
Zakus journal

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Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Calliope took a deep breath, Lore's fragrance playing in her nose. She closed her eyes, everything was perfect. Absolutley perfect.

Lore turned his head to her. "Do you wanna get out and dry off?" He asked her quietly and kissed her on the cheek.

- - -

Lily crossed her arms. "I'm trying to say I kinda like you, but apparantly your a bit thick..." She said and began to walk of her skirt flapping and her cloak flowing behind her.

Kain looked at the sun it was casting a deep red glow over the forest it was around 6:00 kain felt that something big was coming...

Calliope shuddered slighlty as a cold breeze hit her bare back. "Yes..." she said, and looked up at the sky. "It's getting pretty dark too..." she added, remembering what that woman had told her about having to be in her room by 6:00...

Zaku chased after her.

" Onesty? that idea hit me but i didnt think that would be posible. I mean after such a rotten past with demons and the fact you wanted to kill me earlier..

He looked serious

" I dont think haveing a relationship with a demon is a very good idea. I mean.. Surmantis.. i save him sometimes but most the time he wouldnt be in dangers way if i wasnt draging him into it.

Xenos came down to the lobby, as well as Rose. They both had halos over their heads. They looked somewhat godly, as the fact that something was different with Xenos. He didn't seem mad, sad, angry or anything. No emotion. Rose was cheerful, and walking beside Xenos. They had a aura that even seemed godly. Rose formed her orb in her hand, and changed it into a bow.

Kain began walking toward the inn but he stopped for a second and pulled out his book and then felt sharp claws digging into his back kain suddenly grabbed his great axe and swung it, the thing ran away. Kain began sprinting toward the inn.

23-Mar-2008 04:45:16 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 04:48:37 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Hang on lemme dry off and we can get going." Lore pulled her out of the water the gave her a hug, as he did so steam rose off of them both and the water was gone. "All done." He told her tieing his cloak around him.

- - -

"You'd be suprised how a girl can change people. Look at Lore, he met one and now he probably doesn't even know what a demon is anymore." Lily said.

Calliope looked around, strartled. "Wow, that was fast!" she laughed, beginning to slip her own clothes back on. Once she was done, she tied her hair once again and picked up her flute. "All ready!" she said, happily.

" Hmm i dont know.. this is very sudden and im very tired.. Ill see you later okay?

Zaku went upstairs into his room.

Lore turned around. "One of the abilities I have..." Lore explained and turned back to head towards the inn. "I hope we get back in time..."

- - -

Lily made a 'hmph' sound and went to the couch.

"Me t-" Calliope began to say, but was interrupted when she heard a bolt of thunder strike. In fact, her whole body froze - her muscles tensed.

Kain dove through trees running as fast as he could, he wasn't scared easily though and suddenly he found himself surrounded by dark creatures that looked like demons ~crud.~ kain thought and pulled out the great axe.

"What's the matter?" Lore said approching her and looking up at the sky. "It's just thunder..." Lore reassured Calliope.

It was as if Lore's word were completley unheard of by Calliope. As thunder once again filled Calliope's mind, a hand flew to her mouth - muffling out the scream which she let out.

23-Mar-2008 04:45:23 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 04:50:10 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lore hopped back. "What! what's wrong!" Lore tried to get her attention he began tugging on Calliope's arm.

The monsters closed in kain tensed and let out a savage war cry and jumped swinging his greataxe down and kill one and began swirling, twirling cutting and hacking, kain jumped up again and landed behind he cut out it's legs from underneath it and hacked it's head off ~there are too many.~ he thought sweating

Calliope heard someone's war-cry, but at the moment she could hardly even move, let alone run to someone's rescue. As thunder struck once again, she screamed once more - tears beginning to swell in her eyes.

Lore picked Calliope up and ran as fast as he could, he heard a war-cry but he was too focused on getting Calliope back to the inn.

Kaiin finnaly narrowed it down to three left, but he was too tired and dropped letting go of his battle axe he gave a loud cry of frustration and then blacked out.

23-Mar-2008 04:45:30 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 04:50:55 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku leaned on the ege of his bed stareing at the wall as his mind raced. He didnt hear any war crys or anything and he had forgotten it was dark.

* Okay.. here are my options... one... I agree to be her.. Boyfriend.. Lore might think i have her in some kinda spell or something..

