
Zakus journal

Quick find code: 49-50-99-55886783

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" Errr... lily.. a little help.. here please? Zaku said looking a little shocked.

Kain saw the goblin ~speedy little devil~ he thought and grunted as he jumped toward the goblin... and missed by a couple of inches he landed on his feet skidded and started running again.

The imp looked over it's shoulder.
The book was HIS, that fat human wouldn't get it.

He ran as fast as he could.
he was dying to see the pictures.

Lily stopped and turned slowly to Zaku, the fact that she was covered in blood didn't help lessen the annoyance in her face. "Fine... I help, move." She pushed Zaku aside and began rummaging through her pack tossing a roll of bandages to Zaku. "Well, don't just sit their! bandage him up." Lily said as she began mashing herbs up with a pestle and mortar.

Kain gasped and stopped he was too tired but he memorized the goblin and the direction he was headed and turned back towards the inn...

Zaku nodded and started bandageing surmantis carefully.

" Im sorry bout that but i didnt have enough energy to take him to his room.

He coughed and keeped puting bandages on surmantis.

Oh good, that fool wasn't following him anymore.. The imp thought.


23-Mar-2008 05:35:30 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:50:54 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kain entered the inn and walked slowly back to his room and then remembered something the only pages he had changed so far was the table of contents it was now English! this is bad!

"It'll be ages before I get all this blood off of me." Lily said dumping a now steamy purple substance into a bottle. "Give him this when your done." Lily said placing the vial by Zaku.

The imp/thing looked through the book.

Stupid words, what was a 'tabel of contnts'?


The thing paged through it.
Well, if this was it, he could have his stupid book back.

What? What was that?

He went back a page.

Ohhhhh...A picture....There were pictures on the next ten pages!

This book was a real find!

" K.... Zaku said looking thankfull.

Zaku put on a few more bandages to be safe.

" Okay surmantis.. Time for your medicine.

He looked at the vial. He was glad he wasnt the one that had to take it.. He was pretty sure he could trust lily but the medicine smelled nasty to him. With a shrug he gave surmantis the medicine and waited to see if it worked.

The first picture showed the man that was chasing the goblin standing next to the water if the goblin touched the picture and held his finger there the picture would change so you could see him change into a shark and dive into the water.

The imp gasped.

The pictures even changed!

Surmantis coughed up more blood, then opened his eyes.

"Good now his head will explode." Lily said to Zaku although she was joking she half wished it did do that... and that Zaku had taken it... Lily got up. "I have to go clean this up now." Lily gestured to herself she'd already taken her shoes and bows off and began to walk off.

23-Mar-2008 05:35:34 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:54:02 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kain slowly put away his bow and remaining arrows ~have to make more arrows soon...~ he thought and ate a little of the dried meat he had stored in his traveling bag.

" Welcome back.. Zaku said smileing weakly.

He put the bandages on a shelf nearby.And didnt seem to notice lilys joke.. If it was a joke.

Surmantis looked around.
"God that hurt."

Another page flipped over in the wind and showed a picture of a man standing in a large forest and someone attacking him if the goblin put his hand on the picture it would show the man trying to change and the other man pulled out a bronze blade and slashed the other man as he was changing the man who was changing turned back to normal and then was brutally murdered.

23-Mar-2008 05:35:38 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:54:58 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" Yeah.. It looked like it would.. Okay now i think im gonna take a nap..

Zaku fell down on the floor with a loud thump in a deep and dreamless sleep.

He had planed to go up to his room in a few minutes but his energy was so drained he just blanked out.

Surmantis muttered to himself.
"Well, we make a fine pair."


The imp screeched and covered his eyes.
That was a scary picture!

The next page was much better the picture showed a man that had collapsed when you touch the page a person walked up and gave him dried meat the man's wound healed and he stood and almost seemed to glow.

The imp uncovered his eyes.
Ooooh, this one was pretty.

He was glad he had taken it from that undeserving person.

Kain slowly walked down the stairs he felt much better he hadn't figured out why yet but it always did, he saw some people on the couch one was wrapped up and one was unconscious

The next picture showed a Large white stag and when touched the picture showed men hunting it and then it turned black the spell was slowly fading and then it went back to colour it showed them men eating dried meat and then rapidly changing shapes in a split second.

Norzak had ran under a nearby tree and made some hand motions again.

The orb james was viewing went black.

23-Mar-2008 05:35:42 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 05:57:19 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" You will pay for this betrayal you stupid dog.. James hissed as he slamed the table the orb was on and left the room he and some of the others were in.

Norzaks hands and chest hurt like heck as he wraped his belt arond the stabing wound and wraped some leafs arond his hands. In the morning he could try his human form and maby get away. He never liked zasori anyway but he never had a chance like this. No one was arond to control him..

The imp sat and watched the pictures go back and forth back and forth, he was getting dizzy.

Suddenly the pictures stopped and a blinding white light burst from where the imp was hiding and then went black red white black red white and then turned off all the pages went blank and the book locked itself.

The imp was stunned.
Then it saw the closed book and tried to open it. Then it punched it, and hurt its fist.

Then it jumped up and down on on six times.

Kain saw large blinding light come from the trees where he saw the imp figuring it had something to do with the book he started running towards where it came from

The imp looked up from biting the book.
Was that the human coming towards him?

Kain saw the imp with his book and grasped his battle axe and started running... the chase was on... again!

The imp looked at the warrior charging him.
He left off battering at the lock with a stick and picked it up, running as fast as he could.

Kain saw large rock and thinking quickly jumped into a tree pushed off and started bouncing off and in mid jump with all his gained momentum slung the rock toward the book intending to knock it out of the imps hands.

