the only thing marking that he had ever been there was a gleaming dagger stuck in a tree.

Zasori glanced at him then back at the house where her guqin was.

Zaku.. Give... Me.. The guqin.. She hissed.

Zaku noticed it had repaired and he threw into the wall and broke it with his rod.

Zasori grined. Enough... Im sick of you.. I dont need you to become demonlord AGAIN.. Your worthless brother was not worthy to live anyway.. Go ahead.. Live in this worthless realm.. Pretend you are a silly human for all i care... You have shamed our name by doing this.. But i admire your will. Maby.. You will change your mind someday..

She made a hand motion and another portal appeared and she soon vanished. The old cabin twisted and turned and then fell apart.

Zaku looked arond.

" Surmantis..? Did she...?

He grabed the dagger and looked at it. He then began to remeber and think about eveything that just happend and sat on the old now torn up porch to the destroyed cabin. His white hair covering his eyes. He cryed softly and his mind rushed. Maby she didnt kill him.. But then.. what happend..?

23-Mar-2008 05:01:41 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:03:13 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile



Kain realized someone had cut him free he shook the ropes off and slowly stood looking around at the strange creatures he slowly reached down and grasped his great axe.

Lily was sitting on the couch staring out the window... she thought she saw a man but didn't give in a second thought...

Kain slowly pulled up his great axe but he wouldn't last very long though he had fought too much and his muscles groaned in protest.

Lily got up and walked outside to see and man at the edge of the forest, she leaned against the railing of the front steps. "Need some help?" Lily asked in a casual tone of voice.

"it would be appreciated," kain said and he heard a dry twig crack, he turned and struck one of the creatures in its torso and while he was turning the other 20 began leaping towards him claws outstreched.

Lily vanished for a moment, then reappeared beside the man. "Don't argue with what I'm about to do." Lily said and grabbed his free hand then they both vanished and reappeared at the door of the inn.

Kain was about to saw something but then he felt a tug and reapeared at the inn "maybe we should close the door?" he said and quickly slammed it shut ~evil little things.~ he thought.

"Yes, your welcome." Lily said flatly then jumped onto the couch and went back to staring at the fire blankly and then she twirled a length of hair in her finger for no reason.

Kain slowly walked to his bedroom and looked in, his place had been completely destroyed ~shoulda locked it.~ he thought grimly and started looking to see if anything had been stolen

23-Mar-2008 05:01:49 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:05:21 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku got up from the porch and put the dagger away. He would search this place again in the morning and he promised himself he wouldnt die until he brought surmantis back from.. whereever he was.. But he soon heard more demons comeing and he was warn out from all that fighting.

The first demon growled and clawed at him. He sent it flying into a tree with his rod but five more came. He threw his rod into the earth and it made a circle of light but the demons waited just outside it until his already low energy ran out.

Kain heard a lot of things flying around and looked out the window he decided to go out and save him maybe kill him later if he stole his book, kain grabbed his bow and quiver and strapped his great axe to his back and started running toward the guy.

Zaku had enough hate and negetive energy to blow up the entire area if he had drank the unholy water without changeing it but since his staff was holy he had to think of possetive things to keep it working and he was in a very unhappy mood. The rod started to dim and he readyed himself for a fight.

Kain crouched down low behind a bush and sent three arrows and made an expert bowman hit the creatures turned and looked around kain then noticed that they had bright eyes and could most likely see in the dark ~crud.~ he thought

23-Mar-2008 05:01:52 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:06:22 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku saw three creatures get hit by aarows then the light went out. He hit one with his rod and he heard its skull break. ~ Wheres the other one..

" Whos out there..? He said in a weak tone.

03-Mar-2008 04:41:00
Last edited on 03-Mar-2008 04:43:27 by Bunny45665
"Someone trying to help out," kain said and pulled out his great axe and put his bow and arrows on his back and jumped out of the bush swinging his axe down and cut off another's head.