Option two.. I say no.. ugh..

His head hurt more then it did when he tryed that crazy drink.

~ Im to young and i dont think i really love her i was just being friendly.. Meh she wants me to treat her like lore is being treated and im not that type of person..

Zaku sighed and tryed to sleep a little.

~ I dont really want to hurt her fealings but it cant be helped.. Maby surmantis wants me to get a girlfriend and get lost with her.. Nah thats a silly thought.. But thinking lily actuly liked him was also a silly thought and it turned out being real.

He finaly managed to fall into a light sleep.

(( Tommow is sunday and im gonna have to go somewhere again.. i hate weekdays.. anyway hopefully ill be back home in time to still do a little rping. Right now your all asleep..

And when he says hes to young he may be 300 years old but hes still is 13 in his years and hes not really the rommance type. He cares alot about some people after awhile but when it comes to kissing and that type of thing hes not very social and he has plenty of reassons to be..

23-Mar-2008 04:45:35 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 04:51:20 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lily was laying on the couch occupying herself by unwrinkling her skirt and adjusting the bows in her hair.

Surmantis walked downstairs and raised his eyebrow at the girl prettying herself up yet again.

Lily looked over at him. "What?" she asked innocently as she finished fixing a bow in her hair and moved to the second bow.

Surmantis smiled slightly.

He stepped outside into the growing darkness.

Lily shrugged and finished fixing her bow. "Strange man..." She said to herself.

The forest looked very inviting in the darkness.
Not in your usual sense, but in the sense that if you went in there you would die.

It was inviting because it made you want to conquer it.

Zaku left his room and went downstairs.

" Lily.. i cant. It just wouldnt work out.. If we can be friends that would be cool but love and all that im just not ready for. And i dont think i could ever be as.. Social as lore and calliope are.

Lily turned her head slightly. "How long did it take you to come up with that?" Lily turned back to the fire. "Simple 'no' works just as well" she said straighting her hair.

23-Mar-2008 04:45:39 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 04:52:33 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yeah but that would be flat and makes the person think they dont care. I do care its just.. I just met you awhile ago.. And i have many reassons.

A lady called arya was reading a book silently, and flipped a page.

Lily shrugged. "Fine by me, I'm sure I can do better anyways." Lily said in a casual tone.

Zaku still found it hard to belive she was serious about all of this.

" It sounds kinda stupid.. The one girl i meet i say no to. But i know that later on both of us would regret it.. Also my reletives would perhaps try to use you as a hostage to make me change my ways. Surmantis is a target to them to.

Surmantis walked back in, hearing the last statement.
"Are you calling me a target?"

" Yes if my brother had you he would tell me to drink unholy water or you would die. The oley reasson my mother died was because she was a transformed demon. I was born a demon so it wouldnt kill me. But it would twist my soul and make me as evil as my brother.

Lily still stared at the fire. "Okay, I'm over it, I can find another guy." Lily said waving her hand as if to shoo him away.

Surmantis raised an eyebrow.
"And you think I would let him do that? I learned my lesson and my sword is coated with silver now."

" Still.. it could happen and now my grandmother is nearby.. That seattles it.. Ill just have to kill all my reletives that try to stop me and then maby ill have peace.. My grandmother is in the forrest.. i can sense it.. Ill fight her first..

He then saw lily makeing that motion with her hand.

~ Hmph all she wants is just a guy to have fun with.. If she doesnt get what she wants from me she treats me like normal again. A animal.

Zaku mutterd something in demonic and went outside.

23-Mar-2008 04:45:44 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 04:55:16 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surmantis looked after him as he left, then looked at Lily.
"What was that all about?"

"I told him I liked him, he said he didn't want to be my boyfriend, the world keeps going." Lily said looking at her hands.

Surmantis raised an eyebrow.
"I see," he said, not really meaning it.

"Yes..." Lily said distantly, she ruffled her hair for no reason.

Surmantis walked outside, and saw Zaku.
"Are you alright?"

" It doesnt matter.. Some water turned into a knife as he stared at the woods and he walked closer toward them.

Surmantis squinted at Zaku's back.
It did matter and Zaku knew Surmantis was no fool.

Zaku stoped he was right by the first few trees that went into the forrest.

