
Zakus journal

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Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Iksar smiled "I always thought demons used fire how did you learn to use water?" he asked

" Its one of my ablitys i was born with.. I still dont really understand but its always been second nature to me.. I can do one fire attack but it takes alot of energy.. "

"hmmmm" Iksar mumbled somthing about humans and messing with the balance to himself

Zaku looked confused and the knife melted.

"I see you haven't heard of the balance" he said "well when humans make technology it is supposed to balance out with magic but with humans increased rate of production magic can't keep up so it is forced to change it's natural ways in order to have more diversity and power"

Zaku looked confused then remeberd his last encounter of the future.

" Makes sense.. Kinda..

Zaku grabed a book with his tail and droped it on the table.

" I think humans will one day rule this realm..

Iksar nodded thoughtfully and left.

Zaku watched him leave then fliped a page to the book looking bored.

~ Hehe humans might of done it and gave me my powers then? Wierd but that dragon kin seems to know what hes doing..~ He thought.

Lore was laying on one of the couches, he was snoring and his tail was twitching lightly. Lore mumbled. "Don't eat me!"

Lily was out cold, her head was laying on the bar and she was asleep.

Kain started to walk downstairs and walked over to zaku "I Think I can get my great axe now," kain said and started out of the door he wanted his axe back.

Zaku tilted his head slightly.

~ What the hell is lore mumbleing about..? Hmm whatever.. ~ Zaku thought

He sighed then heard kain.

" You lost your axe? Hmm.. "

There were loud sounds of glass breaking and furniture being broken upstairs from norzaks room again.

Kain started heading into the forest ~now where did I lose it~ he wondered scraching his head.

02-Apr-2008 20:59:10

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Icek laughed. " Kakek are you sure you wanna have a go?

Kakek grined. " I just wanna have some fun i could careless about that stupid old man and the brat now..

Kakek came out of a portal and grabed a nearby axe.

" Maby i could sell this.. "

Kain started walking through the forest he heard some voices and pressed his body against a nearby tree close to the group.

Lore flailed wildly as if he were attacking something in a blind fury, he stopped after he fell off the couch and rolled into the fireplace... even though the fire was large and burning brightly, Lore appeared unharmed and not even blackened.

Lily slid slightly but didn't fall off the bar stool.

Icek laughed. " Your always so crazy about money.. Gees..

Kakek mumbled something and swung the axe arond easyly.

" Or i could just kill you with it.. He had a evil grin but didnt do it.

Icek mumbled something and walked off a few feet.

There were sounds of things geting slamed into walls and more windows breaking upstairs and finaly some swearing and a lady screaming.


" Oh great... I told you she would go after another guy lore.. " Zaku said smirking.

Lore's eyes snapped open and in one fluid motion his tail flung him out the fireplace and he landed on both feet and looked around, he appeared to be fidgety. "Who's going after me?!?" Lore said looking around.

Kain changed into a squirrel and climbed up the seemingly huge tree and scampered onto a branch near the top and hanging over the clearing.

" No ones after you.. Just seattle down.." Zaku said looking shocked.

~ Ive never seen lore this afraid.. Must of been a nightmare or something.. ~ Zaku thought

ill never leave norzak i love tormenting you so much! A female voice yelled back.

Then more noises came.

Norzak threw her out the window.

02-Apr-2008 21:02:02

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Icek turned into 8 snakes and slitherd up a tree.

~ I sense foood.. Mmmm... ~ Icek thought.

Kakek laughed but didnt do anything accept admire the axe.

Kain scampered along the branch turned around ~snake!~ he thought and jumped across the clearing onto a different branch

Lore's eyes darted around. "I heard you say something about somebody going after something and then my name." Lore said and he heard a crash of Sarah falling out the window. "Wa' that!" He said and shot out the door to go find out.

The snakes chased after kain.

Zaku followed lore to see what the heck sarah did this time.

Sarah was in a black dress and her blond hair was all dirty.

