
Zakus journal

Quick find code: 49-50-99-55886783

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Witch shrieked and pulled back from the dagger, knocking her chair over backwards.

Surmantis laughed inside, but stayed at the table.

Mark tried to get in a good shot but the mist kept getting in the way! "DANG!" mark exclaimed as he tried to get a good sho in but the mist kept moving.

Kain began changing back into his human form and almost made it but then the mist got thicker and he couldn't see he panicked and stopped changing back right now he had a massive hawk head and feathery arms.

Lore shot his foot down at her, his intention was to pin her to the ground. "You made a few mistakes fooling with me, one of them was forgetting to wipe my mind... twice." He laughed and shot his arm which held the dagger. "Shame you have to die... you were kinda cute." Lore said in a half-mock.

Hidiz approached zaku and laughed.

" Now.. Do you surreneder or do you die..?

Zaku glared at him. " Maby there is a third option..

The mirrors melted and the mist faded the water that was in it all fell to the ground and it all became one big wave of water that started infront of zaku and fell on hidiz.

The dagger stabbed into her chest, and the Witch screamed.

It was a piercing, ear-shattering scream.
A stunning scream.

A scream able to break eardrums and even kill.

But it was too late.

The Witch was dead.

"YES!" mark exclaimed as he grabbed his arrow that changed into a lighting bolt and quickly shot it towards the wave of water

Kain began running in random directions and made it out of the mist and finished changing "whew," kain said sighing

Lore yanked the dagger out and staggered backwards breathing hard. He had a frown on his face. "I... I almost feel sorry..." Lore said and Lily put a arm on his shoulder. "You did the right thing... she was too dangerous."

02-Apr-2008 20:10:35

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hidiz hissed in pain as the water fell ontop him. Then sillence.

Zaku stumbled up still a little dazed at what just happend.

" D.. Did we kill him..?

Mark jumped out of his tree and glided towards zaku "I I think we did," mark muttered ~NEVER mess with an angel~ he thought.

Kain breathed heavily and walked over "is he dead?" he asked

Zaku looked as the water slowly sank into the earth.

" I think so...

A figure appeared behind zaku. It was mangled and black with cuts on it. YOUR SOUL IS MINE it hissed as it swung his scythe at zaku.

He cut him deeply in his left side before some water levitated up and froze infront of the wound and the scythe and the weapon was sent back with a clang.

Zaku gasped in pain. And mumbled something in angelic.

Some water surronded mark and went onto one of his aarows The tip seemed to have a white aura about it. Zaku had made that water holy.

Hidiz laughed evily and raised his scythe again.

Surmantis looked at the dead woman on the ground.
"Inside, she's not even human."

The door was kicked open, and four men in suits of black armor crashed in.

One of them muttered something, and the entire room suddenly became engulfed in darkness.

Pitch black darkness, darker than any darkness you would believe possible.

Surmantis rolled off his chair and pulled a dagger.

Then just like that, the darkness was gone.
So were the four men and the Witch.

All that showed their passing was a swinging door with a broken latch.

Lore was momentarily shocked when the room went black, he and Lily had been so close to the witch that when the men came in they were knocked on the floor flat, Lily who was in a daze groaned... and Lore lifted his head barely. "What... was that." He mumbled and his head dropped back on the floor.

02-Apr-2008 20:15:03

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surmantis blinked as the darkness was suddenly gone.

He looked at the floor where the Witch had been.
It was empty except for a small pool of blood.

Surmantis cursed.

Mark touched his arrows "holy water..." he breathed and his head snapped up as zaku whispered in angelic ~angelic???~ mark wondered and changed his bow into two short swords

Hidiz laughed. " Ohh your gonna try to hit me with those.. Silly angel ill kill you..

Hidiz took out a skull and started chanting a curse.

Kain quickly threw one of his swords with deadly precision towards the skull and pulled out the arrow with the holy water on it and the arrow elongated into a spear.

Hidiz hissed in anoyence as the skull cracked in half and fell to the floor.

Now you die... He hissed and took out the scythe his purple eyes fixed on mark.