" Thank you.. We should get out of here.. Zasori may be gone but i dont think she was in control of all the demons here.

"I have no idea who this person is but yes we should get out of here," kain said and saw some more in the trees he cut the branch off and landed on one squishing it and beheaded the other one.

" Ill explain later..

Zaku managed to make out the inn in the distance.

"lets go." kain said and gave a sharp whistle and his huge hunting dog burst into the clearing "cover our tracks and keep 'em off our tail." he said to the dog and began sprinting towards the inn.

Zaku followed after him.

23-Mar-2008 05:01:56 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:07:46 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surmantis was lying in the middle of the forest floor.

He coughed slightly.

That would teach that lousy Witch.

She thought she had him this time...Well, she was wrong wasn't she?

Kain saw some more creatures ahead and jumped into a tree and ct off a branch so it landed on them and jumped out and just kept sprinting.

Zaku had that 6th sense thing.

" Surmantis is back! He darted back into the forrest paying no attention to his wounds from the fight with zasori.

Kain saw the other guy yell and sprint off ~What the heck?~ he thought and ran after him.

A beastly little thing that had slipped out with Surmantis crept out of the bushes and spied a shiny book.


Zaku was soon back where he was the monsters didnt seem to be chaseing him.. yet.. He saw surmantis was back and ran toward him.

" Are you okay???

23-Mar-2008 05:02:00 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:09:34 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surmantis coughed up a little blood.
"What? Zaku?"

He was a little confused since he had just been away for a year.

" Yeah.. im soooo sooo sorry i attacked you i had no idea where you were! That freaken witches water made me forget eveything for awhile.

Surmantis sat up.
"That's right, I just taught her a serious lesson..."

Then he remembered where he was and mumbled, "Uh, never mind..Wrong witch.."

" She said she would leave me alone.. You cut off her hand and i didnt even get a cut on her and she beat the heck outa me to... Ive been so stupid recently so what if im upset i cant just run off and do something stupid like that..

Surmantis frowned.
"I lost my other dagger fighting her...Do you know how many times since I was gone it wasn't there when I needed it?"

He stood up and looked around.

He had almost a beard now, his hair was longer and unkempt, and he had a wilder look in his eyes.

" Oh that..

Zaku grabed the dagger from his pocket and gave it to him.

" I have so many questions right now.. But i think we should get back to the inn.. Theres demons in here.. well besides me.

He had a stupid happy grin again.

Surmantis nodded.
"Let's go."

He set off through the woods.

Zaku followed after him.

23-Mar-2008 05:02:04 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:10:48 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zasori steped into a dark room it had a few candles with blue flames and a table with scrolls on them. She hissed she was so anoyed with what had happend. She stared at her arm that was still bleeding and laughed.

" That stupid boy.. No matter..

She picked up a scroll and clicked her right hand.

Yeeesss zasori..?

Eight figures hidden in darkness appeared.

" I have a little job for you.. You never failed me before.. So i know this may seem to easy but.. I want you to kill a certain anoying human.. He cut off my hand.. Bring me back his head.. And if anyone gets in your way kill them to..

She flashed them a scroll that had a picture of surmantis on it.

Consider it done... One voice hissed

He looks like he will be fun to play with.. Another laughed

The eight figures vanished.

" That old man ruined eveything..

Zasoris arm stoped bleeding when she mutterd something.

23-Mar-2008 05:02:08 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:11:12 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku and surmantis soon managed to make it inside the inn. Surmantis sat down in a chair and stayed sillent for a few minutes. Zaku didnt ask him anything yet since he was very tired to. He sat down in another chair breathing heavly.

Maluena saw the two enter and saw that they were breathing heavily.
"What happend?" she asked them.

Lily was asleep again on the couch, her blond hair was messy and spead about, her limbs where sprawled out so she took up most of the couch, her clothes where also wrinkly and she was breathing lightly.

23-Mar-2008 05:02:12 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:11:40 by Hex the wolf

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