A large rock struck the book and knocked it flying.
The imp screeched but kept running.

His precious pictures..Gone!

23-Mar-2008 05:57:31 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 06:01:10 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kain slowly picked up the little book it was sealed tight... but how much had the imp seen and would he spread the word about what he saw? kain slowly walked back to the inn glad he had succesfully got the last pieco of history about his race back.

---- A few hours later in the morning ----

Surmantis opened his eyes again, and looked at Kain

Kain looked down "what happened to you?" he asked interested acctually he would have to check the book later...

Surmantis raised an eyebrow.
"Got cut in half. You?"

Kain looked like he'd been stumbling through the forest at night...Oh wait, he had.

"Imp," kain said not clearing much up "They are speedy little devils." he said grumbling "you look okay for a guy cut in half."

Zaku was still asleep.

Surmantis nodded.
"I really ought to be dead."

A man with black hair and some torn pants and a cut up shirt steped into the inn.

" Oh my.. what happend to you.. He said to surmantis.

23-Mar-2008 05:57:35 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 06:04:10 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surmantis squinted at him suspiciously.
"Got cut in half, what's it to you?"

Kain slowly yawned and want up to bed and fell asleep he was tired what with running fighting running...

" Just wondering.. It must of been a miracle that you managed to survive it.

He sat down in a chair and didnt even notice zaku.

Surmantis raised an eyebrow.
"Or some extremely good luck."

" Yeah that could work to.. But you cant trust luck..

He keeped his hands in his pockets.

" So tell me.. Did marry act as foolish as i hear she did?

Surmantis squinted again, and changed the subject.
"How's the wound?"

" Fine when you compare what happend to you.

He fliped a coin.

" Im done with her.

Surmantis nodded.
"Just remember that I'm watching you. I can throw a knife, even while lying down, faster than you can blink."

Then Surmantis closed his eyes most of the way and began to doze.

The man nodded with a slight fearfull look and the coin vanished. He grabed a drink and sat back down by a table.

23-Mar-2008 05:57:39 - Last edited on 01-Apr-2008 06:08:17 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Maluena walked into the ballroom and hit the small gong.
"The Dance is starting!" she called. A few brownies zipped into the room and started to play the harp and the panpipes.

"Oh a dance! I love dances." Lily said happily but then looked down at her shirt and skirt. "Argh! That stupid Zaku dropped a bloody body on top of me and my dress is covered in blood because of it, I need to find a place to clean up." Lily said beginning to look about for the washroom.

Maluena had another brownie set up the magical orb which she had in the back room. The brownie nodded and sped into the back room, came out with a large golden orb, then tossed it up into the air where it hung just below the celeing.

Lily hurried out side to the stream... she didn't have anybody to go with but she liked to dance anyways. ~At least Lore has somebody to dance with.~ Lily thought beginning to pout.

Maluena went over to the brownies playing the music and told them to play a gypsi tune for the first song. They nodded eagerly, since gypsi music is a favorite of brownies, and begane to play one of their favorite melodys.

23-Mar-2008 05:57:43 - Last edited on 01-Apr-2008 06:11:35 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Norzak got another drink and didnt look affected at all.

" Hmph... Maby i should get a room.. "

Norzak grabed a key that was marrys room.

A young Hybrid walked slowly into the inn, He was wearing a strange armour very very few had seen before along with a weapoon of the same sort. He stood about 6 foot 2 inches tall and had glistening blood red eyes, his hair, a snowy white with black streaks going through it making it look like a tigers hide. He had a Kantana in a red oak sheath at his side, and a red oak bow drapped over his back next to a quiver of arrows. This young mans name was Keith Vigus.

Lily walked to the stream grumbling about Zaku and dumping a bloody body on her, they she bent down and took off her shirt so she was wearing a tank top under it, she did the same with her skirt which had a pair of shorts under it then began to wash the clothes. "I ought to burn his hair off..." Lily said thinking of ways to get back at Zaku.

As norzak enterd marrys room he saw the blank picture on the floor and some blood stains and a dent in the wall.

~ Wheres the ashes... Ugh... Kakek.. ~ He thought.

He left his room and went downstairs and waved at the new person steping in.

Zaku moaned and slowly got up from the floor. His hair was a little messed up and his eyes seemed like he was half asleep.

" What am i doing on the floor..? Zaku said yawning.

Keith noticed someone waving at him and waved back being as friendly as possible.

Zaku managed to wake up more and noticed surmantis was still asleep.

Norzak saw zaku awake and had a flash back of that glare zaku gave him and he looked a little scared.

Lily finished washing her skirt and over-shirt so she laid them on a rock to try and slid into the water and floated on her back sighing... ~Water sure is nice.~

23-Mar-2008 05:57:48 - Last edited on 01-Apr-2008 06:18:36 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Keith looked at the guy who waved at him "Do you know where the inn owner is at the moment?" Keith asked politely.

Zaku looked at norzak confused.

" Havent i seen you before...?

" Maby.. " Norzak replyed.

Then norzak turned to the other guy.

" No i havent.. I just got here a little while ago.. "

Zaku didnt really care about looks that much but his hair was so messed up he looked like a idoit and he put it back down and went outside after makeing sure surmantis was ok. He needed some water vials since the curse that grim reaper figure used on him drained it all.

As he went toward pools he saw lilys clothes.

Lily was floating out in the pool, she sighed happily and splashed the water a little bit, she didn't even realize that Zake was at the edge of the water and she was half- Neck... *censor*

23-Mar-2008 05:57:52 - Last edited on 01-Apr-2008 06:20:52 by Hex the wolf

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