
Zakus journal

Quick find code: 49-50-99-55886783

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surmantis stepped out of the mirror and rubbed his head.
"What the hell was that?"

He looked around and saw Zaku.
He narrowed his eyes.

"I thought I told you not to do that to me anymore..."

" You finaly came! Zaku said lowering his book." Oh sorry i just really thought you should look and see this place.. and i admit i was geting lonely.. Zaku smirked and the mirror melted.

Surmantis sighed and sat down on the bed.
"First Moonlit, now this..."

He looked around.
"Oh well, nothing better to do. But before we say goodbye, let's work out a system for talking to one another beforehand okay?"

" Alright sorry.. i think i can bring you back if you were busy with something.. Zaku said grabing his book again.

Surmantis looked at Zaku, then softened.
"Well, did you need something?"

Lore pushed his empty cup away and got up yawning. "Suppose I'll go take a nap." He said to himself heading upstairs.

17-Mar-2008 06:02:59 - Last edited on 18-Mar-2008 05:03:16 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku sighed. " Oh great.. i cant find my holy book.. Maby its downstairs if its not at the table maby the great hall.. He ran out the door.

Lore walked straight into Zaku and hissed. "Watch were your going half-breed!" Lore growled and the pushed Zaku to the side and continued to his room.

Surmantis stood up, walked out of Zaku's room, and followed Lore.

"Hey. I think I made a mistake.
did you just call that person a half breed?"

Zaku stayed sillent but didnt leave as the water from the mirror downstairs went up the stairs and arond him.

"He's a demon, they should not even be considered a race, their just all backwater scum." Lore hissed to the newcomer, the he walked into his room turned around and said. "Good night to you sir." Sternly and shut the door.

Surmantis raised an eyebrow at the shut door and turned away.

Zaku might be a few hundred years old, but he still needed help relating to people.. Surmantis thought.

" He has many reassons to hate demons so im not gonna try to fight him on that.. Yet...

Zaku looked anoyed and ran downstairs and grabed his book that was left on a nearby table. " Anyway.. this inn has alot of secrets and i just thought you might wanna see it.. And.. i was geting kinda lonely.. And zaki has not caused me any trouble yet.. the rooms are enchanted.

17-Mar-2008 06:03:03 - Last edited on 18-Mar-2008 05:14:22 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surmantis frowned.
"Enchanted in a good way or a bad one..?"

He followed Zaku.

" As far as i know they just repel evil.. Its very usefull because.. Zaku went back upstairs then motioned surmantis to come in his room and slamed the door.

" The innkeeper wanted me to keep it a secret but i think i can tell you. All sorts of crazy evil things come out at night.. But these rooms repel them away.. Also.. Theres a forrest outside that i hear is really bad at night.. Whats funny is i wanna explore it.. I dont think i will though.. sounds like it will get anyone in there killed.

The water arond zaku froze back into a mirror and he sat on the bed. " Oh and the rooms are free so im sure if you wanna stay a little you can just grab a key and find a room.. If not the mirror will take you back. Im not sure how long i will stay.. That demon slayer is strong and if i wasnt so anoyed with him i would be a little afraid of him.

Surmantis raised an eyebrow.
"You remember last time we stayed at an Inn that was free..."

He shrugged and walked to the window.
"Sounds strnage though...Maybe we can see this forest."

Zaku looked serious.

" It will be very dangerous maby we should learn more about it first and maby ask the innkeeper more about it..

17-Mar-2008 06:03:08 - Last edited on 18-Mar-2008 05:24:29 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(( Just so eveyone knows.. If you notice im skiping out a few things its not because im a jerk or anything like that its just its kinda hard for zaku to write about things hes never seen.. So thus cannot be posted here.. But if surmantis sees something he can always tell zaku about it later ))

Surmantis left the room and zaku fell asleep for awhile.

** About 5 hours later **

Zaku went downstairs and saw another new person to the inn but he had to ask Maluena something first. " Maluena can you tell me anything more about the forrest? He said looking curious.

Maluena handed a nearby girl a key.
"You came at a great time, the Spring Equinox, but as the rules say, any other night you have to be in your room at 6:30" Maluena said, smiling pleasently, then she turned to Zaku, "The forrest? Well, in the morning its a great place to hunt."

