
Zakus journal

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Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I dont really get it.. I still have a little trouble reading all these silly human words.. And thats not demonic..

Surmantis closed the book with a snap and put it down.
"I usually don't look where I'm going either, but I was wondering if I was still in the same world as I belong."

" We can look arond and ask but i never really noticeing anything that seemed like this was another realm or time.. No lights no... What do you call them..? Cars..? But it still never hurts to find out.. I think ive read most the books here.. But the monsters at night thing is kinda wierd.. Maby its just a inn curse or something else.

Surmantis jumped up.
"Speaking of that, want to go check out the forest?"

" I dont know if its a very good idea.. Maby we should learn a little more about it first.. But i do want to look arond there soon.

Surmantis poured himself another drink.
"Whenever you say so...I don't have much to do lately."

He smiled at the demon.
"That's one thing you always do. You don't call me when I'm in the middle of something."

Zaku smirked and grabed another book he thought he might of missed. " I think i went up a few levels from scum with lore he said laughing slightly.

Surmantis raised an eyebrow.
"He's not exactly a bad person, just rather misguided."

He looked around the room and picked up a book with the title, "Do not Read This Book".

" Ooooooh whats that! zaku said looking excited.

Surmantis opened the book.
"No idea..."

As he looked at it his eyebrow went so high it nearly disappeared beneath his hair.

" You always do that when you find something interesting! Zaku said laughing at him and looked arond to make sure no one was looking.

Surmantis lowered his eyebrow again.

He tossed the book to Zaku.
"Some oddball was making a compilation of the different monsters in the woods."

19-Mar-2008 05:46:21 - Last edited on 19-Mar-2008 05:53:21 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" Wow... Some of these things i remeber from back home.. But most i have never seen before..

Zaku fliped the pages quickly

" Seems very dangerous to go out there at night.. But i bet we could take em!

Surmantis shrugged.
"Unless they somehow spawn from there."

He stretched.
"I think I'll be going to take a nap now."

He walked upstairs to an empty room and promptly fell asleep.

Zaku decided he would hang onto the book for awhile and sat down in a chair sideways reading it.

A lady who appeared to be a vampire walked over to the fire place, by far one of her favourite spots of the entire inn already. There were a few book cases lining the wall, and she randomly pulled out an old book.
Zera sat down into one of the wooden chairs and opened the book, beginning to read.

19-Mar-2008 05:46:30 - Last edited on 19-Mar-2008 05:57:48 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Calliope was leaning against one of the walls of the inn, playing a gentle melody on her flute. It's purpose was to simply relax people, she hadn't put any of her magical abilities into that specific melody.

Zera didn't look up as another person walked past her, searching for an intresting book to read. She had found quite a good catch, and the book was very well written, so well she didn't want to look up or get distracted.

Zaku heard the flute and remeberd reading something about people that used flutes for spells but didnt really know much more about it.

" Your that human from earlier.. Thats a interesting flute is it enchanted or something? Zaku said curiously.

Calliope shook her head. "No, it's a simple flute." she said, and she wasn't lying. Her flute really was just an ordinary flute... in anyone's hands but her own.

~ Oh it must come from the player.. blasted book oley has one page talking about it in a story.. Zaku thought.

Zaku then looked at all the books makeing sure he didnt miss anything.

19-Mar-2008 05:46:35 - Last edited on 21-Mar-2008 05:52:24 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Calliope simply smiled, placing her flute near her lips once again and beginning to play a different melody. This one was a happier tune, making most people who heard it joyfull.

Zaku smirked he strangely wasnt geting anoyed as he fliped page after page and stacked the books on a nearby table.

~ Maby theres more books somewhere else in this inn that i havent explored in yet..

Calliope opened her eyes, stopping her song at the end. She let her hand holding her flute stop to her side, and turned around - beginning to walk away. She decided to explore a bit of the inn and it's surroundings.

Zaku saw a sign that said wine celler and thought he would try there first. It was dark but he didnt mind. " I cant belive people drink this stuff.. He said looking arond carefully.