Mark gripped his brand new spear tightly and got ready for the fight that was bound to happen "bring it," mark muttered.

Hidiz lunged at him and swung his scythe at marks head.

Mark ducked but not letting himself get caught lieing down rolled to the side and gave a quick jab towards hidiz and rolled to the left again

Hidiz tryed to get out of the way but he still got cut slightly the spear tore thru his robes and cut him. Black blood came out and he hissed in anoyence before swinging at him again.

Kain got hit in the shoulder and his right hand shot out and grabbed the scythe mark slowly stood blood pouring from the world "It's... Not... That... EASY!" mark yelled and hurled the spear at hidizs face with all his might

Hidiz screamed in agony as the spear went into his skull blood pouring eveywhere then he burst into black ashes.

Mark groaned in pain and yanked the spear out of his shoulder "AGH!" he yelled blood gushed out of his wound and mark fainted due to blood loss

Kain jumped towards mark "mark," kain said and began shaking him trying to wake him up "If you don't wake up soon you'll die!" he exclaimed

02-Apr-2008 20:19:15 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 20:20:48 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lore and Lily resumed their places at the bar and both ordered a tea, Lore's red scaley tail hung limp from under his cloak but the rest of him was in human form.

Lily took a sip of tea and her pink tailbegan to swing back and forth lazily.

Mark saw the light and cursed in angelic, the light stopped "forgive me," mark muttered and left his lifeless body on earth and ascended into heaven and saw zaku already there looking confused "zaku?" mark asked

Zaku was very confused.

" What in gods name am i doing here..? Does this mean i really am allowed to go to heaven?!??

Zaku looked excited then suddenly it hit him and he looked deapressed.

" Oh... I died... "

Surmantis was sleeping with his head on the table again.

Iksar who was another dragonkin and had went into the inn another way without seeing the fight walked into the bar and sat down

"Yes, we died," mark said "but we're going back..." he explained

Mark woke up and looked around "I'm alive again," he breathed and groaned in agony from his wound as kain bandaged it with a bit of kains shirt

Iksar asked the bartender for some mead

Zaku managed to sit up and hissed in pain.

" That... Was wierd....

Mark sat up and looked around "I killed him," he muttered in astonishment and retrieved his spear and his short sword his wound wasn't bleeding as much now

Lore's tail jerked and turned his head towards the newcomer. He hissed something in draconic to Lily. "He'sss new... younger than the othersss." Lore said. "Want me to tessst him?" Lily asked eagerly her fangs sliding out into view. "No... not yet." Lore said, the entire conversation had been held in draconic.

Iksar heard some people talking in draconic and quickly turned aroud searching the crowd for whoever it was

02-Apr-2008 20:24:58 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 20:26:34 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku glared at the water suronding him.

" I let my guard down...

Zaku managed to stumble up on his feet. He looked off ballence and had both hands arond his wound.

" Are you okay..? He asked mark.

Iksar gaze suddenly fell on two dragon kin drinking tea he listened harder to try and hear what they were saying

I'm better," mark groaned and touched the holy water to his wound and it started healing 2x faster then it would normally "He's dead," mark said tilting his head to the ashes

Lily shifted in her seat. "He hearsss usss." Lily wishpered. "We would do well to find Kran, ssshe would love to hear of thisss." Lore replied. "We ssshould be careful... he can tell were younglings..." Lily warned.

" Why didnt i turn into ashes? Maby i didnt die fully.. Hmm..

Zaku glanced arond then back at his hands that now were coverd in blood. Eveything arond him seemed to fade into darkness but he then forced himself awake again.

" I gotta get some help or i might die again.. I know theres some bandages in the inn.. ill tell them to come out and get you..

Zaku stumbled onto the porch then into the inn.

Iksar turned back to his drink he heard what he needed he guessed kran was thier master or something close to it but kept his ears open, just in case

"I'm fine," mark said and walked up to zaku and opened the door and stepped inside and walked to his room and put away his weapons and fell asleep.

Lore switched to normal speak. "Don't worry, their is plenty of food about and it is rare for one to prey upon younglings on purpose." Lore reassured her. "Yes, plus Kran would protect us, she said herself she has raised many children so she could most likely protect us with sheer intimidation." Lily added also speaking human.

