
Dragons of Surdaus

Quick find code: 49-50-979-51303065



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Her eyes filled with tears as I rose onto my hind-legs and rose into the air, glowing brighter. I felt my snout, teeth, tail and claws begin to shorten; my fore-paws' toes began to lengthen; and my wings retracted back into my body. My scales grew soft. "Good bye, Aaron...."
"I'll never forget you... ever...." I whispered, my eyes streaming, rising towards the hole in the ceiling....

Aaron continued rising towards the hole in the ceiling, and then... he vanished. With that, Takeron collapsed, her eyes closed, and her breathing ceased.
Far away, in the rubble of Seeldah's house, the carving of the white dragon crumbled to dust.... Buried in that same rubble, however, Heart of Emerald began to glow brightly....
Takeron, the very last of the white dragons... had died, using the last of her energy to transport Aaron home....

14-Sep-2007 07:49:14 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2009 23:56:30 by xxDkreignxx



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A Prophecy Misread...
A World in Chaos...

Following the battle of Takeron Valley, the forces of Deathwing and his mysterious master are converging on the lands of Heldrax. The light dragons, led by Horadak, are preparing to face them in a battle that could mean the end of this war and peace... or the end of Heldrax.
Evil has shown its twisted face in Surdaus... the forces of darkness are growing stronger....
Far away, in the ancient lands of Elcrillion, a new adventure will begin... a new hero will be discovered... and an unspeakable evil will be awakened from its timeless slumber....

Continue the unforgettable tale of the legend of the Emerald Dragons in...

The Emerald Dragon Series, Part II:
Orion's Call!

14-Sep-2007 07:50:31 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2009 23:56:56 by xxDkreignxx



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/-\Legend of the Emerald Dragon/-\
It is said that once every 600 years, a being is chosen to become the Emerald Dragon. It can be from any race; from the lowliest insect, to the mightiest of beasts. It can even be a human.... When the time comes for the chosen to ascend to dragonhood, they will hear the call of Orion. If they choose to heed the call, they will be transformed into the Emerald Dragon; the champion of champions; a great warrior; a hero... they will cast aside the body they once resided in and take on a new form. They will cast aside everything they once knew for ascension.... For some, this decision is made gladly, and without regret. For others... this is a difficult choice they will have to make....
Aaron is the next in line to take up the mantle of the Emerald Dragons. From birth, he was destined to become the Emerald Dragon. On his tenth Birthday, Aaron answered the call....

"Aaron, get up before you're late for school!" I heard my mom yelling at me from the bottom of the stairs. Groaning, I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock- 7:00.
~Oh, no...~ I thought to myself as I grabbed my bag and books from the closet. As I crossed my room to the door, I looked around at it.

14-Sep-2007 07:51:34 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2009 23:57:34 by xxDkreignxx



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I had a thing for dragons: there were miniature models of dragons of every color on shelves, on my dresser, and scattered around the floor. There was even a poster of a green dragon above my bed. Grinning, I took the poster off the wall, rolled it up, and stuck it in my backpack. It was my tenth Birthday, and I loved to show off that poster on my Birthdays.
As I ran downstairs, I found my parents in the kitchen, eating breakfast.
"Happy Birthday, son," my dad said as I walked in, grinning. "Your mother and I were just talking, and I decided it was time to take you to work with me- show you what I do for a living." His grin broadened and he pulled a small box off the pile under the table. He handed it to me and said, "Thought you might like that, Aaron; my father gave it to me when I was your age." He winked, and my mom nodded to me.
Happily, I tore off the wrapping. Underneath was a small wooden box. With wonder, I opened the box and inside was a large, fist-sized, purple gemstone. A green glow seemed to emanate from its core. I held the gem up the light. "Wow..." I murmured. The gem seemed to be calling to me... calling my name.

14-Sep-2007 07:51:35 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2009 23:58:06 by xxDkreignxx



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"It's called Heart of Emerald," my dad explained, watching me thoughtfully. "Been in the family for a very long time, it's very old. Passed down from father to son for six-hundred years, and now... it's yours."
I looked at it one last time, then put it in my pocket. "Thanks dad," I said, hugging him.
My dad grinned again. "Just don't lose it. Now come on, or I'm gonna be late for work."
I sat in the back of my dad's truck, admiring Heart of Emerald. ~You have been chosen, Aaron...~ a voice whispered. I looked up at my dad, but he was paying attention to the road. Confused, I looked around, trying to find who said it. My eyes fell on the gem.... Its core began to glow brightly. ~You have been chosen to become the next Emerald Dragon. Will you heed Orion's Call, Aaron?~ the voice inquired.
~Er... I will!~ I answered quickly. I was excited: A Dragon! Me? ~This must be a game, something built into the gem... like a voice box; Dad must have the mouthpiece hidden in his hair,~ I thought to myself. ~Where do you want me to go?~ I asked excitedly.
The voice sighed, almost mournfully. ~When you reach your father's office, ask to go to the bathroom; it'll give you a little privacy... the rest will play out on its own.~ The voice grew silent, and the gem dimmed.

14-Sep-2007 07:51:36 - Last edited on 29-Jun-2008 00:07:10 by xxDkreignxx



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When we reached my dad's office -he worked for Westwood Studios- I asked to go to the bathroom. "Sure," my dad answered, looking up from his computer. "Out that door, turn left, go to the end of the hallway, turn right and the bathroom's at the end of that hallway." He turned back to his computer.
Several minutes later, I opened the bathroom door and walked in. Making sure no one else was in the bathroom, I set my backpack against the sink and, grinning, pulled Heart of Emerald from my pocket. It was glowing blindingly bright now. ~So... now what?~ I asked the gem. It remained silent, but continued to glow brighter and brighter... then, without warning, it stopped- the light just winked out. "Alright, funny joke Da-" I was cut off as I was suddenly forced to the floor, on my hands and knees. I whimpered at the suddenness of it; no one had pushed me, I just fell to the floor....
I tried standing back up, but found I couldn't. My legs began to straighten and shrink until my arms and legs were the same length. I felt my tail-bone lengthen and push against the bottom of my pants until, with a great ripping sound, it tore through the seat of my pants. I turned my head over my shoulder, watching in shock as a long, green tail sprouted from my pants.