Zaku saw a sign that said wine celler and thought he would try there first. It was dark but he didnt mind. " I cant belive people drink this stuff.. He said looking arond carefully. But suddenly Zaku triped on something and there was a ton of crashing and cracking noises.

When it was over he hurt like hell. " Dang it... He mutterd.

The bottles froze back together with whatever was in them back inside it. He stumbled back upstairs with a few cuts on him.

" Okay... Lets try somewhere else.. He mumbled to himself.

Zaku looked in the dineing room for a few minutes and saw some paper from behind a picture. It seemed to have the same signs that the book he grabed had and he put in his pocket and left and sat down in the corner again thinking.

Zaku fliped another page to a book and looked out the window at the woods. " I wonder if they are guarding anything..

19-Mar-2008 05:46:40 - Last edited on 21-Mar-2008 06:00:37 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lore was laying on a rock outside in the sun asleep... but what would be more interesting would be that fact that he had left his book sitting on a table inside by itself... and it was open for anybody to see.

Zaku put some cloth on a cut arond his arm and another on his knee then noticed that book lore was reading earlier.

" Hmm interesting.. He looked at it but didnt touch it. He sighed and went outside into the storage house to look for something then he would see if surmantis was awake yet.

--- About 30 minutes later ---

Surmantis walked down stairs and frowned at the open book.

He walked over to it, intending to put it away.

The books page was open to a group of pictures, the largest was a picture of a pretty woman with blond hair and a hansome man with dark hair, each was holding a small blond haired child, one boy and one girl and in between them was a taller dark haired girl, they were all smiling and looked happy.

Surmantis looked at the page.
Wasn't this Lore's book?

He began to turn pages and look through the book curiously.

The next page held pictures of each family member with notes scribbled beside them, the first was of the man and woman it read. 'Lanetta and Linous, decesed, cause of death: demon, children: Lore, Lily, Lola.' the second was a picture of the dark haired girl. 'Lola, deceased, cause of death: same death as parents.' The last picture was of the two blond children, slightly older looking than the first picture and wearing cloaks similar to Lore's, they had their arms around each other's shoulder and were laughing. 'Lore and Lily, Alive, twins.'

Surmantis looked at the pictures of the two live people.
He noted their names. Then he closed the book respectfully.

It was some sort of log recording living and dead.

Lore yawned and sat up rubbing his eyes and sliding off the rock to go inside.

Surmantis walked out of he Inn and saw lore comeing.

19-Mar-2008 05:46:45 - Last edited on 21-Mar-2008 06:07:04 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lore looked at surmantis. "Need something?" Lore asked flatly.

Surmantis walked closer to lore.
"You're not a happy person."

It was a lame thing to say, but Surmantis said it anyway.

"And I have every right to not be happy." Lore replied in his flat tone of voice.
He wasn't to sure why this person had said this...

Surmantis turned and looked at the forest.
"Do you really think that if someone kills your family you should kill his entire race?"

"You think thats what I do... I don't kill them all, I kill the loners... criminals... murderers... but regardless I still think there all scum." Lore told him as he sat on the rock looking up at the man. "Besides a 15 year old can't kill a entire race of anything..."

Surmantis raised an eyebrow.
"You're a loner. Why should I not kill you?"

Surmantis sat down in a convenient chair in the sunlight.
"I've killed people. Fathers, brothers. What makes me different from demons?"

"I can't give you a reason not to kill me..." Lore replied simply.
"And you may as well be a demon for killing people with loved ones... even I don't do that... not on purpose." Lore said.

Surmantis looked at Lone sharply.
"If it's you or him, who's going down? You or him?"

He sighed.
"I don't kill people if I can help it but there are times when it's him or you. Then you have to ask yourself if the world would be better off if he were dead, or you."

Lore knew that was true... "So if it was you or me, you'd kill me wouldn't you? Even if the world might actually be better off with out you." Lore threw the question back at him.

