
Zakus journal

Quick find code: 49-50-99-55886783

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" I acted foolishly and ran into the forrest and zasori beat the heck outa me. Surmantis saved me. I had a plan but it failed.. i underestmated her.. Shes gone now..

Maluena nodded.
"I said the forest was dangerous" she said, walking into the back room.

Lily rolled over and off the couch with a thud, she didn't wake up, she just kept sleeping.

~ That man with the axe saved me to.. I might of been killed if he didnt run into me.. I wonder where he went..

Zaku glanced at lily weakly but didnt say anything. Then tryed to keep himself awake. He was so weak he couldnt even move any water to put a mirror behind him but he was happy now that he knew surmantis wasnt killed.

Seing lily still asleep after she fell off the couch finaly made him laugh because omost anything woke him up when he was asleep.

Lily curled up A little and mumbled. "Stupid... Zaku..." Then she yawned but continued to sleep and mumble.

Zaku was tempted to throw a vial of water at her but he didnt know if he could even do that right now.

" Silly girl.. He whisperd.

Lily curled into a tighter ball. "No... don't hurt me..." Lily said beginning to wrap her arms around herself protectivly. "Zaku... stay back..." She mumbled fearfully.

23-Mar-2008 05:02:15 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:12:46 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku bit his lip slightly.

" Im not gonna ever hurt you.. I promise..

It looked like surmantis was asleep but he didnt mind. Zaku felt worss then he did when his brother would hurt him when he was younger both physicaly and mentaly but he wasnt gonna do anything stupid like that ever again.

Lily still slept but stopped mumbling and went back to breathing lightly as she slept and uncurled herself slightly.

Zaku looked out the window. It looked like it would be morning soon and he took out a book reading it. He didnt think he was hurt enough to risk death if he fell asleep but he wanted to keep watch and make sure no more monsters were comeing.

Lily sat up slowly and yawned. "W-why am I on the floor?" Lily asked in a innocent little girl voice as she looked around, she wasn't facing Zaku so she didn't see him.

" It seemed like you were haveing a nightmare. He said calmly.

Lily jumped a little at his voice and yelp, she remembered the nightmare so she moved away from him a drew a dagger. "H-how longer have you been watching me?" She demanded.

" I was reading most the time but you fell off the couch awhile ago mumbleing about stuff..

Lily still held her dagger pointed at him. "What stuff?" Lily said getting ready to strike.

" Something about me being stupid. He didnt look afraid.

"I... I don't feel comfortable around you." Lily said getting up and moving towards the door slipping the dagger into a holster on her waist.

23-Mar-2008 05:02:19 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:13:32 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku put his head down reading his book again his white hair covering his eyes.

" Im not suprised.. i am a demon..

Lily back out the door and sat down on a rock outside the door, she was shaking slightly. ~I wish Lore was here...~

Zakus plan was to counter his grandmothers unholy water by turning it into holy water that would counter the evil and make it normal water. But it must not of worked fully.. First he had mermory loss and now people dont feal safe arond him.

~ Maby i am evil..

He glanced at surmantis sleeping peacefully.

~ If thats true i hope he kills me.

He managed to stand up and looked out the window.
Lily still sat on the rock outside the inn. "Maybe I overreacted, maybe he won't hurt me..." Lily said quietly to herself.

Zaku went outside and took the paper with his grandmothers name on it and let the wind carry it out of his hand.

Lily was too deep in thought to notice Zaku even though he was only a few feet from her.

Zaku fell asleep by a tree by the stables. He didnt know why he didnt go in his room but the weather was so nice he just felt like sleeping outside. The breeze blew his hair and was a little cold but he didnt mind.

23-Mar-2008 05:02:26 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:14:18 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kain looked around the clearing he saw a little creature grab at something shiny... his book! Kain yelled and chased after it but it escaped, resignedly kain went back to the inn.

Lily was sitting on a rock not really thinking about anything in particular.

Kain walked back to his room and started cleaning it up he found the hidden slot in his sword where he kept the book, it was open, after kain had finished he went downstairs.

Lily walked inside and took her usually place on the couch and began to watch the fire crackle, she was thinking up of a few ways to kill people if it came to that...

Kain watched the person sit on the couch and look at the fire ~maybe she knows who stole my book...~ he thought

Lily felt somebody watching her. "What do you want?" Lily asked in a flat tone.

"nothing," kain said she was a strange person indeed kain went outside and grabbed a stick (I am assuming it is day.) and started to burn it 'till it caught fire and played with the fire.

23-Mar-2008 05:14:27 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:17:09 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surmantis looked up tiredly.
"What's going on this time?"

Zaku woke up after awhile and went back inside the inn to see if surmantis was awake yet.

Surmantis looked around.
Nothing was going on.

Oh, another dream...That Witch had really messed with his head...

Zaku noticed he was awake.

" Sooo... Where the heck did you go when you got teleported?

Surmantis looked up at Zaku.
"I uh...I don't know."

He stood up and looked around.
"I don't even know if it was in this world."

Zaku looked curious but didnt decide he would ask any further unless something like that happend again.

" Surmantis do you think it was stupid that i said no to lily? My family would offen say i think to much and i still feal like im still makeing many mistakes.

