
Zakus journal

Quick find code: 49-50-99-55886783

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surmantis watched with interest.
"Okay. Who are you? What's your name? Do you enjoy killing people?"

Lily turned around to see the demon, she couldn't look more helpless and board looking in her life, her hair was messy, she didn't even reach for her sword and she had a arm hanging loosely off the couch...

The demon answered these questions in order. "I am one of the loyal servants of the devil himself. My name is Zejan. Killing is only a game, and so far, I'm winning..." he laughed when he said the last part.

Zaku walked downstairs looking a little tired but he wanted to see what was going on and he saw blood on the floor. He saw that demon lore was fighting from before and keeped sillent.

Surmantis narrowed his eyes.
"I'm in the mood for a game.

Kill me."

He didn't change his posture.

Zejan lunged at him using his claws only. Something was wrong because he was usually smarter then that.

Some water arond zaku turned into three knifes he had in his hand behind him. When he lunged he threw then at the demon.

Surmantis dodged out of the way.
"Killing is a game, so why don't you play? KILL ME."

Lily knew she was safe so she didn't bother to help either of them, she rolled on her back and began blowing a tuft of hair out of her face over and over again while staring at the ceiling.

22-Mar-2008 17:26:08 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2008 23:22:45 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku knew he was trying to talk some sense into the demon and the knives melted and fell to the floor but the water went arond surmantis in a circle.

Zejan pulled out his sword, and slashed at Surmantis, his sword scraping the ground, wall, and ceiling before actually pointing at Surmantis.

Surmantis frowned, then tried something else.

He stood completely still, daring the demon to kill him.

Zejan put his sword away, then pointed the palm of his hand toward Surmantis, seeming to grab something. Soon, a small ball of energy formed in his hand, and he launched it at Surmantis.

Surmantis watched it home in on him.
"Why do you keep doing something different?


Zejan snickered. Then, he disappeared, soon to reappear behind Surmantis, but not yet.

Surmantis looked around curiously.
"Oh come. You're not done already are you?"

Zejan reappeared, and had another orb of energy aimed at the back of Surmantis's head. "Heh, if this misses.. that will sure not be good.." he started to laugh maniacally.

Surmantis shrugged.
"Okay. Shoot."

It was a gamble, of course...But then everything he'd done for the past fifteen years was a gamble...

22-Mar-2008 17:26:12 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2008 23:27:30 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The ball disappeared. Zejan turned around, and walked out of the door.

Surmantis let out his breath that he forgot he'd been holding.


A loud laughter was heard from outside, and a buzzing noise also. Zejan was forming a huge ball and was going to launch it at the Inn.

Surmantis went outside.
"Go ahead and KILL YOUR SISTER."

Zejan laughed. "I don't have a sister, fool!" he howled. Out of nowhere, Rose came, and seemed to hug-tackle Zejan. "Brother.. don't kill them!" Rose said, eyes shut tight. "You.. are..not.. my sister!!" he screamed, trying to get her to let go.

Surmantis laughed madly over the sound of the energy massing.

"You cannot kill her! You annot even kill me!"

Zejan changed back to Xenos, and he passed out. Rose was actually able to carry him back to the room. "Your just lucky.." Rose said as she passed Surmantis.

Surmantis laughed softly to himself.
He was never lucky.
He had the worst luck on the planet.

Surmantis walked back to the bar and poured another drink.

Zaku sighed in relief.

" Surmantis your crazy you know that...?

He had a stupid grin and went back into his room the water left surmantis and trailed after him. He fell asleep easy because he used up all that energy in that duel with lily.

22-Mar-2008 23:28:48 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2008 23:30:25 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lily had fallen asleep on the couch, her hair was messy and everywhere, her knee-length skirt was wrinkly and her arms and legs where in a random positions effectively taking up most of the couch, she was also on the verge of beginning to snore lightly.

Surmantis sat by the bar drinking, the most he'd had in a long time, regarding the girl interestedly.

Amazing that she wasn't terminally insane with all the things she'd seen.

Lily rolled on her side impaling the couch with a dagger that was in her hand, she let it go of it and rolled back over still asleep, she was mumbling about various thing. "scum... jerks..."

Surmantis raised an eyebrow.
Maybe she Was terminally insane.

Surmantis got up and gently removed the dagger from the sofa lining, and put it on the counter.

No point in letting her kill herself with it.

Lily sighed and rolled over again, she slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes while blowing the hair out of her face, then she started to straighten her skirt out like nothing strange had just happened.

Surmantis picked the dagger up by the blade and handed it to her.

"You almost skewered yourself with this."

He looked out the window at the darkness.
"Don't sleep with a drawn weapon."

Lily took it from him and shoved it in her bag. "I'm surprised I went to sleep at all with you screaming at people trying to get them to kill you, you suicidal maniac." Lily said still straightening her skirt.

22-Mar-2008 23:28:55 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2008 23:35:12 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surmantis smiled briefly.
"Just testing. I think I was right."

He turned back to look at Lily.
"He has more control over the demon than he knows."

"I don't care about demons anymore and I don't think Lore will too, he's got himself a girlfriend now so I think he's going to be a bit more occupied." Lily sighed and began straightening out her hair so it was nice and long again.

Surmantis shrugged.
"Things pass. Sometimes you think they've forgotten, and then they go on a killing spree."

He squinted at the forest out the window.
"Ever been in that forest?"

"Yes I arrived here by going through that, it's where my brother called me from the city." Lily said
She was finally finished with fixing her hair and clothes.