19-Mar-2008 05:46:52 - Last edited on 21-Mar-2008 06:09:57 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surmantis nodded.
"I would, and you would also."

He stood up and walked back into the Inn.

Zaku was still inside the storage barn but all he ended up finding was some supplys and stuff he wouldnt really need. He went back out and saw lore.

" If you wanted to hide something from eveyone here where would you hide it? He asked curiously.

19-Mar-2008 05:46:56 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2008 05:29:39 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Plain sight..." Lore responded and went inside to retreive his book from the table.

" I saw your book.. Zaku said chaseing after him looking slightly anoyed.

"Yes... of course you did and I expect you kept your nose out of it." Lore said opening the book and looking at a page again.

" I didnt touch it if your worryed about that but its hard not to look at it when you leave it out in the open like that.. You should take better care of it some people will take anything that isnt nailed down.. And i dont need to hear anymore insults i am already fully aware you dont like me very much. Zaku looked very anoyed now.

Lore gave Zaku a short glare then returned to his book, he was busy looking at the picture of his family again... He thought of Lily and breifly thought about retreiving her from her safe spot in the dragon city...

Zaku sighed. " As anoyed as i am by this your just in pain and i dont really care what i am to you.. If i do learn any divane spells to bring back the dead ill tell you but the oley other way ive heard of is how the demons back in my realm did it. They would need a sacerfice and the soul would take control of its body and i think the bodys take the appearence of that person to. But its highly unholy and i wouldnt know anything about it.. I just know they used it to bring back a demonlord once and my brother.. At least lola should of lived..

Lore's head rose up from behind the book. "She died a honourable death, fighting until she could do so no more, my parents should've lived... they were cut down... slaughtered without so much as a chance to draw a weapon... they all deserved to live for more than one reason..." Lore said flipping a page in the book to look at Lola.

19-Mar-2008 05:47:00 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2008 05:33:18 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" Yes they should of lived but at least they died with honnor as you say and went to a good place. Not that long ago i belived that no matter what i do where i go or what did i was cursed to burn in the firey pits deep in my realm where all the evil things went when they died. But i had to deal with it and stop worrying about it.. And i didnt get forced into my dark nature as my brother wanted and i didnt die. I out of all the odds met a few people that actuly cared about me and then i discoverd that i had a chance to escape that curse. So you have to stop hurting yourself with the past.. Maby one day they will live again.

Zaku looked serious but he knew that lore most likely just ignored him.

"Consider yourself lucky, you've met people who care for you, Lily is the only one I have to care about and she is the only one who cares about me." He closed the book and got up to head to the bar. "They will never live again, that much I know... but I'll see them... I'll see them when I'm killed." Lore said darkly.

" Theres a reasson your alive otherwise you would have been killed back then.. And even though i know you could careless if there was one less demon in the world i care somewhat about you.

Zaku wonderd why but this person reminded him kinda of himself back then and he also didnt want anyone fealing pain like he did or anything worss.

19-Mar-2008 05:47:03 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2008 06:26:38 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lore slipped the book back in his bag with one last look at his family. ~I think it's time to call Lily...~ Lore thought and got up to go outside hoping nobody followed him. He walk into the woods a little ways before sitting down and beginning to chant.

Zaku watched him leave. " Hmph..

He saw lore walking into the forrest out the window and he wonderd if he was aware of the dangers in there or maby he was even up to something.. He made a motion with his hands and chased after lore but keeped a distance and was sillent.

Lore drew shapes on the ground and took his hood off to reveal his blond hair, slightly darker than in the photos, and then stood back up finishing the chant a girl appeared out of no where, she was almost a exact replica of Lore even her clothes matched his, the only diffrence was she had long blond hair and her eyes where pink opposed to Lore's red eyes. Lore walked up to her and smiled as she hugged him fiercly. "Glad to see you too." Lore laughed hugging her back.

19-Mar-2008 05:47:07 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2008 06:27:58 by Hex the wolf

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