02-Apr-2008 20:28:03 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 20:29:43 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku fell into a nearby chair hissing in anoyence he tryed to move some water that was still outside into the inn and get it to bring the bandages to him but nothing happened. He just sighed and riped off some of his shirt sleve and wraped it arond the cut.

Iksar chuckled into his own hand remembering the new code of honor allowed u to prey on younglings if you had to, he took a sip of his drink "sad how few of us still follow the old ways" he said to himself in draconic

Surmantis looked up drowsily and fell asleep again.

"Yes... but I still hate this attempt to control our population and stop food shortages in one move." Lore and turned back to his tea. Lily slid off the bar and took Zaku a clean shirt and bandages. "I'm suprised your not dead by the way you look." She said.

Zaku bandaged himself and put on the new shirt.

" Thank you.. " He said weakly.

Iksar finished his drink then he just sat there staring into the empty bottle and remembering old wounds that might never be healed

"Your welcome." Lily said sweetly and kissed him on the cheek before punching him in the shoulder. "Take care of yourself next time." She said half annoyed and walked back to Lore who was watching the new person silently.

Zaku smiled at her and fell asleep at the table he was siting by.

Iksar could feel lores eyes boring into his back ~this is getting tiresome~ he thought ~time to end it~ he turned back and stared directly at Lore "can I help you?" he said slightly annoyed

Lore's tail twitched nervously. "Lily go to your room, lock the door." Lore told her and she obeyed with a slight egerness to leave this new dragon's presense. Lore slid his hand to his sword all the while keeping his eyes on this possible attacker.

"N-no..." Lore stuttered.

02-Apr-2008 20:35:52

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Iksar sighed "I do not wish to harm you youngling" he said calmly "but I will if you force me too"

"I couldn't make you do a thing... code forbids it." Lore said stumbling off his seat and backing away. "But code says I do not ave to trust your word." He added and indeed Lore didn't believe a word this one said.

Iksar stood up and walked over to lore and spoke to him in draconic "you do well to protect your sister some day far from now she may be all you have left" he said sadly "but my word is all I have left and likely the only thing I ever will have"

Lore made a invoulentary hop backwards from him before responding. "Ssshe isss all I have left." Lore replied and the memories of his dead family floated towards the surface of his mind.

"For that I am ssssorry." he said "my brother is gone and I have been looking for him, but I doubt I will ever find him. you are lucky to still have your sister"

"I am sorry as well." Lore said abandoning draconic for human, his instinct to draw farther back or run became more persistant, that was the downside to dragon-kin, the few instincts they had were uncontrollable.

"now that that is done with I was wondering if they had a spare room here?" asked Iksar

"T-they are free... the keys are over their." Lore was now the one annoyed by the fact he clearly didn't want to be around this dragon until Kran or Kren proved him safe.

Iksar walked off towards were the keys were "thank you" he said over his shoulder and went up to his room to sleep

Lore slumped into the nearest chair and relaxed letting go of the grip on his sword he assumed that he was safe now and let out a sigh of releif and began to doze lightly.

Iksar just sat in his room staring at the roof waiting for sleep to take him

Zaku mumbled something in his sleep and water slid it from under the inn door and circled him again.

Lore yawned quietly...

02-Apr-2008 20:39:00

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Then Iksar suddenly started remembering the whole horrific ordeal of his brothers kidnaping and though it was very warm he suddenly shivered uncontrolably

Zaku was still asleep the water circleing arond him slowly.

Mark yawned and streched he grabbed his bow and quiver but left his new spear and started to walk down the stairs to see what's going on.

and at that same time Iksar awoke and went down stairs to get somthing to eat

Mark slowly walked down the creaking stairs and headed towards the bar he didn't see very many people around so he ordered some delicious tea.

Zaku woke up and yawned lazily.

Iksar got up and started pacing around the lobby because he thought better when he was moving

He checked his belt of throwing knives ~I'm running low~ he thought ~I should go find something to make some more with~

Zaku just watched him with a slightly bored look.

