
~~Brotherly Love~~

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I recall someone mentioning that when a certain group of people are dealt with, often what happens is that even more supporters come along and thus escalate the situation.
Well, Teutonic Knights butchered thousands of pagans, and thus Prussia became Catholic via slaughter. Conquistadores did the same thing in the Americas, so just knowing that, Ronny is a little more than merciful when he gets power and just makes a bunch of priests run away via arrow fire.
Henry VIII declared himself as head of the church in England, and that was when he destroyed the church in England. His soldiers ran around pillaging monasteries and churches, and even butchered monks and priests.
Monks and priests were sometimes paid money to pray for knights and nobles, so that was just one reason why the clergy became so rich and powerful.
But it is not how most people think that, in the Middle Ages, many people were submissive to the church. In the Early Middle Ages, some knights would pillage monasteries, kill monks, and thus support themselves. This is one reason why the First Crusade was assembled, to direct knights' violence somewhere else.
Speaking of brothers, we all know that the eldest son gets everything. Sometimes, younger brothers would get a little bit, and whenever princes were evenly given parts of a country, that was when the princes began waging wars on each other.
For example, when the Mongols attacked Poland, there was no Poland. Poland was cut in pieces and each piece was under rule of a prince (ig, Pomerania, Silesia, Krakowia, etc). As one prince fought the Mongols, the other princes didn't care at all, and were happy for that to happen.
Anyways, last time, in my review, I mentioned that a few times that 'the story felt like a list of feelings,' but you didn't know what I meant by that. I meant it in a sense that the story focused too much on some little man's feelings, because, well, you know – who cares about this little man's feelings?

05-Jul-2011 23:06:02



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That was when I realised what, or who, the statements were referring to.
Also, what my review lacked were suggestions. But, a method that seems to work is to mention 'what I would have done', because it seems that when a person begins to discuss what is wrong with a story, that person wants the story to be the way he wants it to be, when it should be the way the author wants it to be. I sort of discovered that after reflecting my reviews about Cozmic's and Elidinis' stories.
So, what I would have done is add more armour and swords. That is, even though there's no war, what about jousting or the melees? Some tournaments would be up to a few miles wide you know, and sometimes even include villages to be the knights' playground.
Rival knights would often try to kill each other during such large-scale tournaments, so even though war is not Ronny's thing, jousting, melees, and tournaments would be an option regardless of how weak he is.
There was a law in England that, to become a soldier, you would have to feel a few teeth get knocked out your mouth, get knocked off your feet from an attack, and feel exhaustion several times in one day, that sort of thing.
Also, I was interested in Alan. Maybe Alan was also a man-lover? If I typed this story, I would have made a love triangle. Maybe not use Alan, but use another noble, who desperately tries to gain Edward's affection, but fails every time for all sorts of reason. In a fit of jealously, this third man-lover would co-operate with Ronny to tell the king about the secret, and in this way, end the story with two embittered characters.

05-Jul-2011 23:06:17



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Well, that's what I would have done. Not saying that you should rewrite the story and do that, but at least this puts one suggestion to try and show that my review wasn't lacking in that subject.
Thus I have accomplished my unfinished duty.
I might reread Priceless some time down the road, dunno when though. And look at that, I did not read this story once, but TWICE! *crowd gasps*
Well, that's all for now, until next time, I suppose.

I think I type too much. |:
oh, and btw, I loved the smiley at the end of the letter.

05-Jul-2011 23:06:39 - Last edited on 05-Jul-2011 23:07:15 by Azigarath



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“Found it kind of funny that a cat made Ronny discover the little secret, and then Edward ate a mouse later on. Cats.*
--That wasn’t intended. :P . I was only bringing in that cat as a reference to Bob the Jagex cat.
”In a way, princes were not really lovable things. There are numerous stories about brotherly love amongst princes during their childhood, but once they find out that there's competition to the throne, they often plotted to remove each other.”
--I love Princes though. Lol. Maybe it also depends the relationships between the princes as children, which would later affect their approach to competition? Some princes never wanted to be King at all.
”Conquistadores did the same thing in the Americas, so just knowing that, Ronny is a little more than merciful when he gets power and just makes a bunch of priests run away via arrow fire.”
--The lore of RS suggests that in King Roald’s younger years he was criticized for cowering before Saradomin churches. That said, it’s not unreasonable to allow him to disperse these priests with arrows in the later years in memory of his brother.
”Anyways, last time, in my review, I mentioned that a few times that 'the story felt like a list of feelings,' but you didn't know what I meant by that. I meant it in a sense that the story focused too much on some little man's feelings, because, well, you know – who cares about this little man's feelings? That was when I realised what, or who, the statements were referring to.”
”Rival knights would often try to kill each other during such large-scale tournaments, so even though war is not Ronny's thing, jousting, melees, and tournaments would be an option regardless of how weak he is.”

07-Jul-2011 18:00:50



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--I’m not sure how to fit this into the story O_o . True, I try to tell a story that has zero battle/fight scenes, and nothing of the sort. Would you not think that adding this element in the earlier parts of the story (while it does fill out background information, yes), the focus of this story, i.e., the act of outing a brother and feel remorse, be blurred?
”Also, I was interested in Alan. Maybe Alan was also a man-lover? If I typed this story, I would have made a love triangle. Maybe not use Alan, but use another noble, who desperately tries to gain Edward's affection, but fails every time for all sorts of reason. In a fit of jealously, this third man-lover would co-operate with Ronny to tell the king about the secret, and in this way, end the story with two embittered characters.”
--Haha! :D . I’ve never thought of this before. This is totally viable. I have a teddy called Alan and for random purposes I included him in this story.
“oh, and btw, I loved the smiley at the end of the letter.”
--Really? Many people hate it. :P

07-Jul-2011 18:00:56



Posts: 9,271 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
”Anyways, last time, in my review, I mentioned that a few times that 'the story felt like a list of feelings,' but you didn't know what I meant by that. I meant it in a sense that the story focused too much on some little man's feelings, because, well, you know – who cares about this little man's feelings? That was when I realised what, or who, the statements were referring to.”
^ Myself, really, looks like I forgot to finish the sentence. I was, well, thinking 'who cares about Ronny?' and then reflected the description about his state of mind and his part in the story, so life does really go on. It sort of made me think why Ronny is the way he is, a reflection about myself only really.

And, yeah, I suppose that the joust or tournament wouldnt fit in the story at all, but I was thinking about the manly ego that many men had during this time, but that doesnt fit in RS. There aren't even horses in RuneScape.
Some princes did not want to be king, which is true, and some princes surely were affectionate to their siblings, but it looks like that was uncommon. When I use generalization, I don't mean every single person, but just 'most of them-ish'.
I actaully didnt know Roald was in fear of the Saradomin guys, so in this case Ronny and Roald are opposites.
Honestly, there was one thing that bothered me. Edward was good at magic, as is mentioned early in the story, but to what extent I can't tell. I'm guessing simple magic, magic for entertainment. When Edward was imprisoned in the tower, it was sealed with a magic barrier, so I wondered. 'couldnt Edward use his own magic to dispell it?'
But I'm guessing that being in jail has a toll on everyone's mind, and then again he didnt have any runes either.
And that's all, probably, for now.

07-Jul-2011 20:08:16

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