Surmantis frowned.
"It's your decision. Personally I find her a little rude, but I don't know what you think."

23-Mar-2008 05:14:31 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:18:50 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" I still dont think i really wanna be her boyfriend.. Sides she says i creep her out now anyway.. Right now im a little unsure of myself to.. My plan was to counter zasoris unholy water by turning it holy but i guess her powers are stronger then mine and i drank some of it. Or maby the combined forces just made it a wierd potion that messes with your mermory for a awhile.. I dont know..

Some water from his room upstairs went down the stairs and circled him. He made a motion with his hand and it moved into the air. He smiled.

" Well my back is killing me but i feal alot better then i did yesterday..

As he thought about it the image of zasori trying to kill surmantis and him slashing the snake or her hand off.

" Thanks for saveing me again.. If i EVER do become evil from my free will or not i want you to kill me.

He looked seriously at him and the water droped back down.

Surmantis raised an eyebrow.
"That's not necessary...But I will probably have to seriously injure you."

He looked out the window.

" K well.. idd prefer to not get cut apart or anything.. Anyway.. If that did happen make sure to watch out if i make a triangle motion with my hands.. I oley did it once but its very dangerous.

Zaku yawned and looked arond.

" Anyway im starveing.. Since frank isnt arond im just gonna grab anything i can find in the kitchen and pay for it later if he notices.

Surmantis yawned.
"All right, I'll just take another nap."

23-Mar-2008 05:14:35 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:19:54 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A girl steped into the inn door she had long red hair and green eyes her skin was slightly tan and she had a black dress. She looked about 18 to 20 years old.

" Hello is anyone here? Oh hi sweetie.

She waved at surmantis.

Surmantis looked up and nodded politely at her, completley ignoring the 'sweetie' part.

Zaku didnt notice anyone enter as he looked in a few cubords.

" My name is marry.. I have been traveling for days and im so tired... Can you show me my room please?

She took out a fan and waved it arond.

Surmantis narrowed his eyes slightly.
"Right this way..."

He stood up and began to walk up the stairs, feeling slightly uneasy.

" Ohh thank you so much kind sir..

She tryed to step in but looked stuned for a second but smiled as she walked in.

" Ohh its lovely.. Oh look at this picture here.. It reminds me of home..

She motioned for him to come in.

Surmantis raised his eyebrow slightly as he stepped into the room.

The door creaked shut behind him.

" Surmantis would you like to know a secret..?

She still had the fan in her hand. The picture was blank.

Surmantis remained disturbingly calm.
"I would. How do you know who I am?"

She smiled.

" Someone is going to die here...

She moved the fan and 5 spikes came out of it and she swung it at him with a crazy look.

Surmantis quickly jumped back, and a dagger appeared in his hand.
"Are you going to answer my question?"

23-Mar-2008 05:14:40 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:22:06 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" Hmmm i guess it doesnt matter since your going to be dead soon.. Zasori has sent us.. You cut off her hand.. So i will cut off your head..

She swung the bladed fan at his neck.

Surmantis ducked as it whistled towards him.
~Well, that explains things~

He thrust at her stomach with the dagger.

She sidesteped and grabed his hand. A blue aura seemed to come from his hand and went into her.

" Heheheh... Your aura.. Is Tastey...

Surmantis looked interestedly at his hand as his life-force seeped out of it.

Then he slashed at her face with the dagger.

She moved her head slightly but the dagger put a huge cut from her ear down her cheek. And she screamed in pain.

Zaku looked up as he heard it and ran upstairs to the door and opened it.

" What the hell is going on?!? He yelled.

" Stay out of this you little brat! or ill kill you to! Marry hissed and steped back a few feet waiting for surmantis to try to attack again.

23-Mar-2008 05:14:44 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:22:56 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surmantis looked at the blood on the blade.
"If you'd like to back off, we can work this out like reasonable people."

Marry held one hand over her cheek and with the other she had her fan.

" Haha! Thats funny..

She threw the fan toward his head.

Surmantis sidestepped and the fan buried itself in the wall behind him.

He whipped out the rapier and held it to her throat.
"I found it quite serious. Explain."

" I could never betray zasori.. Maby some of my friends might.. But they are fools.. And shall die.. I.. However..

She grabed the rapier with her bare hands moveing it out of the way as she sliped out of it her hands were bleeding but she didnt pay any attention to them.

" Shall become as strong as her someday..

Zaku steped up behind her with a ice knife to her neck.

" Not if you die right here and now..

" You little brat! How dare you..

She steped on his foot with a high heeled shoe and threw the picture at a nearby window.

23-Mar-2008 05:14:48 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:24:07 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surmantis steeled himself.
It was a pity, really.

He threw the rapier like a javelin at her unprotected back.

She gasped and looked down at the sword that went thru her back and out of her chest.

" You..... You....

She started to cough up blood.

" You shall pay for this...

She fell over dead.

Surmantis nodded quietly at his fallen opponent, as if saluting her.

Then he placed his foot on her back and pulled out the sword.

Zaku looked at her with a shocked look then at surmantis.

" Well... That was freaky.. Zasori must be very angry at you.. And that lady said she had friends..

Surmantis cleaned the weapon off.
"They will get what she got if they cross me."

23-Mar-2008 05:14:52 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:25:18 by Hex the wolf

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