
Zakus journal

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Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" You sense that james...

"Yes Narzak.. Marrys gone... I told her not to play with this one.. But she never listens..

" Should we send in him?

" Yes.. He should be able to handle things... Just wait till night..


There was a flash of light and marry and the fan in the wall were gone. The oley thing that gave sign she was there was a dent in the wall and some blood stains.

Surmantis looked at the floor where she had been lying.
Then he turned to Zaku.
"This isn't good."

Zaku froze the broken window back together.

" We need to be very carefull now..

A little imp looked at the shiny book.

That was going to be his soon.
He would fine a nice hole and take it with him, and look at the pretty pictures in it.

Kain walked into the clearing and saw his book and a ugly goblin picking it up "HEY!" he yelled and unstrapped his battle axe and sprinted toward it.

The thing looked at the charging warrior and made a swift calculation.

Stay with the book and die, or run and lose the book.

He combined them, and grabbed the book and ran.

******* END OF CHAPTER ONE O_o O_o O_o O_o O_o Feal free to rate but dont nag my grammar or ill slap you witha turkey leg! *******

23-Mar-2008 05:14:56 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:29:11 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kain kept running almost desperate he NEEDED that book it had been passed down from generation to generation... the last surviving peice of the Shifters history...


After awhile it starts to get dark. Theres a sound of a bell in the distance and then sillence.

A newcomer called Krad walked up a dirt path from the village he had stayed the night at, he had been attacked by a robber already today, more bad luck. his life just got bleaker and bleaker. He looked up and saw a sign, with an arrow pointing down the path saying: Witching Hour Inn. He started down the path...

He finally got to the wooden roofed inn, and called out "hello? anyone here? anyone at all?"

Surmantis stepped outside the Inn and saw the kid coming along.

" hello? who's there? what do you want?" said krad, worried now

Zaku was inside the inn looking out the window.

23-Mar-2008 05:15:00 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:33:22 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A cloaked figure in black robes holding a scyth was slowly comeing towards the inn.

Zaku steped outside a trail of water circleing arond him.

Krad felt a shiver run down his spine, and it suddenly got very cold... He went limp and his eyes were wide open in fear, he dared not look around. Kren whispered in his ear "I will protect you with my life young one, never fear."

Surmantis looked steadily at the approaching figure.

" Your time has come....

The figure hissed as it drew closer.

Zaku threw some vials into the air and they became a bow with 12 aarows and he aimed it at the figure. Some more water circled arond surmantis.

krad then had a flashback of an inn, a lady of elven and human heritage, and Death... he had come again... but surely not for him....?

kren flew out of his pack and placed herself next to the one with the water, she breathed a small lick of flame, and growled menacingly

Surmantis slumped his shoulders .
"I killed your friend, does it have to be this way?"

" I am death...

It lifted up its scythe and attacked surmantis

23-Mar-2008 05:15:04 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:36:52 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surmantis muttered half a curse.

Then he sidestepped and pulled out his rapier.

kren reared up to full dragon size and bit down at the Figure of Death "NEVER AGAIN SHALL YOU TAKE A LIFE FROM THESE LANDS WHILE I'M AROUND!"

The figure became even darker and vanished in thin air then appeared behind kren.

" Stay out of this mortal...

The figure lifted its hand and a wierd symbo appeared on krens back.

" Now... You...

The figure turned back to surmantis.

Zaku shot a aarow at it but it went thru the figure toward surmantis but it melted before it hit him.

"MORTAL?! I am nearly mortal! i am a dragon!" she roared and strained to move, but couldn't. Krad now enraged went dragonhuman, and whirled around to face Death " WE meet again death... now, prepare to face my wrath!" he then sent a jet of blue flame at the robed figure

Surmantis stood back, watching the spectacle.

The figure might of looked confused if you could see his face but he just slashed at krad with its sythe aiming for his head.

There was a howl in the distance and a black werewolf like figure appeared and slashed at surmantis.

" Norzak.. The figure hissed. I dont need you..

" Three vs one seems unfair.. Norzak growled back slashing at surmantis with his claws.

23-Mar-2008 05:35:04 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:38:20 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
krad fainted to the ground, evading the attack

Surmantis hopped backwards and stabbed at the werewolf.

The flame went thru the robed figure and went toward zaku. A mirror of ice appeared infront of him and melted but it took the attack.

Norzak side steped dougeing the attack and clawed at surmantis again.

" Just give up you cant beat us all.. Norzak growled.