Surmantis turned back to face her.
"At night?"

He pondered the odds. How bad could it be?

"No it was more or less dusk..." Lily said. "I guess you could consider that night." She added putting two black bows in her hair and adjusting them.

Surmantis pulled out a dagger and began to polish it.
"Did you see any monsters?"

The dagger gleamed until he could see his face in it.

"No... I walked to the inn with Lore the minute I arrived, and stop asking me questions." Lily made a command of the last part as she finished attaching the bows to her hair and was now busy looking in the mirror.

Surmantis raised an eyebrow.
"You've been asking me alot."

He put the dagger away again an paced in a circle.

"Yes but you didn't answer all of mine so I don't have to answer all of yours." Lily said turning away from the mirror and going to the bar to get a cup of tea which she began to drink slowly.

22-Mar-2008 23:28:59 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2008 23:38:08 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surmantis squinted out the window again.
"What do you think those four men are? Tax collectors?"

"Men? I didn't know anybody was outside so I wouldn't know..." Lily said casually.

Surmantis strode decisively to the door.
"Well, they're holding torches and have drawn swords."

"Angry mob if I ever heard one..." Lily said going back to the bar and getting a cup of tea to drink, she didn't seem at all to concerned with this new potential threat.

Surmantis shook his head.
"No. Robbers."

His hand was on the door handle.
"Are you coming or no?"

"I don't know..." Lily said drawing her sword and getting up. "I just got all prettied up, I don't want blood to get on my skirt." Lily said walking up behind him with her sword. "Let's go anyways."

Surmantis pulled open the door and confronted the thugs.
"Is there a...Problem?" he asked in a friendly tone.

The first thug grinned and pulled out a knife.
"yeah, give us your money and sit still while we ransack your pretty Inn and we won't kill you."

Lily didn't hesitate and threw a dagger into the head of a thug nearest to the leader. "Please repeat that, their was something affecting my hearing, perhaps it was that." Lily said pointing to the thug who fell over and was gurgling as he died.

The remaining three men rushed them, yelling loudly.

Surmantis whipped out his rapier and impaled the first one, then kicked the man off the blade and slashed fiercely at another.

Lily jumped up disappearing and then reappearing on the back on one of them thugs, she slid another dagger out and slashed his throat dropping him instantly...

22-Mar-2008 23:29:03 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2008 23:39:19 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surmantis slashed a man in the thraot and he dropped.

Lily looked at the dead bodies littering the ground. "Well... that kept us occupied for all of 5 minutes..."

Surmantis pulled out a rag and cleaned his blade.
"I don't think of killing as 'occupation'."

He sheathed the now clean blade.
"Killing is killing."

Lily just looked at him. "Every point of view is different." She said starting to walk back into the inn, he skirt blew slightly in the wind.

Surmantis dragged all the bodies to the side, took one of their daggers, and began to dig shallow graves.

22-Mar-2008 23:29:08 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 02:07:33 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Scott slowly walked up the road, torch in hand. He had been traveling for quite a long time now, and he needed a drink. "Water would be nice, but I would really like a nice coo-." Scott stopped talking. He had found a inn.~A place to sleep, to drink and to eat...wonderful~ Scott thought to himself. He walked towards to inn, noticing a man burying some corpse's outside it. "Evening", Scott said to the man.

Lily was busy adjusting her hair again, it was one of those things guys didn't understand, she sat their adjusting her hair even though it appeared perfectly normal to anybody else, she was just doing it to give her something to do.

Surmantis tossed some dirt over the third man.

He straightened up and brushed off his hands."Here for the inn?"

Scott nodded. "Yea....yea I am.", Scott said. "Scott Lightmarsh, Paladin, you are?" Scott asked.

Surmantis bowed slightly.
"Surmantis Gale, wanderer, killer, all out ruffian."

He began to dig the last grave.

Lily adjusted her bows on her head and began to drink tea, she wasn't about to help him dig those graves, true she one the one to kill two of them but she still had that girly sense that she didn't have to do dirty work.

Surmantis pushed the body in and covered it with dirt.
"There. That's better than they'd get from anyone else."

Surmantis stood over the graves and bowed his head.

22-Mar-2008 23:29:12 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 02:24:38 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surmantis laid the dagger on top of one of the graves and headed inside.

Scott sighed lightly. He threw his torch into a nearby bucket. Smoke flew out of it. Scott sighed again, and entered the inn.

Kain exited his room he only had his great axe strapped to his back and his normal clothes he began walking over to a table with a chair next to it he carried a little book in his hands.

Scott found a table. He sat down, hearing the chair groan slighty under his armours weight. It's not like you would find a Paladin in a Inn. He took off his helmet, placed it on the table and shook his head. Then he pulled out a prayer book and began to read.

23-Mar-2008 02:24:54 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 02:32:38 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lily was at another table sipping tea when she saw the person come in. "Hello..." She greeted him warmly and waved before brushing some of her hair out of her face and went back to drinking tea.

- - -

Although Calliope didn't know it Lore was feeling the exact same feeling at the same moment, he let the kiss continue as long as he could.

Scott looked up to see a women talking to him. "Hello.",Scott replied, and continued to read the prayer book.

Calliope gently ended the kiss, her arms still wrapped loosely around Lore's neck. "So, what now?" she whispered - though she had only moved back a couple of centimetres, and as she talked her lips grazed Lore's.

Kain walked over to his table in the corner and opened his little book.

23-Mar-2008 02:25:03 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2008 02:34:11 by Hex the wolf

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