" Sooo... Who are you again..? " Zaku asked.

Iksar turned back to Zaku "I am Iksar" he said "but to who am I speaking?"

~ Iksar.. Hmmm worth writeing down.. ~ Zaku thought

Zaku scribbled something on some paper.

" Im zaku auki the guy that was half dead earlier " He said smirking.

Iksar smiled "surprising two younglings would be scared of me and not a demon" Iksar said laghing

" Scared..? Should i? Im sorry i dont know much about dragonkin yet..

He put the paper away.

"It is ok, with the code permitting the devouring of younglings there is even less of us" he said sadly

" Demons do that all the time.. But im shocked the other races do that to.. Maby you should change the code?" He said inocently.

"if I could change the code I would but sadly all I can do is follow the old code and hope that others will follow my lead" he explained

Zaku still looked confused but sighed.

" I hope you all dont die out.. Your all very cool.. Demons should be the ones dieing out all we do is cause suffering and for no reasson. "

02-Apr-2008 20:45:32

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"I think your race is not doomed I can see good in almost all things and there is much in you my friend" iksar said

" Maby... But im a outcast.. And i can oley assume that its oley because my mother that i think the way i do.. "

He twisted his hair slightly as he thought about the dragonkin.

" By friend is that a term of speech or can we be friends? I dont really know how dragonkin think.. " He said smirking.

"yes we can be friends" Iksar said smiling "but if so I need you to help me with somthing"

" With what? " Zaku said curiously.

"As the code states I can only make my own weapons and you seem to have been here a while so I was wondering where I can find materials bones, flint, etc." Iksar asked

"and by the way exactly why were you half dead last night?" iksar enquired

" Oh the that.. My family is very high in rank in my demonic realm.. Just below demonlord.. When i ran away and acted like i did they considerd me a disgrace and tryed to kill me.. My parrents are dead and my brother i would think is dead.. And my grandmother sent like this grim reaper guy after me and it nearly killed me..

After explaining that zaku had a slight confused look as he thought about the other question.

~ I have no freaken idea where any of that is.. I just use the ice.. But im not gonna look stupid..

" Ummm.. Im sure you can find some bones and things in the forrest.. If you need tools and things like that i would think they would be in the storeage barn..

"I have no family left either and my brother may very well be dead" he said "but do Demons have blood bonds with their siblings" he asked "and thank you for telling me about the tools in the shed mine are getting worn out"

02-Apr-2008 20:50:16

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" Well.. I wouldnt think so.. For 300 years of my life i lived in a palace like area eating.. Watching lower demons or humans get killed for entertainment.. I had no friends or anyone accept my reletives. And they didnt really Care about me as a person they liked but more like a tool and a good replacement if my brother were to be killed.. "

Zaku stared into the distance thinking.

" Oh and if the tools are not in there ill help you find some.. " He added.

Iksar nodded and went outside

After Iksar gets enough bones and flint to satisfy himself he returns to the inn and begins sharpening them into knives

Zaku took off the bandages. The cut was omost gone.

" So what do you intend to kill with those? " He said curiously

"I have forsaken bows and crossbows therfore that leaves me to throwing knives, axes, and spears" he said "I use them to hunt and take care of anyone I believe took my brother from this life" Iksar said coldly

Zaku looked a little worryed then serious.

" He could still be alive maby? "

well my friend I hope you are right but nevertheless if you are wrong their deaths would be the only thing that could bring him back to this life" Iksar explained

"you see us dragon kin when we die a part of us always stays with those who killed us and therefore the one to take our life would be the one to hold it until they die so I can still bring my brother back"he said

Zaku still looked confused but tryed to act like he knew what he was talking about.

" Well i hope you get him back.. And ill help you in any way i can.

"thank you friend I am forever indebted to you but I believe that my brother or his spirit will eventually force them to me if I drop subtle enough hints" he said "have you ever learned to throw a knife?" he suddenly asked

Zaku smirked and some water froze into a knife in his hand.

" Well.. Im not sure how good i am compared to you.. But tis one of my main attacks.. "

02-Apr-2008 20:53:36

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