14-Sep-2007 07:51:36 - Last edited on 29-Jun-2008 00:09:32 by xxDkreignxx



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As my tail grew longer and more articulated, I saw the back of my shirt bulge outward as something tried to force its way through. My hands began to ache, and I watched as my ring finger and pinky fused, my fingers shortened, and a thick pad began to develop on my palms, transforming my hands into paws. My fingernails lengthened and grew razor-sharp, turning into claws.
An excruciating pain burst into my face. I almost cried out, but I was unable to. Desperate, I staggered towards the sink as best I could and jumped up, resting my paws on either side of it. I looked directly at my face in the mirror....
It was still the same, but even as I watched, green scales began to grow all over my face, my blue eyes turned golden, and my face lengthened and widened. My hair came loose as scales spread all over my head, falling into the sink in clumps. My nose flattened against my face, and my whole head elongated, forming into a long, scaly muzzle. My ears flattened against the sides of my head. My nostrils widened, forming into a flat nose on the end of my snout. Long, curved teeth erupted from my gums in the gaps that my lengthened jaw created. My old teeth grew as well, two of them curling over the corners of my rapidly-disappearing lips.

14-Sep-2007 07:53:26 - Last edited on 28-Aug-2008 02:43:20 by xxDkreignxx



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My neck popped as it lengthened, and spikes began to grow all down my back - which was lengthening as well - neck and tail, ripping through my shirt. Unable to bear the pain any longer, I jumped down and slipped off my shirt. Immediately, two lavender, batlike wings unfolded from my long, now-emerald-green back, between my shoulderblades.
I twisted my neck around so that I could look back at my tail; it was mostly emerald-green, but had a dark-blue tip to it. My pants were completely ruined, ripped through by my tail. Sighing, I slipped my pants off as well and kicked off my shoes. My feet had been transformed at the same time as my hands. Already having toes, the only difference was that they had five claws, one on each toe. My feet were also longer, and the heel was lifted up; it was more like I was standing on tip-toes now. My shoes were ripped open when my claws grew out.
I stretched my tail and looked myself over. I was a beautiful, dark, emerald-green- my body was completely encased in scales.
I was shocked speechless; heck, I was too scared to even try talking. ~W-was this what it meant?~ I thought silently. Then it hit me: ~The gem!* I immediately began scrabbling around for it; I remembered dropping it, near my backpack, when I fell to the floor. I found it right next to my backpack.
Unable to pick it up with my paws, I snatched it up in my mouth and turned towards the bathroom door... just as it began to open...

14-Sep-2007 07:53:27 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2009 23:58:51 by xxDkreignxx



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A man walked in, whistling, and went over to a stall. He didn't seem to notice me, so I did my best to hide under the sink. Suddenly, he stopped whistling, slowly turning towards where I was hiding. ~Aw, crud, he did see me!~ I thought, scared. I was holding out the hope that he would figure he'd just imagined me, but when his brown eyes locked with my golden ones... I knew there was no hope.
I don't know what was more green just then- my scales or his face. I didn't give him enough time to contemplate what he'd just seen- I bolted for the door. As I dove out the doorway, I slid across the tiled floor, scrabbling madly.
I flattened my hind-paws and managed to stop myself, then ran down the hallway towards my dad's office. I rounded the corner to see him coming out of his office- probably to come find me. When he turned and saw me running towards him, the look on my dad's face was a cross between shock and disbelief.
It looked like he was about to call out for help, but then he must've seen the Heart of Emerald in mouth. "Aaron...?" he asked as I stopped right in front of him, panting, the gem still clamped firmly in my mouth.

14-Sep-2007 07:53:27 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2009 23:59:20 by xxDkreignxx



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I tried to drop the gem in his outstretched hand, but I couldn't let go of it. The next thing I remember was a BANG! and the look of profound sorrow on my father's face. The pain forced me to drop the gem as I fell to the floor. I turned my head to look at the bleeding hole in my side... and then to the gun, still smoking, in the security-guard's shaking hands.
He immediately dropped the gun, realizing what he'd just done. He staggered backwards, not believing what he was seeing: an actual dragon! I was losing blood... fast. I had to get the bullet out. I bent my neck and opened my jaws. My scales had stopped the bullet from going in very deep, but I had to get it out or I would die from blood-loss.
My jaws closed around the end of the bullet, and I slowly pulled it out: The pain was excruciating. I spat the bullet out and collapsed. My dad immediately ripped off part of his shirt to use as a bandage. Then I remembered Heart of Emerald; I had dropped it when the bullet hit. My head shot up.
I watched in horror as the gem bounced across the hall... and out the window. Without thinking, I jumped right out after it.
I was in free-fall, forty-stories up! My wings were almost forced open by the wind, but I forced them closed and dove straight toward the gem: It was glowing brilliantly in the sunlight, and was impossible to miss. I heard my dad cry out as I dove through the window. ~No turning back now!* I thought determinedly, diving with increasing speed towards the gem. I flared my wings open as I reached the gem, grabbing it in my jaws.

14-Sep-2007 07:53:27 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2009 23:59:37 by xxDkreignxx

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