The lady nodded, taking the key. "Thank you, and I'll make sure I will be." she said, looking from maluena who had given her the key to zak*.

"Um... one last thing, where's my room?" she asked, beginning to look around properly - her sky blue eyes scanning the room around them all.

Zaku pointed to the stairs noticeing she was human and hopeing he didnt upset her or anything then turned back to Maluena. " I mean at night time

Maluena smiled.
"Second floor, to the left" she said, pointing up the stairs aswell.

The lady smiled gratefully. "Thank you, again!" she said, turning around and beginning to walk up to her room, she had a flute in one hand, the key in the other.

17-Mar-2008 06:03:13 - Last edited on 18-Mar-2008 05:43:24 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Maluena looked up at Zaku.
"Oh, sorry, I'll tell you about it" she said.

" Okay. He said steping back in. " Its just me and my friend are wondering if we should explore it and i was wondering how dangerous it was on a scale of one to ten

Maluena walked out from behind the desk.
"On the Equinox it is probably about an eight, but normal nights it's probably 11" she said, laughing.

Lore woke up and left his room but before he left he grabbed a strange book, it seemed plain enough, it was a faded green and had no markings on it but he held on to it as if it where very valuable, he walked downstairs sat in a arm chair and opened the book.

Zaku looked a little confused about the equinox but decided to change the subject. " I know that haveing a demon arond might be bad for buisness but if you dont mind me staying while im here i would like to help you guys with things.

17-Mar-2008 06:03:16 - Last edited on 18-Mar-2008 05:50:34 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Maluena smiled.
"It's fine, and thanks for the offer" she replied.

" K.. Well while i was upstairs i heard someone complaining about beer or something..

Lore randomly flipped through the pages of the book pausing occasionally to look at something.

Zaku looked arond a minute then looked at lore a little anoyed. " Just so you know im not a half breed.. Dragonkin.. The other demon might of been a half breed.

Lore growled something along the lines of "Scum..." and went back to his book, he paused on a picture of two smiling adults, the woman in the picture was holding a boy while the man was holding a girl and in the middle was a slightly older girl, they where all smiling and they looked like they were having a good time. Lore just stared at the picture...

Maluena looked at Zaku.
"I don't know about that, maybe Frank knows" she said.

Surmantis stretched and stood up, then walked down the hall to the stairs.

Zaku looked unoffended and more curious.

" I really wish you would open up more so i knew what to do with you.. There has to be a reasson why you hate me and all the other demons so much.. If there was no reasson eveyone would be after me.

Surmantis reached the bottom of the stairs and walked into the lobby, sinking into a convenient chair.

"Why should I tell you anything..." Lore said flatly as he continued to stare at the book, the names of the people in the picture where listed with some having little marks and notes made beside them.

17-Mar-2008 06:03:21 - Last edited on 18-Mar-2008 05:55:26 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku sighed and made a small motion with his hands like the book instructed that he got done reading earlier.

" They killed your parrents diddnt they..? Zaku said seriously.

"Not just them... my grandparents, my aunt and uncles... even my sister..." Lore said with a bit of hate in his voice. "Me... me and my other sister... were the only ones left of our family." Lore said slamming to book shut.

Surmantis looked at the ceiling over his head where Zaku and Lore were at it again, then he closed his eyes and began to doze.

" Im sorry.. i wish i could do something..

*555*Some water from arond zaku lifted up and froze into a icecle in his hand. He lifted it up then slamed it down onto his arm but it melted into water and just splashed harmlessly.

" But i cannot help what i am and i dont think if you killed me it would make it any better..*555* You know what ive seen lore..? Once i saw a castle.. and inside there were dead demons eveywhere.. and as i went deeper i saw the demon slayers drag away a little demon girl. She might of been evil but she sure didnt act it. They said they were gonna use her as a hostage to defeat the demonlord.. If they did they most likely just replaced him as always..

Lore looked at him. "I only kill so I can save others from my fate... having to watch your parents die helplessly, then having to watch as your older sister as she fought them off and all you could do is run, run at watched as she kept slashing at them." Lore closed his eyes. "Then hearing her scream and being able to do nothing about it..."