23-Mar-2008 05:35:08 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:39:46 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surmantis smiled thinly.
"On the contrary, I would bet you on it."

He leaped forward, intent on skewering the werewolf on his blade.

Norzak caught the blade with his hands but fell down.

The robed figure turned toward surmantis but hissed in pain as a aarow went thru it.

" Like that holy water aarow? Zaku said smirking.

Surmantis pulled the blade away and stabbed down at the werewolf lying on the ground.

Norzak howled in pain and rolled over then stumbled back up holding the stab wound with one hand and makeing a hand motion with the other.

" I warned you not to get in the way.. But now your a target to..

The figure hissed and a 'symbo appeared on the grond zaku was standing on and his water melted.

" Now... You die..

The figure raised his sythe.

Surmantis didn't know what was going on, but it didn't look beneficial to anyone here.

He came at the wolf and slashed furiously at him.

" Im sick of this.. Norzak growled and steped back a few feet.

" Fool.. The figure hissed back. " Zasori will kill you..

Zaku took out the holy rod and slamed the figure on the head with it.

The figure hissed and span arond the sythe omost hiting zakus head as he ducked down.

Surmantis pulled the weapon out of the ground.
"Zasori couldn't kill me then, what makes you think she can now?"

23-Mar-2008 05:35:12 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:42:18 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The figure kicked zaku back a few feet then appeared behind surmantis.

" She oley couldnt fight you because she didnt have her guqin..

" She needs the guqin to use her more powerfull spells.. The werewolf said still makeing a hand motion.

" Shut up Norzak and fight or ill kill you when this is done.. The figure hissed back.

He then slashed his sythe at surmantis.

Surmantis, who had been slashing at The werewolf, turned, and was cut down by the scythe.

He fell to the ground, blood staining the path.

23-Mar-2008 05:35:15 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:43:13 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The figure laughed and turned arond at zaku.

Zaku stumbled back up and noticed surmantis bleeding on the floor.

" DIE!!!

He threw the rod with more strenth and accuretcy then he thought he could and the rod went thru the hood and into the head if it had a head.

It hissed and screamed more then any banshee as white energy engulfed the figure and it melted.

Narzak stoped makeing had signs and stared in amazement.

" How.....? He mutterd

Zaku ignored him and ran over to surmantis the symbo left zaku.

" Dont die! zaku yelled.

A white light came from his hands as he tryed to heal surmantis.

He was again at the mist-shrouded gates.
They parted silently as the Elder walked out.


Surmantis looked at him, pleadingly.

The Elder smiled.
"Things are in motion that cannot be undone, Surmantis. You're not done here yet."

Surmantis felt he was being pulled away.

23-Mar-2008 05:35:19 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:44:11 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku breathed heavly as he put evey bit of his energy into the spell.

Norzak didnt move but he tryed to think of a exit.

Zasori is gonna kill him that coward.. He has the perfect chance to kill him.. James thought as he looked in a orb that was showing what was going on.

Norzak kill them! James voice yelled anoyed in his mind.

Norzak grabed a dagger from a belt he was wareing.

Zaku looked up at him and gave him a glare of such evil that norzak fell back down on his knees in fear.

~ Dont die.... zaku thought.

Zaku put the last bit of his energy into the spell and the light started to fade.

Surmantis coughed.
Then he coughed again.
Blood came out of his mouth.

Zaku glanced at surmantis. He coudlnt do hardly anything else was drained and felt even worss then he did with he ended up fighting zasori.

" Are you okay..? he said weakly siting surmantis up.

Norzak tossed them a Water cantine.

" What the hell..? Zaku said confused and sniffed it makeing sure it wasnt unholy. but managed to use his water ablitys. Some water came from it and became a mirror under 'Surmantis that he levitated toward the inn.

~ I owe that werewolf.. I couldnt of gotten surmantis indoors without that water.. Zaku thought.

23-Mar-2008 05:35:22 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:47:09 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku managed to get him inside the inn. He levitated the mirror over the couch and it melted droping surmantis softly on it. The water came back to zaku and then turned into ice vials.

Zaku yelled for someone in the inn to get a medic or anyone.

Lily hissed as something splattered onto her, she pushed herself out from under it and when she got up she realized it was a body. "Argh!... there's blood all over me!" Lily screamed and stormed off looking for a place to take a bath.

Zaku hadnt noticed lily was laying on the couch..

23-Mar-2008 05:35:26 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:49:18 by Hex the wolf

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