" If demons ever have children.. and i get the fealing that it would come to that eventuly if i did say yes. Half of the mothers die in childbirth and i dont really want children anyway or to stop traveling because idd never live happyly ever after with things going on like this. Sides i barely knew her. But it still hurts.

He reached into his pocket and put on the mime mask.

" Im sick of it and im gonna end it one way or another.. If my grandmother wants to change me to ill defeat her just like my brother. And the one after that and the one after that. And if i get killed So be it..

Zaku steped into the woods.

Surmantis looked after him as his form blurred and disappeared into the mist.

Then Surmantis drew his rapier and plunged in after him.

23-Mar-2008 04:45:48 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 04:56:33 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku didnt notice him. He keeped wandering and after awhile saw a light in the distance. As he got closer he saw it was a old cabin. A old lady was siting on the porch playing a wierd instrument.

Kain woke up "urgh..." he tried to move but realized he was tied up ~great.~ he thought and noticed his great axe laing next him and tried to wiggle over there. He wasn't making much headway though.

Surmantis lost sight of Zaku and went in his general direction.

Then he heard someone 'ooph'ing and groaning like an idiot.

Surmantis went towards the noise and saw a big strong fellow tied up with a flimsy rope.

The old lady stoped playing and looked up.

Ello zaku.. Its been so long hasnt it..? i thought you would never leave that silly inn..

Zaku was as emoteionless as his mask as he went closer knife in hand.

I heard that you defeated your brother awhile ago.. thats qiute amazeing.. Normaly the first born is the skilled one.. But you have made qiute a few mistakes..

She played the instrument with a ghostly tune.

Zaku raised his knife and cut the strings.

Now why did you go and break ur grandmas guquin..

Zaku raised his knife again and threw it at her. It hit in the chest.

The old lady laughed and she turned into 13 crows and they squaked and flew behind him.

You have potential.. Your grandfather was a fool.. Fools die.. And you will to if you dont do what your told.

The guquin repaired and the old lady seemed to change in the mist. When it cleared what looked like a young lady with long black hair and pale skin stood before him. But she had eyes like a reptiles and they seemed to stare thru him.

23-Mar-2008 04:45:52 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 04:58:03 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Water surronded zaku in a circle and he had three knifes in each hand that he threw at the lady.

She moved out of the way easily and then her hands became snakes and were sent toward zaku.

A mirror appeared infront of him and the snakes slamed into it hissing then came back to the lady.

the water arond zaku twisted and then went in differnt directions. Zaku made a hand motion and steped into the mirror. Other mirrors appeared they were in a circle arond the lady. All of them had zaku with 3 knifes in each hand as he threw them at the lady.

The lady laughed as the knifes hit her and she became 13 crows again. they flew arond the mirrors and back to the cabin porch. She then picked up the guquin and pulled the strings it made a sharp noise and a huge black demon appeared in the circle of mirrors.

" Die...

Zaku came from a mirror floating above and slamed the knife at the demon. It growled and zaku ran for a mirror but it grabed his hand and swung him arond like a toy. It let go and he went flying thru a mirror that cracked and he landed by the porch. He slowly stood up as all the mirrors cracked and shatterd. His mask broke in half and the demon laughed then vanished.

Now... you will do as your told or die.. Your choice.. The lady hissed

23-Mar-2008 04:45:56 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 04:58:37 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" Kill me then. He hissed back.

The lady seemed shocked.

Maby this will help you see things my way... She grabed his neck and put a cup of foul smelling water infront of him.

Zaku made a hand motion and shut his eyes.

The lady grabed his hair untill he screamed then forced it into his mouth. She knocked him down and held his nose until he swallowed it and started coughing.

There.. Now that didnt have to be so hard.. Now come on in and help me with this counter curse so i can finaly enter the rooms of that inn and steal the breath of all staying in it at night..

Zaku nodded he looked emoteionless.

The lady smiled. Yes we omost got it.. We just need some old tree bark to finish it. Go grab some quick deary..

Zaku glanced at her with a strange look then went outside. He couldnt remeber much about what just happend. The old cabin was the oley area that didnt have trees in it but they were nearby.

Surmantis saw Zaku walking like he was asleep.
He called softly, "Zaku. Zaku?"

Zaku heard something and looked at it confused.

" What do you want! im busy..

23-Mar-2008 04:46:00 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 04:59:32 by Hex the wolf

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