" I wouldnt know how that felt. When my parrents killed each other i was happy because they treated me so badly. And my one brother that i thought i killed is still somewhere out there and he hates me more then any demon slayer. But..

Zaku turned and noticed surmantis nearby sleeping.

17-Mar-2008 06:03:25 - Last edited on 19-Mar-2008 05:37:34 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" If i lost him i would hate whoever did it forever.. But if a human did it i would not just attack any random human that i saw. Just that one.. As for the pain you sufferd. If you did kill all the demons fine.. But that kind of thing is not just caused by demons. Im sure the other races out there have done such things to. Some races are more evil then others but still.. Zaku sighed.

"What's that? What did you call me?" Surmantis said still a little drowsy.

" Nothing surmantis. Sorry i woke you up. Zaku mutterd.

Surmantis yawned.
"I don't get it...I've been sleeping for the past hour and I'm still dead tired..."

Lore opened the book and looked at the little girl being held in his fathers hands. "Well theirs another thing that make us different, my parents loved me and I know where my sister is and we do our best to protect each other." Lore said closing the book again.

Zaku laughed. " Maby one of the inns crazy drinks will wake you up.. I heard some guy makeing a ton of noise about it earlier..

Zaku turned back to lore

" Well you have evey right to be upset..
*555*I dont really like myself that much and the normal demons that give into their evil nature and attack for the plesure of seeing others in pain i will destroy.*555* Its just.. i always give eveything a chance and that demon creature from before i think could learn to control himself with time.

Surmantis looked at Lore.

"You know, I've been listening.
DO you really think the solution is to wipe out every single demon??" He then nodded to Zaku.
"I might just try one."

17-Mar-2008 06:03:30 - Last edited on 19-Mar-2008 05:31:38 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"No not all of them, in fact this one right here might just be the smartest one I've ever met..." Lore said gesturing to Zaku then getting up and leaving.

Zaku watched lore leave and looked at surmantis. " Looks like frank is busy but i dont think he will mind if you just get one of their drinks yourself and pay for it later..

Surmantis raised an eyebrow, then went to the bar.
"I doubt he would even notice if I got myself one now and didn't pay for it at all."

Zaku smirked. " That old man seems to know what hes doing.. But he will know for sure if you start coughing and makeing all the noise the other guy made..

Lore jumped onto a rock out side the door and leaned back, he sat his book down and stared lazily at the sky.

Surmantis mixed a drink, then put a coin on the bar counter, then took a sip and sat down rather heavily.

" Whoooh as in good or whoooh as in your gonna pass out? zaku said laughly slightly.

17-Mar-2008 06:03:41 - Last edited on 19-Mar-2008 05:38:19 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surmantis looked somewhat...High.
"Uh, both I suppose."

He took a longer drink.

Zakus eyes widend. " Uhh.. Maby that isnt a good idea..

Srmantis stood up and swayed back and forth.

Zaku just looked at him with a slightly worryed grin. " Common you had enough your awake now..

Surmantis abruptly righted his stance.
"Hm, you might be right."

He set the drink down and walked around in a slow circle.

He said, trying to think of something to do.

" Im tired im gonna go take a nap.. Zaku went into his room and fell asleep.

--- three hours later ---

Zaku woke up from another anoying dream but couldnt remeber any of it. He went back downstairs to see if surmantis was okay from that drink.

" Hey are you fealing better now?

Surmantis was looking through a book.
"Was I ever feeling bad?"

He looked up.
"I've been trying to figure out where we are."

" You just seemed a little drunk before. Anyway.. What are you reading?

Surmantis picked up the cup and took another sip.
"No, once you get used to it it's fine.

I've been looking through this travel guide and I can't recognze a single landmark."

" Hmm i never really look where im going when im traveling.. For all i know maby zaki sent me here.. Anyway im in no hurry to leave but if we need to i think we could find our way back..

Zaku looked at the book.

17-Mar-2008 06:03:46 - Last edited on 19-Mar-2008 05:43:30 by Hex the wolf

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