" Stupid werewolf.. Thing! Your so rude why cant you just let me kill you already! " Sarah naged waveing her fist at the broken window.

Kain scurried across the tree picked up a broken branch and like a javalin hurled it towards a snake ~C--P~ kain thought ~squirrels don't do that! now they knwo I'm not a real squirrel...~

Lore looked around and saw Sarah waving at a broken window. "Excuse me miss, are you okay?" Lore said suddenly becoming calm now that he knew it was just a girl.

Zaku rolled his eyes behind lore and stood back.

Sarah glared at lore a second then calmed down omost instantly. " Hey sweetie how* it going?

"I'm fine..." Lore said blushing and rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. "Somebody giving you trouble?" He asked looking around again.

The snakes hissed in anoyence then went down the tree and turned back into icek.

Kakek turned. " That thing giveing you trouble? I can try my axe on it..

Icek smirked. " Go ahead..

Kakek swung the axe at the tree the squrril was on.

Sarah smiled. " Yes that stupid werewolf.. If i dont kill him my family will all be killed! But hes evil and.. Mean!

02-Apr-2008 21:05:45

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Don't worry I can kill him, I need to attack something anyways..." Lore said, he hands turned into claws and he began to scale the room that had the broken window and he peered inside, "Alright, are you bothering Sarah!?" Lore growled at the occupant of the room.

Norzak was torn up in his werewolf form cuts were on his arms and legs.

~ I finaly learned how to control it and now this happens.. ~ Norzak thought.

" Sarah's trying to freaken kill me! "

Zaku appeared in a mirror that came in the room.

" Lore the same thing happend to me.. That girl is lieing.." Zaku said seriously.

Kain scrambled up the branch and narrowly dodged his own axe only a little tuft of his fur got caught on it.

"As far as I can remember she's never lied to me." Lore said defiantly, in truth he didn't remember any of the time's Sarah had taken control of him.

Icek looked anoyed. " I dont think thats a normal animal.. Maby a spy.. Lets kill it..

Kakek laughed. " ill Give him a head start! ill count to 10 and if he isnt gone ill kill him.. 1... 2....

Zaku looked anoyed.

~ Gawd its hard talking to this guy sometimes..

" Well i never lied to you eather and im telling you this girl is lieing..

He glanced at norzak and steped infront of him.

" And dont just belive a girl over me.. Ima demon so yeah someone would belive her over me but someone that can look that inocent has all the more reasson to lie because they wont be assumed to be the lier..

Lore glared at him. "You know... the last time you told me that Sarah was lying, everything went black and next thing I know Sarah 'disappeared' and you seemed to enjoy her being gone." Lore said in a growl and moved inside the window, his form was already changing into a dragon.

02-Apr-2008 21:10:21

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Don't worry I can kill him, I need to attack something anyways..." Lore said, he hands turned into claws and he began to scale the room that had the broken window and he peered inside, "Alright, are you bothering Sarah!?" Lore growled at the occupant of the room.

Norzak was torn up in his werewolf form cuts were on his arms and legs.

~ I finaly learned how to control it and now this happens.. ~ Norzak thought.

" Sarah's trying to freaken kill me! "

Zaku appeared in a mirror that came in the room.

" Lore the same thing happend to me.. That girl is lieing.." Zaku said seriously.

Kain scrambled up the branch and narrowly dodged his own axe only a little tuft of his fur got caught on it.

"As far as I can remember she's never lied to me." Lore said defiantly, in truth he didn't remember any of the time's Sarah had taken control of him.

Icek looked anoyed. " I dont think thats a normal animal.. Maby a spy.. Lets kill it..

Kakek laughed. " ill Give him a head start! ill count to 10 and if he isnt gone ill kill him.. 1... 2....

Zaku looked anoyed.

~ Gawd its hard talking to this guy sometimes..

" Well i never lied to you eather and im telling you this girl is lieing..

He glanced at norzak and steped infront of him.

" And dont just belive a girl over me.. Ima demon so yeah someone would belive her over me but someone that can look that inocent has all the more reasson to lie because they wont be assumed to be the lier..

Lore glared at him. "You know... the last time you told me that Sarah was lying, everything went black and next thing I know Sarah 'disappeared' and you seemed to enjoy her being gone." Lore said in a growl and moved inside the window, his form was already changing into a dragon.

02-Apr-2008 21:10:21

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~ God.. ~ Zaku thought.

" I dont know what to do with you lore.. I heal you and you try to kill me again..

Zakus wound was omost gone but it still hurt a little. Some water circled arond him and norzak.

Sarah was leaning by a tree smileing.

"Perhaps you should just stay away from Sarah from now on." Lore said and he began to back towards the window, their was smoke coming out of his snout and he was now the size of a medium dragon. "I'll give you a warning before leaving." Lore said and he opened his mouth, he was about to engulf the entire room in flames.

Zaku shuved norzak thru the room door and ran after him.

" Go! Zaku shouted

After stumbleing downstairs with him he put norzak in the wine celler and slamed the door shut.

Zaku calmed down slightly but was still breathing heavly.

" Lily your brother is being crazy.. Again.. He Mutterd.

Norzak cursed sillently as he sat in a corner of the dark room.

Lore fell out the window from the blast of fire transforming back into a human and landing in a bush. His head came back out from the bush and turned back to Sarah smiling. "I think I scared them off... they shouldn't bother you any more... if they survived."

Lily woke up slowly, she was holding a empty mug in her hand. "How are you today." She asked smiling, she seemed to ignore his question.

Surmantis lifted his head off the table and stretched.

Then he went to the bar and ordered...A cup of tea.

Sarah smiled. " Your so cute as a dragon...

" Im fine... Your brother seems a little angry though..

Zaku glanced and saw surmantis was awake.

Norzak fell asleep in the celler.

Lore's scales turned red in the dragon's equivalent of a blush. "Thanks..." Lore said and he lowered his head into the bush. "Umm... you look nice." He said quietly.

02-Apr-2008 21:13:02

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lore's scales turned red in the dragon's equivalent of a blush. "Thanks..." Lore said and he lowered his head into the bush. "Umm... you look nice." He said quietly.

Lily waved the beer mug at him. "Don't insult him... have you ever tried this stuff... I had my first one and it was great!" Lily said swaying dangerously on the stool.

Surmantis raised an eyebrow at Lily.

" I might of tryed it.. Zaku said looking in thought about other matters.

Sarah smiled. " I know..

Sarah stood up and glanced arond.

" You could join us and you could be even more powerfull then you are now.. But you could never be more cute! " Sarah said still smileing.

Lore raised his head out of the bush. "Sure, I'd love to join... wait, did you say us?" He asked oddly, he only saw Sarah around.

Lily finally fell of the bar stool and giggled and rolled around on the floor.

Zaku glanced at surmantis with a look that seemed to say. Should i try to snap her outa it?

Sarah bit her lip a second but soon had another great lie.

" Yeah my family.. There are 5 of us now.. " She said seriously.

Lore smiled softly. "Oh, that's good you have family." Lore said with a hint of sadness in his voice because he remembered his own family. "Umm... real good." He repeated quietly.

Lily rolled on her stomach and began beating the mug on the floor. "I want some more!" She said childishly.

Sarah smiled. " If you come with us you can have new family.. I love you..

Zaku sighed.

" Shes gonna kill me for this.. "

He threw 2 vials into the air and they melted and splashed on lily.

02-Apr-2008 21:14:47

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lore's scales turned redder still and his tail began to swish back and forth happily. "Wow... I-I love you to..." Lore said in a shocked voice, this was quite sudden for him.

Lily shrieked and scrambled around into a sitting position. "Wha... who... who did that!?" She said looking at the mug in her hand and dropping it.

" Sorry lily you were kinda out of it.." Zaku said looking a little concerned.

Sarah kissed lore on the cheek then stood up.

" Want to go for a walk? " She said sweetly.

Lore turned into a human and smiled awkwardly. "Sure, I would never say no to a walk with you." Lore said in a attempt to compliment Sarah.

Lily began steaming... literally. "Well don't do it again, the only time I like walking is when I'm swimming..." Lily gave Zaku a annoyed stare but it soften immediately.

Zaku sighed in relief and the water trailed back to him.

" Well im gonna see how norzak is doing..

Sarah smiled and lead lore into the woods.

Lore followed happily and smiled. ~Wow... it's nice this girl likes me, especially since Calliope disappeared.~ Lore thought.

Lily got up and walked over to the fire and sat down in it.

Zaku went down into the wine celler.

" You okay?

Norzak snorted slightly and woke up. " Yeah..

Sarah went deeper into the forrest smileing.

Lore followed a little more eagerly. "I've never been this far into the forest." Lore remarked.

Lily laid down and sighed happily as the flames surrounded her and warmed her up.

Zaku went back up. " Okay i think its safe.. Common..

Norzak stumbled up. " Why are you doing this?

Zaku sighed. " You saved surmantises life so i owe you.

Sarah smiled and look arond.

" One of them are here.." Meet icek..

A man steped out from behind a tree. He had black hair and green eyes.

02-Apr-2008 21:17:15

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lore bowed respectfully. "Hello, nice to meet you." Lore said in a awkwardly polite tone.

Lily was on the verge of going to asleep in the fire when he saw Zaku bring somebody... something out of the cellar.

Zaku noticed lily.

" This is norzak.. Hes a friend of mine. He explained.

Icek smiled at sarah. " You to.. He said.

Sarah smiled. " I dont know where the others are.. "

Lore shrugged. "It's okay, I'm in no rush, I can meet them later when you find them" Lore said and sat down on a stump. "So, why are you all the way out here?"

Lily extended her hand for him to shake it but remembered it was encased in flames at the moment and withdrew it. "oops sorry."

Norzak nodded a little shocked. " Your related to that other dragon creature correct?

Zaku sat down on a chair sideways watching.

Sarah smiled. " We are.. Travelers.. We do whatever we can to survive.. Sometimes we gotta do crazy things.. Right now our boss wants us to kill some people..

Icek keeped sillent but had a smile.

02-Apr-2008 21:18:40

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile



The Witch was cursing with oaths that would turn an experienced curser pale.

She was standing in a hall of dark marble.
It was lit with some strange light, but one couldn't tell where it was coming from.

The Witch was still wearng the lavender dress, but there was a hole in the stomach, and she still had the bloody mark of a dagger.

She was cursing foully.

The man, if you could call it a man, sitting on a throne atop three shallow steps in front of her, regarded her the way a master regards a slave.

"Don't blame random chance for your failures, everything that went wrong was due to lack of foresight."

The Witch looked up, her eyes flashing.
"What did *I* do wrong? What could I have done instead? They all knew what was going on because of that cursed scum Surmantis!"

She stared at the floor.
"With him out of the way I could have gotten what I went for!"

The man laughed.
An ugly laugh.

He was wearing a black robe and a coronet of the same material the hall was made of.

"There's no point in 'what if's."

He narrowed his eyes at her.
"The point is that you failed me.



Lily suddenly had a wary look on her face. "Yes..." She said expecting to be bombarded with questioned about him.

Lore looked from Sarah to Icek. "To bad for those people..." Lore said and laid down. "I'd hate to be them right now." Lore gave a little laugh.

Icek nodded. " Yeah.. And if we dont kill them the master will take one of us and kill us to.. Already two of us are dead..

Sarah started crying but if zaku would of heard it it would of sounded more like a laugh force into a crying wail.

Norzak eyed her still a little confused. " Im gonna go get a drink... He turned then back again. " Isnt it a little unsafe to be in the fire?

02-Apr-2008 21:19:04 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2008 21:19:42 by Hex the wolf

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